The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 619: The first foodie competition is over, and then...the second role play

What do you say? By the way, giving birth to a child is like Sun Zhongmou, but Lin Luo now wants to say something: Mother-in-law is like a peach in Gaoding. If in reality every woman’s mother has one-tenth of the openness of Takamachi Momoko, there might not be so many house slaves, marriage slaves, car slaves...Of course, these have nothing to do with Lin Luo, anyway, he is no longer He will be a similar slave again, but he is still somewhat stressed at the moment.

As soon as Takamachi Momoko's battle for husband and wife came out, not to mention how embarrassing and awkward the expressions of Nanoha and Fett were. Some school girls and housewives who came to Tsuiya for snacks all looked at them with beast-like expressions. Looking at Lin Luo, the few male creatures were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Of course, whether it is despised, envious, or expectant or onlookers, at this moment, most people's eyes are focused on this game, they want to see what the result will be... With the two small bodies of Ye and Feite, it will not be easy to eat cream puffs for ten people, so the process is also very exciting.

There were too many people onlookers, even if Nanoha and Fett were a bit calm and unable to calm down, especially Nanoha, listening to her mother’s encouragement sounding in her ears, she wanted to buy a piece of tofu to hit it a few times. It would be best to leave here, but... if she runs away, she will lose the game!

Although this awkward atmosphere made Nanoha a little unbearable, she didn't want to lose. Similarly, Fett doesn't want to lose, no matter how trivial the game is, losing means that he can't get the seed of the holy stone.

"Okay, it seems that you are all ready, then..." Lin Luo glanced at the two of them, and found that they were all ready, looking like they were ready, and she couldn't help feeling a little amused in her heart, but there was no expression on her face. Come out, then the gesture falls, "Go!"


Following Lin Luo's order, Nanoha and Fett held up a plate of cream puffs in front of them like lightning, and stuffed them into their mouths... cream puffs are a Western-style snack that looks like Like biscuits, the outside is swollen and soft, and the inside is wrapped in cream, which can be eaten in your hand.

A serving of cream puffs is about 20 yuan. If it is the appetite of an adult man, it is definitely not enough, but the main customers of Jade House are some girls, and this person is almost full. And Fett and Neha are nine-year-old girls, and their appetites are even smaller.

Fortunately, Nanoha was seduced by the Sacred Stone Seed just after school without even eating dinner. In addition, she hadn't eaten snacks when she was in school, and her stomach was empty, so she ate quickly at first. As for Fett, he hasn't eaten much during this period, almost on an empty stomach, and the speed of eating is not inferior to that of Nayeh.

In less than ten minutes, the two had each wiped out three cream puffs, but when they reached for the fourth set, their bodies suddenly trembled and their brows wrinkled slightly, because it was already coming from their stomachs. A full belly signal, if you continue to eat, you will hold on.

"Come on, Nanoha, you can't fall here, there are only seven dishes left, for your future, wipe them all out!" Seeing her girl deterred, Takamachi Momoko immediately spoke to encourage her.

"The blond little sister also wants to cheer. If you lose, your brother will be snatched away." A girl onlookers shouted to Fett. She probably read more taboo novels and kept talking about her siblings. Love or something.

Fett and Neye turned a deaf ear to the words around them, looking up at each other, sparks faintly shot in their eyes.

After staring at each other for less than a second, Fett stretched out his hand and grabbed it on the fourth plate. He said in his heart: This girl has not been exposed to magic not long ago. She is still an ordinary person, and it is impossible to eat too much. It is impossible to completely eat these ten people, but... my physique can eat more than her, and I won't lose!

At the same time, Lyrical Nanoha had already pressed her hand on the fourth plate, grabbed the cream puff and put her mouth cold, thinking to herself: Jade House’s dim sums are all specially made by her mother, which is different from other shops, Fei It's the first time Tejiang came to Jade House. She certainly wouldn't know how to eat more, but...I know the dim sum my mother makes best, so I won't lose!

With a mindset of not admitting defeat, both of them tried their best to wipe out the food on the table. With the stunned gaze of the people around, the fourth set was wiped out, the fifth set was wiped out, and then the sixth set was the seventh set and the eighth set... They didn't pause until the eighth set was finished, but by the time of the ninth set, their outstretched hand was already trembling, and the other hand was pressing on the stomach, and their faces were full of pain.

It seems a bit too much...Lin Luo frowned slightly when he watched this scene. Although the ten-person puff is nothing to him, it can be quickly wiped out if it is a SABER. If you change to a foodie, You Yu Zi Lian It is not enough to stuff the teeth between the teeth, but for the two nine-year-old girls, Neyefitt, this task is not much easier than letting them break the earth.

But Lin Luo didn't want to call a stop. It was just a little uncomfortable to eat at the most. It was far better than the damage caused by their fighting, and this kind of eating game is not what ordinary children often do... This is exactly what Fetter lacks most, and it is what Neha wants.

"Come on, there are only two sets left, try to see if you can surpass the limit!" Lin Luo couldn't help but cheer them up.

