The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 654: Call the name of the Magic Book of Night Sky... King of Night Sky!

The existence of the guardian knight is for the master of the book of darkness. To put it bluntly, it is the thugs made by the book of darkness. previous generations of the master of the book of darkness used the guardian knight in this way, but Iori Hayate is a bit different. She doesn’t like fighting, and she doesn’t want to fight for anything. Since meeting the guardian knights, she has not treated the guardian knights as thugs like the previous masters, but treated them as family members, let alone other things. The master conquered the world or something like that, but lived peacefully.

For the Guardian Knight, everything is brand new.

Precisely because of this, the Guardian Knights who could only fight and absolutely obey the master's orders, but don't think about anything else, have new ideas to make them more like humans. In a few months of life, the Guardian Knights understood the difference of this new master. In addition to fighting, they considered more about how to make their master live happier every day.

If there are no accidents, then this generation of Dark Lord and her guardian knights will have been living a peaceful and quiet life of ordinary people, but!

Because of the curse of the Book of Darkness, Iori Hayate did not have the idea of ​​becoming the King of Darkness. The magical power in the body could not be used, and the solidified magical power would gradually eat away at her life. Originally, it would take half a year for the guardian knights to find this symptom. ... Lin Luo dared to go to the Space-Time Administration Bureau with confidence because of this, because he had absolute confidence to come back within half a year.

But because Hatsune Miku placed a holy stone seed in the body of Iori Hayate, I don’t know what kind of changes she made. In short, the time span was greatly advanced. In only three months, the guardian knights Having discovered the abnormality of Iori Hayate, he began to collect the pages of the Dark Book without telling his owner.

They thought that as long as they collected enough pages to complete the Book of Darkness, Iori Hayate would be able to return to normal and gain absolute power. However, they forgot the real name of the Book of Darkness and did not know the body of the Book of Darkness. They didn't know that if the Book of Darkness was completed... it would only accelerate the death of Iori Hayate!

Of course, you don’t need to discuss things you don’t know.

In order for their masters to live normally, they would rather give up the honor of knights and complete the Dark Book, but the premise of all that is that Iori Hayate must be alive, but now... Iori Hayate has disappeared, even if they have completed the Dark What's the use of books? !

"Have you found it?" Hignum asked immediately when she stood on the balcony on the second floor, where she often hugged her master to watch the night sky and stars. Hearing the footsteps behind her.

"No." Shamaer shook her head, her eyes filled with loss and confusion, "I've looked for it everywhere, and there is no strong wind, and her mobile phone is also turned off. Even I was in the hospital and Suzuka. I called, but..."

"Don't panic, at least Master Haifeng is still alive. We can be sure of this." Hignum said calmly. Although she is also very anxious, as the leader, if she is also panicked and overwhelmed, then The people below will be more chaotic.

"Vita and Zafira have already gone outside to search, and there is no news yet, but...where are they going? With the body of the master of the wind, even if you go out, it is impossible to go far, and it is so late, she I won't run out alone." Signam frowned, and she couldn't figure it out.

"That's right!" Shamaer nodded immediately, "I have arranged enchantments around the house. If anyone enters or exits, I will definitely find out..."

The defensive enchantment she arranged, as long as someone stepped into the vicinity of this room, she would feel it for the first time, so ordinary people couldn't hide it from her. If a powerful magister breaks this barrier and robs people, this is also possible, but then she will still feel it. But now the barrier is not damaged, and there is no sign of anyone coming in or out...

"Is it possible that the barrier can't prevent that person?" Hignum asked suddenly.

Shamar understood what she meant, saying that the barrier had no influence on the person who took the gale, but that situation... "absolutely impossible!" Shamar shook her head decisively.

Signum nodded, and she also felt that she was thinking too much. Shamal's enchantment is still very trustworthy. There can be no such strongman in this world, and no magister can do it.

"In this way, Master Haifeng should have gone out by himself, let's look for it again." In the end, Hignum only came to such a conclusion. The two moved separately with anxious mood... During the search, I don't know. Why, she always felt that there was something she didn't think of.

If according to common sense, no one can pass through her enchantment without disturbing Shamar, even SS-level magisters are impossible, but there are still very knowledgeable people in this world that they don’t even know. Existence... Among the people who have appeared, at least two people can ignore Shamal's enchantment and enter and exit freely and silently.

