The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 617: Mother-in-law, your prediction is really a bunker...Speak from the bottom of my heart!

Teachers are really a very convenient profession. Lin Luo stayed in Nanoha's room with the door locked for an afternoon. When he came out, not only did his parents say nothing, but instead greeted them. If you change your status as a teacher, even if you don’t hit you with a broomstick, you will at least be suspicious, and always treat you like a lo*ic*n...

However, everything has two sides. As a teacher, you will still encounter some problems, such as Niha’s schoolwork... Because of concern about her daughter’s performance in school, at the dinner table, Nanoha’s parents often ask Lin. What's Lonaye's recent grades? Will he lose his mind during class, or how about his relationship with his classmates?

It's not that they don't believe in Lyrical Nanoha, but it's just that there is a rare teacher here who wants to hear other people's comments on their daughter from the side.

Lin Luo didn’t fully understand the complex of Naha’s parents. Anyway, he knew that Naha was very good, so he picked up some good things, even if there were any shortcomings, he would say: "Although Naha’s recent The grades are a bit unsatisfactory, but she is very serious in listening to the class. I can see her progress, which is very good."

As a result, the shortcomings also become the advantages. Nanoha would feel embarrassed to be so praised, but his parents were very happy. After all, everyone hopes that their child is an excellent child in the eyes of others.

"Does the teacher make up lessons for other students?" Momoko Takamachi suddenly asked halfway through.

Lin Luo didn't know what she meant when she asked this. To tell the truth, "No, I don't have a lot of free time. Speaking of which I still have things to do today, it was delayed."

The reason why he said this was not a complaint, he just didn't want to be left to watch TV after dinner, and wanted to get out early, but Momoko in Takamachi had other meanings.

"Oh, that's really embarrassing, because my teacher Naha has no time to do her own thing." Momoko Takamachi apologized first, and then smiled, "But the teacher really cares about Naha, it's a rare thing. Lyn’s rest days were given to Lyrical Nanoha."

"It's nothing, Nanoha is a good boy, and I like it very much." Lin Luo smiled and slapped haha.

"That's good... By the way, the teacher is young, don't know if you have a girlfriend?"

"" Lin Luo only said that she was talking casually. After all, many people have the heart of gossip, so he answered casually, but Takating Taozi's next sentence threw him to death.

Just listen to Takamachi Momoko smiled and said, "Then the teacher, should I be Nanoha's boyfriend?"

"Puff!" Lin Luo just took a bite of the fish. He shook his hand when he heard these words. The whole fishbone was stuck in his throat, almost killing him. When he raised his head, his face was already flushed...although Most of them are bloated.

"Mom!" Lyrical Nanoha blushed completely because of her shyness. She probably didn't even think that her mother would say such open words.

"Oh, isn't it okay?" Takamachi Momoko said suspiciously, looking at Lyrical Nanoha.

"That... of course not good, I'm still a primary school student!" Lyrical Nanoha said.

"Yeah, Nanoha is too young now, it is not appropriate to talk about this." Takamachi Shiro nodded, and the two brothers and sisters of Nanoha also agreed, "Mom is too worried, this topic is ten years old. ."

No, I think what you are complaining about is wrong... Lin Luo thought to himself.

"Really? I think it's late." After hearing a few people's words, Takamachi Momoko suddenly touched his chin and frowned, "I don't know why, I have a feeling, if I don't decide at this time, Nai Ye can't get married until he's thirty. That's too bad."

"Mom, you're overworried, how could that kind of thing be possible? Lyrical Nanoha is so cute that many people will follow her when she grows up." Takamachi Miyuki waved his hand calmly.

Including Naha, the family obviously didn't care about Takamachi Momoko's worry at all, but Lin Luo could only say one thing in his heart: Mother-in-law, you are super god!

Yes, Takamachi Momoko’s "prophecy" is correct. Without his intervention, Lyrical Nanoha would join the Space-Time Administration at the age of ten, and then continue to work for the Space-Time Administration, even if he established a mobile with Fett Hayate. Six lessons, but in the end it is just a "lost items management department".

What is the Big Three of the Space-Time Administration? To put it harder to say, their existence is nothing more than the props of the high-level members of the Space-Time Administration. Even the use of magic is restricted. Even Iori Haruka, as the commander of Mobile Six Lessons, has to personally. Going to the front line... and they themselves are still completely the same until they are thirty years old. Although there are lilies, although they have adopted daughters, but... Takamachi Momoko's sentence is true that she did not marry.

