The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 676: I don’t give anyone the ability to GAESS

Originally intended to rest quietly for a night, but the mischievous Miss Rin ruined his ambition and forced him to play shooting games desperately. Although it was very cool and cool, Lin Luo always has a kind of The feeling of being raped makes him both sexually happy and depressed, and it seems that he is still a little bit painful...

Played from eight o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning, for twelve hours without interruption, it has been more than eighteen times! Miss Rin was so satisfied that he fell asleep, but he was so tired that his legs were so soft and woody! If it weren't for the rules of creation, he might simply collapse to the point of exhaustion!

In fact, it counted more than 18 times carefully, because Lin Luo later used the incarnation of the fog, one in two, two in three, it was really very laborious, very laborious.

In order to allow herself to enter the next world in a state of heyday, after Miss Rin fell asleep, Lin Luo did not leave immediately. Instead, he sent a message to the night-worried and asked her to bring some food to her room.

I was tired of the night very quickly. I brought the food in less than a minute. I was stunned when I saw Lin Luo wearing only a pair of shorts. Then when I saw Lin Luo lying completely naked on the bed, his body was covered with all kinds of things. When the stains, some of Rin Tosaka hadn't even dried, her face that couldn't see any difference from the real person immediately turned red.

The mechanical maids of the Sky City, except for the internal body structure is a machine, everything else including their emotional system is no different from real people. With night-weary IQ, it is natural to see that in this room, his master last night What good things did you do with the hostess.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! With the addition of a third person, he still has to be crushed alive.

Of course, in fact, he can not let the night sickness come in, so as to prevent potential dangers, but after the previous series of battles, he was so empty that he didn’t want to walk around for the time being. Secondly, Miss Rin slept very well, as long as the voice is not Big, he wouldn't let her hear it at all. Three times, he also felt that there was no need to hide anything from night misery.

After all, the mechanical maids were all made by him. His master is an absolute existence for them. No matter what he does, his respect will never decrease. So for the maids, Lin Luo has an instinct to let go. Open...just take a shower. He can let the maids serve without any pressure, but it will be different if you change to other girls.

I was tired of night and immediately understood Lin Luo's meaning, the red on his face receded, and with a knowing smile, he brought the food to the table in front of Lin Luo, and then stood aside without speaking, just waiting quietly.

Among the many maids, night-worried is the one who listens to Lin Luo the most. As for how to obey? Even if Lin Luo did things that hurt the world and reason, she would definitely not do it in her opinion, she would help to do it, and desperately concealed it, in short it was absolute obedience. But if it were other maids, they would have their own thoughts. For example, Wei, if she was shown this scene, she would probably remind Lin Luo not to do too much at night and be careful with her body.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Lin Luo is tired of delivering food at night.

Seeing Lin Luo finished breakfast a moment later, he was tired of night and immediately said, "Master, do you need me to wash your body?"

"Okay." Lin Luo nodded without thinking. Although his current body is a little cleaner than Rin, it is really not clean. He would feel uncomfortable if he didn't wash it. Since there is a maid to serve, it is naturally better.

So, he decisively took off the only shorts on his body, and then walked to the bathroom. As for the night-weariness, he followed behind with a smile. The first time he served the master to take a bath, she was somewhat excited.

In the bathroom, Lin Luo lay comfortably in the bath, letting the maid's delicate hands rub on him, while he closed his eyes and mobilized the strength in his body to cultivate himself.

With the rules of creation in the body, as far as the cultivation ability is concerned, I am afraid that no one can compare to him. In a moment, the spirit has been restored to seven or eighty eight. The whole person is like the light in front of the Buddha, calm and peaceful, even if it is a maid. When his hand touches a place that shouldn't be touched, he will not have any colored thoughts in his heart.

After more than an hour, Lin Luo dressed neatly, with a fresh look, and then left the room with night-weariness...During this time, night-weariness expressed whether he would ask the maid to help Rin Tosaka wash up. Lin Luo decisively refused, with Rin Dao. Miss's arrogant personality, if someone sees her like that, she will definitely kill someone!

Anyway, Miss Rin's worries seemed to be solved, so let her continue to sleep.

"Are you all ready?" Coming down from the second floor to the atrium of Sky City, Lin Luo found that CC and Heiyan were already standing there, looking like they were all ready to go. It seemed that CC's choice was already obvious. There is no need to ask again.

"There is the most important step next." CC couldn't help laughing when Lin Luo walked up to her.