One of them, of course, is Lin Luo.

While the guardian knights bothered to find their masters, Lin Luo sat on a hillside with Iori Hayate, watching the stars while telling stories... Although the season is late autumn, the mountains at night will be very cold, but in Lin Luo Under the enchantment that was arranged, even Iori Hayate, who only wore a single sweater, didn't feel cold.

What he was telling was a story about a magister and a book.

"A long time ago, there was a great magister. He made a book to collect magic techniques from various places and use them as research. That book accompanied the owner to travel through countless dimensional worlds, collecting countless kinds of lost legends. Or the magic that is on the verge of being lost... the name of that book is called the Magic Book of Night Sky."

"The Magic Book of Ye Tian, ​​what a magnificent name." Hayate smiled, then looked up at the sky, and felt that the title of the book was in line with the current mood.

If it were in the past, she would never go out with someone who had only met once at such a time. After all, the defensive heart is indispensable. Although the public security in Haiming City is very good, after all, she would occasionally see something wrong on TV. Good things, but... because young children are more pure in their hearts, they are often better at judging a person's quality than adults. Lin Luo didn't feel like a bad person, and she didn't feel malicious.

In addition, the words Lin Luo said to her before made her very concerned, and she agreed to Lin Luo's request under the impulse. At first, she regretted that she had agreed too quickly, especially when going up the mountain. She was a little scared, but now she was completely relieved, but she was a little bit embarrassed by hiding from Hignum and the others.

"Yes, the title of the book is indeed very impressive... The life of the book is almost infinite, but human life will come to an end at any time. In order not to let his life's hard work be silent in a place where no one can find, the magician Before dying, a program was set up for the Magic Book to find its owner automatically. Once he dies, the Magic Book of Night will take the initiative to find the next qualified person."

"..." Hayate turned his head, as if thinking of something.

Lin Luo didn’t care about her, and continued: “The first generations of masters all had the same aspirations as the first magister. They also collected and studied many kinds of magic during their travels. When the mentor fell into the hands of a certain master, it changed."


"Yes, because the power of the Magic Book of Night and Sky is very powerful. After all, that book is also considered an ancient heritage, and the owner was not willing to use such a powerful force only for travel and research, so he was getting the magic After guiding the book, he changed the book's procedures without authorization and used the greatest function for destruction. Because of this, the functions used for travel and self-repair were all out of control and became a book only for destruction."

"The Magic Book of Yetian...It's so pitiful." Although it was listening to the story, Haifeng was very involved. She thought of herself, and felt that the Book of Yetian should not want to be changed like that.

"The poor thing is not only the night and sky magic book, but also the holders in the future." Looking at the unclear look in Haifeng's eyes, Lin Luo said, "Because the change of the book also affects the holder, if in a certain period of time If there are not enough pages in the book, the magic and physique of the holder will be eroded and eventually die."

"Ah! What if the collection is completed?" Hayate asked quickly, seemingly startled.

"After the collection is completed, the holder can use the infinite magic power, but...because the book that will only destroy will indiscriminately destroy everything around it, including the holder itself, it is still dead."

"This... is so cruel."

If Haifeng only felt sympathy for the Magic Book of Yetian before, then she is now in grief... No matter what, the holder will die, and the Book of Yetian will not be free from the destruction of reincarnation. It's like an irresistible fate.

"Because the destructive power of the Magic Book of Night Sky is too powerful, every birth means a disaster. Gradually, no one remembers its original name, and then people call it another name."

"what name?"

"The Book of Darkness!"

"Huh...!!!" Although I have guessed a little, Hae Feng was shocked by hearing it with my own ears, and there is also fear... I am the holder of the Book of Darkness, and the holder only needs to If you get the book of darkness, you will die no matter what, then...

No one is not afraid of death, and Haifeng is no exception, not to mention that she still has a lot of nostalgia in this world.

"Will I... die?"

"of course not."

Hearing Lin Luo's answer without hesitation, the gloomy gust of wind suddenly flashed a ray of light, and he instinctively asked, "What should I do?"

Lin Luo touched her head and said with a smile: "As long as the Book of Darkness is turned back into the Book of Night and Sky, that's it. Don't be the King of Darkness, but... the King of Night and Sky!"

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