"Nye-chan, come on!"

"You can't lose the Fett sauce!"

"Nayha, please, so that my mother can watch you put on a wedding dress before you are thirty, you must not lose!"

"Little sister Fett, please let me, Amakusa Shino, be able to see the sibling relationship reached in reality, to win!"


The crowd onlookers cheered for the two girls. Among them, there were normal and curious ones. Of course, the most curious was Takamachi Momoko's speech, and the girl named Amakusa Shino who likes brother and sister love... Lin Luo thinks this name. She was a bit familiar and couldn't help but glance at her more.

Noting Lin Luo's gaze, the girl who had always supported Fetter looked back at Lin Luo, patted her chest and said, "Hello, I am Amakusa Shino, president of the student council of Yingcai College. I am concerned about the love affair between your brothers and sisters. I am very supportive. By the way, please remember to invite me when you get married. It would be best if you can invite me to visit your bridal chamber by the way. I am very interested in that."

"Huh?..." Well, Lin Luo thinks that the existence of this guy is a curiosity in itself. After all, how did this guy become the president of the student union? Is this kind of interest really okay?

Selectively ignoring the words of this curious president, Lin Luo looked at the two girls in the game. With the cheering of everyone, Fett and Niye regained their power and launched their strongest enemy at the moment, cream puffs. A fierce attack, although his stomach was almost too swollen to eat.

Compared with the beginning, the speed of the two of them is much slower, from eating piece by piece to sipping bite by bite. It takes at least one minute to eat just one piece...and it took another twenty minutes or so. In the end, half of the cream puffs in the hands of the two fell on the table, and their upper bodies leaned down, seemingly unable to lift them up.

"Eat... I can't eat it anymore." The two said in unison, their voices weak.

"Well, that's the end of the game, no problem, right?" Lin Luo saw that they really couldn't continue to eat anymore. In order to prevent them from eating bad stomachs, he asked out loud.

The two girls couldn't answer and could only gesture with their eyes.

Then, Lin Luo counted the cream puffs left over from each of them. The remaining half of the puff was not a piece, Nayha still had fifteen yuan, and Fett had fourteen yuan, so of course the winner of this competition That is, "Fett!"

Some people are happy and sad about this result. Needless to say, Lyrical Nanoha and Fett themselves, Takamachi Momoko exaggeratedly embraced her petite body, tears streaming down her face, "I'm sorry, Nanoha, I'm so sorry, mom doesn't have it. Raise you into a foodie, don’t worry, even if you are really thirty years old and you can’t get married, your mother will still support you for the rest of your life, oooooo..."

"Mom..." Lyrical Nanoha could only smile awkwardly, and she had no strength to refute.

On the other hand, the president of the student council named Amakusa Shino took Lin Luo and Fett’s hands and congratulated them with excitement, as if the winner was her, "Wish you, I congratulate you on behalf of the entire Yingcai University. , Will always support this relationship between your brothers and sisters, please live happily."

"That..." Although Lin Luo didn't have any support, he was also unable to complain.

"It's really bad, I chose my own sister."

"Yes, although lo*ic*n is already terrible, but sister control is even worse."

"It's not so bad. I'm going to marry my sister. This is already a scumbag."

"Should we call the police? Such a cute little girl is going to be caught by her brother..."

During the game, everyone’s focus was on the game, but as soon as the game was over, Lin Luo immediately became the target of the public. The surrounding young women, student girls, and a few male prostitutes cast contemptuous glances at Lin Luo. , Whispering in private. There are even a few who seem to be ACG fans, and even the words "Yu Ge is second, Cheng Ge is above" have come out. Obviously in the eyes of these people, Lin Luo's benefits have surpassed these two brothers, so let them Envy and hate even more.

Lin Luo felt very aggrieved. How did a good fight for the Seed of the Sacred Stone become his own criticism conference? By the way, this is just a misunderstanding by Takamachi Momoko alone, so why did you follow? Don't be infected by her, bastard!

In view of the great influence of Takamachi Momoko, Lin Luo was a bit unable to bear so many grievances. After saying to Takamachi Momoko that this was just a preliminary match, he immediately ran away from the green house with Fett... Takamachi Momoko gotta Knowing that the game has not ended, Lyrical Nanoha still has a chance, and immediately burst into laughter. Curious Hunting President Amakusa Xiao originally wanted to follow Lin Luo and Fett's bridal chamber Huazhu Night, but Lin Luo easily threw it away.


After returning to the apartment, because he had eaten too much, Fett vomited a little, and came out of the bathroom, his entire little face became extremely pale. At this time Lin Luo had just prepared dinner, and when she came out, he immediately asked with a smile: "Fett, do you want to eat together? Today's dinner is very rich."

Fett raised her brows, she felt nauseous when she saw the food, and asked her to eat... Fett knew that the other party must be teasing herself deliberately.

"You're sick, Fett has been eating it!" Elf, who was transformed into a human form again, gave Lin Luo a scornful look, and at the same time, she stuffed her mouth with an extremely fast method... Her action was right. For Fett, the invitation from Lin Luo was more shocking.