"Yes." Lin Luo naturally knew what she was referring to. It is estimated that other girls did not come to see off because of this. After all, chest attack is an indecent thing, even if Lin Luo himself is openly in front of so many people. There will also be pressure to hit the chest. Mikoto and the others are not there, so he is happy to relax.

Of course, Lin Luo didn't know that at this moment, with the exception of Rin Tosaka, all the people in the Sky City were watching the movement below on the thirteenth floor, including Karin the Red Queen and Werna, the goddess.

"I'm not used to being dominated by others, so I'll come at this time." CC suddenly leaned forward and smiled mysteriously. Before Lin Luo understood the meaning of her words, she had already sealed her lips with her lips. While covering Lin Luo's mouth, he grabbed Lin Luo's right hand and pressed it on his chest.

Not only was Lin Luo surprised by this series of extreme moves, even the girls on the thirteenth floor almost dropped their chins. They never thought that CC would be so bold and entangled in their hearts.

After Lin Luo was surprised, he came to CC's mind-like world. It was a long river of history that passed by in a hurry. It was so dazzling that it was impossible to see clearly.

"Lin Luo, the owner of the contract book, CC, the host of the heart of wisdom, has a favorability of less than 90, and signs an informal contract of the heart. Under this contract, the contract status cannot be used, and the talent of the contractor cannot be obtained. Once the favorability reaches 100, Restore all status... Is it signed?"


"The contract of the heart is signed, the current state of the contract owner remains unchanged, the current state of the contractor is changed, the seal of the heart is unlocked, and the wisdom heart fit reaches 100%... The relationship is changed to life and death, sharing spiritual power and sharing life chain……"

At this point, the contract is completed.

When the contract was completed, it seemed that the history in the world just stayed in a hundred years, but Lin Luo still couldn't actually observe, not only the history of that hundred years, but even the last moment... I don’t know why. , A strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart, but he didn't know what it was.

Unable to think of an answer for a while, Lin Luo had to give up temporarily, and then checked his own state, but nothing changed, and couldn't help asking CC: "By the way, where is my GEASS?"

Lin Luo knows that CC has the power of Code, and it is this power that makes CC possess immortality, but being immortal is just a by-product. The essence of Code is to immobilize human beings and the world. Human beings were born from the root, and eventually return to the root, but Code does not allow people to return to the root. It will cut off the cycle of reincarnation and leave people and the world created by them at the moment they desire.

In a sense, having Code can fight against the root cause, but it is very difficult for Code to play its own essence, because the Code inherited by everyone is imperfect at that moment and must go through some kind of growth. Only to be able to exert the strongest power, and CC has not reached that state... In fact, in the world where CC is located, no one has ever reached that state, not one!

However, people who have Code can do one thing, that is, to give others GAESS, and GAESS is the origin of having Code. In the original CC, the GAESS was given to others through a contract, and more than once, and the condition of the grant was kissing... Of course, a mere kissing has no meaning, it must be a contracted kiss.

Just now CC gave a strong kiss when signing a contract with him. Although Lin Luo didn't know if it was a contract kiss, he didn't think CC would do anything meaningless, so he asked.

CC smiled lightly and shook the hair behind him, "I didn't give you the ability to GAESS."


"Isn't it?" Looking at the doubt in Lin Luo's eyes, CC said, "You are much better than me."

Hearing this, Lin Luo immediately understood, still the same sentence...Mystery will lose its effect in the face of higher mystery, and my mystery must be above the mystery of CC, so the products born from her mystery will naturally not be able to It works on oneself, just as it is impossible for a third-rate gangster to teach martial arts the world's number one swordsman. The two are the same.

"And I haven't given anyone the ability to GAESS. Since a long time ago, that ability has been lost from me, so I haven't given others GAESS..."

Have not given others GAESS? ! Just as Lin Luo suddenly heard such a sentence, he was shocked again, and instinctively wanted to ask questions, but CC had already turned his face to one side and ignored him.

Lin Luo knew that she didn't want to say it anymore. Although she was extremely curious, she was helpless. After all, what CC didn't want to say was useless no matter how reluctant it was.

Therefore, he had to shook his head, buried the doubt in his heart, and realized the book of contract, and then under his silent command, the bright Avenue of Stars directly connected to the sky, and the opposite was the other world.

When Lin Luo, CC and Heiyan stood still, the Avenue of Stars went away in an instant.

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