The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 646: Magical Girl Shippuden...Here is also going to start

My name is Iori Hayate, I am an ordinary three-year elementary school student, or...a little bit different from ordinary people, because I am the only one living in the huge family. My father and mother ascended to the sky and turned into stars when I was very young, and my legs were unable to walk because of my illness. For this reason, I rarely go to school and don’t have many friends, as if the whole world is only alone.

Sometimes I would secretly cry at night when hiding in the quilt, crying until dawn, complaining about this world, why only I encountered such a tragic thing, why can't I be accompanied by my parents like other children, why can't I be like in school Of my classmates walked to school normally and laughed... There are many people who want to complain, and many people who feel dissatisfied, but!

I don’t know who told me that if you have a sad and gloomy mood, the disease that could have been good will not be cured because of this mood, and it will slowly evolve into despair, not only hurting others, but also hurting yourself. If you maintain an optimistic spirit every day, the disease will also be scared off, and you will not dare to stay on yourself, one day you will be able to see things that make you happy.

Although I don’t know whether these words are true or not, there’s nothing wrong with trying to believe them, so I gradually gave up my tears and learned to smile... Maybe there are gods in this world, even though my disease doesn’t As a result, it improved, but it did not deteriorate. Every day is full of sunshine and warmth.

Gradually, I learned how to live as a person. Even if I didn’t go to school, I finished the third grade of elementary school. I was able to cook delicious food even in a wheelchair. Even if I was alone when I was eating, I just need to think of this. There are people who care about themselves in the world, and that is enough to be happy.

Moreover, I am not alone. Although I have no parents, I still have an uncle who not only supports me in life, but also sends greetings every once in a while so that I don’t have to worry about the trivial things of life. You can also feel the love of your loved ones.

I think it is a blessing to be born in this world.

Recently, I finally had a friend. She was a nurse trainee in the Haiming University Hospital where I was treated. Although she was slightly older than me, she felt like a child similar to me. She is very innocent and cheerful. She sings very well and tells me various stories... As long as I listen to her singing and look at her sincere smile on her face, I will be happy for a long time.

And because of this friend, I, who didn’t like the hospital so much, gradually began to like going to the hospital. In addition to regular weekly check-ups, I would also go to the hospital for a visit even in normal times... By the way, she Also has a strange name like me, called-the future.

Speaking of the hospital, tomorrow is the time for regular check-ups again. Let’s read a book and see 12 o’clock today, and get up early tomorrow. In the future, I really like to eat the food I cook.


At 8 o'clock in the morning, as the most famous hospital in Haiming City-Haiming University Hospital, countless people have entered and exited one after another at this moment. Both doctors, nurses and patients are very busy, but there is one exception... that It was a girl with a green double ponytail wearing a nurse trainee uniform, and her name, Hatsune Miku, was written on the work card that hung on her chest.

The girl sat on the guardrail at the entrance of the hospital, ignoring the surprised and puzzled eyes of people passing by, humming a little song while shaking her feet, and glanced at the road outside from time to time, as if she was waiting for someone.

After about ten minutes or so, a figure suddenly appeared at the corner of the end of the avenue. It was a girl of almost ten years old, sitting in a wheelchair, pulling the wheel hard to move forward.

Seeing this person's appearance, the girl's eyes lit up and she jumped off the guardrail with a crash. The skirt corners of the nurse's uniform fluttered with the wind. When her toes touched the ground, she immediately rushed forward and came in a moment later. In front of the wheelchair girl, with a cheerful smile on her face, she stretched out her hand, "Good morning, Haifengchan!"

"Ah... the future!" This wheelchair girl is Yasami Hayate, because she just tried to pull the wheelchair, she hadn't seen the other person running over before, and at this moment, just like those passers-by, she showed a somewhat surprised look.

"Why did you come here alone? At least you should find someone to take you for such a long road, or call the hospital. It is not convenient for you to walk. If you encounter an idiot, it will be troublesome." Hatsune walked behind the girl. Complained while pushing the wheelchair.

"What's the matter, Haiming City’s law and order is very good, there will be no idiots..." Hearing this sentence, Haifeng was somewhat embarrassed, and looked back at the girl behind him, "Everyone in the hospital today is very Busy, I’m sorry to cause trouble to everyone, and I’m just a little bit inconvenient to move. As long as I work a little harder, I can still get through on my own strength."