Fett watched for three seconds, then turned around and walked into the bathroom, vomiting again.

"Fett... doesn't it matter?" Elf couldn't help being a little worried, and asked Lin Luo.

"It's okay, this is a normal reaction of people who eat and support." Lin Luo said nonchalantly.

Elf called out an anger, took a deep breath, forced himself not to be angry, and said in a deep voice: "I know she is eating up, so I asked if it doesn't matter!"

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "It's better to eat than to eat nothing, even if she vomits more, but today is full of food, are you right?"

"Ah! Could it be that you..." Elf was stunned. She suddenly understood the significance of Lin Luo's game today. There will definitely be some impact on the normal development of Lin Luo, and Lin Luo’s compulsory eating competition...

"Would you not use this kind of food competition to determine the ownership of the Sacred Stone Seed every time, right?"

"How is it possible? This kind of competition is enough to do it once. It is not good for your health to eat and support every time. Moreover, if you eat every time, it would be so monotonous.

"Then what are you going to use next time?"

"Let's talk about this when you get the seed of the holy stone next time."

"..." Elf frowned, she always felt that Lin Luo's game would be unexpected, just like this time, "But if you play like this, aren't you afraid of Fett and the others angry? In case they stop cooperating with you... …"

"Have you seen them angry?" Lin Luo smiled before Elf finished. "Don't you see it? Since coming back, Fett's expression is much more relaxed than before."

"Uh!" Elf thought about it carefully. Indeed, if it was Fett from the past, whether it was an angry thing or a happy thing, she would always have the same iceberg expression, but now, or say In the past two days, the expression on Fett's face has changed significantly and is no longer static.

"It doesn't matter whether you are angry or happy. It is a normal human being that can express all these emotions. Don't you think so?" Lin Luo looked at Elf and grinned.

In the bathroom, after two vomiting, Fett felt that his stomach felt much better, at least not as uncomfortable as before. After looking in the mirror for a while, his face gradually returned to normal.

"I have already got three..." Fett looked at the Triangular Lightning Tomahawk on the back of her hand, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes. Although she had only been in this world for three days, she had already got three. The seed of the sacred stone, as long as you continue to work hard, you will soon be able to get more.

"What kind of game will be next?" Not only is Elf curious, but now even Fett is interested in Lin Luo's next game. Although today's game was embarrassing and uncomfortable for her, her heart... …Not annoying, just like playing with friends.


As time passed by, the seed of the holy stone did not produce power fluctuations every day. The next day everyone searched for a day and did not find the specific location of the next seed of the holy stone, but a few days later it was also on Saturday. In the morning, the fluctuations of the Seed of the Sacred Stone were transmitted again.

Although Fett and Lyrical Nanoha were in different positions, they felt it for the first time. Fett immediately went to the place of the incident to seal the incident. After finishing a little bit, Lyrical Nanoha also left the house. They arrived almost at the same time. The location of the Seed of the Sacred Stone.

This time the Sacred Stone Seed was in the commercial district in the east of Narumi City. Although I don’t know how it was started, its power has spread to the entire commercial district, causing serious chaos in the neighborhood. For this reason, Nanoha and the others had to act Before opening the enchantment.

Then, after the efforts of the two, the seed of the holy stone was sealed by them again.

Facing the Sacred Stone Seed floating in mid-air, neither of the two girls stepped forward, but turned their eyes to Lin Luo. Obviously, they were going to decide the ownership of this Sacred Stone Seed through a competition.

Of course Lin Luo would not refuse this, and collected the Sacred Stone Seed into the storage space, and then Nanoha and Fett released the magical girl state and returned to the ground. Yuno also closed the enchantment... although this time the Sacred Stone Seed The area affected was stronger than last time, but the temple was sealed in time and did not cause huge damage to the city. Normal order was quickly restored, and no one seemed to remember the chaos just now.

"After the Sacred Stone Seed was sealed, these affected people seemed to have lost that part of their memory." Lyrical Nanoha said, she was quite satisfied with the result.

"Okay, let's go to the next competition venue." Lin Luo patted Nayha on the shoulder, and then said to everyone, "By the way, it doesn't matter if Elf doesn't need to be a puppy this time."

"What's the content of this competition?" Neha asked, and Fett looked at Lin Luo curiously.

Lin Luo smiled calmly, "This is a prohibited matter."

Then Lin Luo stopped a taxi. After almost half an hour of Mercedes-Benz, the taxi stopped opposite a building, and then everyone got off, but when they saw the banner on the first floor of the building , Nanoha and Fett were stunned on the spot.

"! Could it be that this game..." Elf looked at the opposite banner calmly, and even Yuno almost fell off Nanoha's shoulder.

Lin Luo put his hands on his hips, and then pointed to the opposite banner, "Yes, the activities held in this building now are the content of our competition this time."

What was written on the banner was: Starry Magical Girl Official Cosplqy Exhibition Conference!

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