"So, what do you think, sir? Do you want to make a marriage with Lyrical Nanoha now? Anyway, you also like Lyrical Nanoha's." Takamachi Momoko ignored the opinions of his family and asked Lin Luo.

"This..." Lin Luo said that there was a lot of pressure. He didn't know when the topic began to extend so far. "This matter is too far away. I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later..."

Lin Luo had no choice but to perfunctorily, although he wanted to agree to it in his heart.

The dinner ended shortly afterwards. Although the topic on the table was very research-oriented, no one except Takamachi Momoko took it to heart... Or even Takamachi Momoko was just joking, but there is no one else. When mentioned, it's just that Lyrical Nanoha blushed slightly.

Lin Luo left after dinner, and the Nayha family did not continue to stay. On the way back, Lin Luo began to think about Fett, especially her ability.

From the battle during the day, and his plan was successful, Lin Luo more or less guessed what type of Fett’s ability belonged to. If his guess was true, then Fett’s ability would not be better than that of Neyha. Foreseeing the future is inferior, and even stronger in some respects.

"If that's the case, maybe we have to change our policy..."

…When they returned to the apartment, Fett and Elf were having dinner, but it seemed that Fett had no appetite, and the food placed in front of her was only a small corner missing. On the contrary, Elf had a good appetite, at least on the table Three packaging bags for her special food have been removed.

"Ah! You guy!" Seeing Lin Luo coming back, Elf immediately rushed forward aggressively, pointed to his nose and asked, "You guy helped that little girl during the day and let Fett eat it. With such a big loss, on which side are you on earth?!"

"You are so excited." Lin Luo smiled awkwardly, and pulled out her finger calmly, and then pointed at Fett, "Can you give me some time? I want to talk to Fett...well, no need Too much time, at most one hour is enough."

"What do you want to do?" Elf frowned suddenly, looking at Lin Luo's eyes, somewhat like looking at a collaborator and treason spy.

Lin Luo suddenly smiled bitterly, "I said, you don't need to look at me like this. Since I said I want to help Fett, I won't go out and turn around. The reason why I helped that little girl is for Fett's sake."

"...Well, for the sake of Fett getting the seed of the holy stone in the end, I don't care about this, and I only give you one hour. If you dare to do strange things to Fett, I I won't let you go!" As he said, Elf walked out with the food packaging bag and closed the door with a slam.

Fett didn't seem to care about these two people's actions. He just sat there in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking. Even Lin Luo walked up to her and sat down, and she didn't even look at it.

"So unprepared, it would be dangerous if it were the enemy." Lin Luo touched her hair and said softly.

"I saw it." Fett said lightly.

"Really..." Lin Luo couldn't help asking, seeing that she didn't seem to have the intention to speak, "Do you have any thoughts on today? For example, I helped the girl named Neha, Elf seemed very angry."

Fett shook his head.

"So what do you think about Lyrical Nanoha?"

Fett still shook his head.

Lin Luo smiled bitterly to himself. Sure enough, the current Fett is a girl with three nos. It is quite difficult to get some words out of her mouth. If you don't throw a major bait, she probably won't bother you.

"Fett, although you are a very good magister, you can't take **** in the battle with Lyrical Nanoha."

Lin Luo said another sentence, and this sentence immediately attracted Fett's attention, looking at Lin Luo puzzled, of course, there was also a point of disbelief. Although Lyrical Nanoha's strength is indeed much stronger than the first time I saw it, Fett still has the confidence to defeat her.

"I didn't speak big words, do you want to know why?" Looking at the doubts in Fett's eyes, Lin Luo knew that she had successfully challenged her curiosity... There is a saying how to say, when a woman is curious , It means that she is not far from the fall.

And now Fett is curious, so she will soon fall. The question is: Is she fall into the harem of Lyrical Nanoha or fall into the harem of Lin Luo?

"...Why?" Fett hesitated for a while, and finally asked.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Because Lyrical Nanoha has the ability to predict the future... She can see part of what will happen in the future, including you."

"Predict?!" Rao was Fett, his expression changed after hearing this sentence.

Lin Luo nodded, "In today's battle, the reason why you could not defeat her is because she saw the result of your attack, so she was able to hide in time. And more than that, her foreseeing dream also saw your In the future, so... Fett, you are naked in front of Lyrical Nanoha, without any secrets."

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