"Although you are right to say that, you can find me. Anyway, I don't have much to do every day. I have been boring just now." Hatsune pouted.

"Aren't you a nurse trainee, don't you need to work?" Haifeng wanted to ask just now. The other nurse ladies are busy now, but Hatsune is pushing the wheelchair slowly, as if not in a hurry. She doubted whether the other party was a nurse at all.

"Because I am a privileged person and I don't need to work." Hatsune blinked and said mysteriously.

"Privilege?" Hayate looked blank.

"That's right." Hatsune nodded, his tone somewhat triumphant, "When I came to this hospital, I cast eye-catching spells on the dean and head nurse, so I was the only nurse in this hospital who didn't have to work. Just play happily every day."

"Ah! Haha... That's how it turned out." Haifeng was speechless, not knowing what expression to face. She will definitely not believe the eye-catching spells. It is probably just the other party playing jokes, but she can tell how much Hatsune has privileges. Maybe she has some relatives with the senior staff of the hospital, just let her come. I play in the hospital, so I don’t have to work.

Of course, Haifeng will not deliberately ask about these things. Everyone has their own secrets. No matter what identity Hatsune has, she only knows that the other party is her best friend... That's enough.

"By the way, in the future, have you eaten breakfast?"

"It doesn't seem to be there yet."

"Why is it like it?" Hayate murmured, picked up a lunch box from his legs and handed it back, and smiled, "This is the special dish I made in the morning. Do you want to eat it?"

"Ah, that's great, Hayate's food is the best." Hatsune nodded again and again, and after taking it, there was no ladylike image and began to gobble up.

"Haha." Hayate also felt very happy to see her eating so happily.

Soon, a box of breakfast was wiped out by Hatsune. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and smiled: "As a return of breakfast, let me sing to you."

"Okay, I also like listening to the song that Miku sings the most."

"Um... then we will have a love cycle." Hatsune reached out his hand, then cleared his throat, and sang softly, "Prepare~ I can't go on like this, please look at it like this, my heart is already You sink deeper and deeper..."

By the end of the song, the two have entered the hospital. The regular check-ups of Haifeng are fixed, and there is no need to wait in line. They can proceed as soon as they enter. During this time, Hatsune is waiting outside the ward.

Half an hour later, the door of the ward opened and a young female doctor walked out in a wheelchair.

"How is it?" Hatsune immediately asked Hayate who was sitting on the wheel.

"It's okay, the same as before. Although it won't get better for a while, there is no danger." Haifeng said with a smile, but her eyes were still somewhat melancholy, because she knew that she was suffering from this disease, and it is likely to be forever. If it is not cured, it also means that she will never be able to walk.

Taking the wheelchair from the doctor, Hatsune pushed the wind to the lawn in the hospital, seemingly to enlighten the other person. She talked and laughed along the way, picking up some happy things to tell. The laughter and joy of the two were all over this green area. Shady land.

On this grassland, there are many children besides them. Seeing them playing happily, Haifeng suddenly said, "In the future, what is it like to walk on the ground with two feet?"

Hatsune was taken aback for a moment, and she who was planning to continue telling the story suddenly stopped. After hesitating for a moment, she seemed to have made up her mind to walk to the opposite side of Haifeng, squatted down, and said with a serious face: "Haifeng, do you want to walk on your own feet? ?"

"Uh!" Haifeng had never seen such a serious expression before. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly, "Um...Although I have always hoped so, but I also know that some things are undesirable, and I I feel that I am happy enough now, I'm sorry, in the future, because my words make you unhappy."

"Yeah." Hatsune shook his head slowly, "I hope that his illness can be cured. This is not an excessive thing, so Haifeng does not need to apologize. I know that Haifeng's disease will be cured in the future, although it may happen. Some things that don’t steal, but the happiness you hope will definitely be realized."

Having said that, she suddenly took out a blue gem from her pocket and handed it over.

"this is?"


"No, this is too precious, I can't accept it." Hayate shook her head. Although she didn't know what gem this was, it was definitely not an ordinary thing from the perspective of color, and it was definitely very valuable.

"It's nothing precious, it's just a stall that I picked up casually. This is my heart, so just accept it."

Hatsune stuffed the gems into Hayate's hands in a tone that couldn't be rejected, and called the seed of the holy stone as a stall. It is estimated that she is the only one in the entire plane.

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