The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 693: After this battle, I will go back to my hometown and get married

Lin Luo and Dark King were standing on a snow slope, talking about the battle of Gods, while CC, Lin Xiaoke, Black Cat, Black Rock and Icarus stood a little later. The Dark King wants to talk to Lin Luo alone, and they have no need to refuse, after all, the other party is here to form an alliance this time.

"Does he have a good relationship with the Dark King?" Looking at the back of the two people talking on the snow slope, Lin Xiao could not help but ask the people around him. As far as she knows, Lin Luo three times before meeting Arthur. The king didn't know anything, but now it looked like an old friend who hadn't seen him for many years, it was really amazing.

"Almost." CC nodded and said everything she knew. If Lin Xiaoke was just an ordinary ally, she would not have said some things, but she had already guessed Lin Xiaoke's true identity somewhat, so she basically did not conceal anything when she spoke.

"So..." After listening to it, Lin Xiaoke couldn't help but suddenly, she didn't expect such a major event to happen after that. The three kings battled, all three were defeated, and the three kings were almost lost. The evil king is still unclear about the life and death of the evil king. Just think about it and know what level it is.

As for this news, it has not been spread among the walkers, but it is normal... After all, even if the acting gods are biased towards their walkers, they will not tell them this kind of thing, so that they can take the opportunity, after all. That is absolutely against the rules. And the three kings would not speak with their own mouths. They must find a place where no one was to hide and slowly recover from their injuries, so that they could come back later.

"However, the Dark King will take the initiative to find the door. It is estimated that the evil king is still alive and is still in this divine battle... It seems that this time the divine battle is really not easy." After thinking for a moment, Lin Xiaoke said in a deep voice. .

For this sentence, CC deeply agrees.

While they were discussing this matter, Lin Luo and the Dark King were also discussing similar topics. Hearing what the Dark King said just now, Lin Luo's face couldn't help but sink, with more caution, "The strength of the evil king has been restored to its peak state, is this true?"

The Dark King nodded, "Eight or nine do not leave ten. I didn't expect that his disorderly power can be used to that extent. It is a pity that my four sacred beasts have all been wiped out, and it is impossible for the new ones to be born in such a short time. We have reached the original combat power in this battle, and we have to be outsmart if we want to deal with the evil king.

"If the evil king only had the original combat power, don’t worry too much. With the combination of you and me, plus other possible reinforcements, it is not difficult to win an evil king. After all, his most threatening ability has already affected us. It doesn't work, I'm afraid..." Despite that, Lin Luo thought of a very unfavorable possibility.

The Dark King nodded again, with a heavy tone, "You are right. After the last defeat of the Evil King, he has changed his previous behavior and used the power of the King of the World to bring most of those who walked together. Get connected, at least half of this battle is his people."

Lin Luo couldn't help but change his face, guessing that it was one thing, and really confirming it was another. "How did you know about this?"

The Dark King chuckled, "I can count as a few people I know among the walkers. The source of the information is not wrong, and... didn't you find out? It has been several days since the battle of the gods, but there is still nothing. Big fluctuations, that group of people are clearly planning something."

"Hmm...According to my guess, most of the walkers in this divine battle should be able to reach the ground level. If the evil king is attracted to these characters, it will indeed be very troublesome."

"And this battle of gods is also very strange." The Dark King suddenly sighed.

Lin Luo's heart moved, "Do you think so too?"

"Listening to you, it seems that you can see it too..." The Dark King touched his chin and said in a deep voice, "In my opinion, this battle of the gods is likely to be a major reshuffle. Clear it all out."

"Why do you see it?" Lin Luo also guessed at this point, but the Dark King is an intellectual character after all, and he wants to hear what the other party thinks.

The Dark King hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lin Luo and said seriously: "Ming King, if I say that this battle is not controlled by the acting gods, can you believe it?"

"Uh!" Hearing these words, Lin Luo was shocked. If there were no guesses from CC before, he would suspect that the Dark King was fooling himself, but now even the Dark King thinks so, then CC's guess It is estimated to be close to ten.

"I have thought about this, but there is still a little doubt." Lin Luo nodded and frowned, "Although I don't know the true purpose of God War, there should be no power to let us fully grasp the heart code. Doubtfully, if the acting gods really can't control the battle of gods, then the shuffling is a bit contradictory."

"What if I say that the acting gods can intervene partially?"

"..." This sentence immediately left Lin Luo speechless. It is entirely possible to use the power of the proxy **** to only partially intervene. For example, shuffle the cards every time it is played, and control the power of the walker to the proxy god. The degree that can be mastered, in this way, after a while, the acting gods will fully understand the power of the heart code and the heart of the world, and then they will be able to completely control the battle of the gods, and the walkers will become theirs. plaything.

But can such a thing be tolerated after returning? Or is it that the current situation is so chaotic that it can't be suppressed even after returning? Or is it coming back to participate in it?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo's heart suddenly became very confused, because no matter what kind of situation, it was extremely dangerous for their walkers, and even for himself.

"Now you understand what I am worried about." The Dark King sighed lightly, and then said with a serious face, "No matter whether our guess is true or not, but in this case, the alliance of the walkers is imperative. , At least the two of us must unite to fight against the evil king and the proxy **** who has a greater threat."

"Why don't you pull more walkers like the evil king?"

"You have this ability, and you have this insight. I can trust you in your behavior. As for other people... Haha."

The Dark King did not go on, but Lin Luo already understood what he meant. The other walkers did not talk about the issue of strength first, and their knowledge alone did not reach their level. Obviously, they were not qualified to alliance with him, or even guaranteed. I'll stabbing a knife in the back. But he was different. No matter what, he was not weaker than the Dark King, and even stronger in some places, plus the two had a brief alliance before, then he was obviously the most suitable and only candidate.

The Dark King would have such thoughts. Lin Luo didn't think he was arrogant and arrogant. It was just a strong instinct. After all, how could the tiger of the king of the mountain go with the ants and stand side by side with the lion!

As for Lin Luo, let’s not talk about the others. At least the Dark King has never hunted down the host. This principle alone can give trust. What's more, during the Three Kings War, the Dark King also helped him once. A friend has one more way, and he has no reason to refuse.

"Then, we cooperate happily." Lin Luo smiled and stretched out his hand.

The two of them shook their hands lightly, and then the Dark King said again: "From what I know, you are jealous by the proxy gods. You probably don't have the power to master all the kings of the world?"


"So, I tell you now, all the abilities of the king of the world."

"Appreciate further details."

The reason why the Dark King did this was to show his sincerity and let Lin Luo understand that he really wanted to form an alliance, not the kind that he would repent at any time, and Lin Luo's acceptance without hesitation also showed his sincerity. This alliance is not just to deal with the evil king, but to pass the battle of gods.

Of course, there is no need to say these words clearly, just understand them.

After a while, after the Dark King's narration, Lin Luo already knew the true abilities that the King of the World could possess. One of them was the World Gate. It was through this ability that the Dark King and the Evil King could be so powerful. The reader received their world...Of course, although Lin Luo understood it, it would take some time to fully use it.

After discussing the alliance between the two, the Dark King suddenly sighed and stretched out his hand. A bird suddenly appeared in his hand... Lin Luo looked at it, it turned out to be a little phoenix.

The little phoenix squeaked around the dark king’s hand, and the dark king looked into the distance, as if talking to himself, “I don’t want to be a god, nor did I want to challenge the authority of the acting god. Originally, I was just an ordinary person. My dream is to find a girl I like, and then find a quiet forest to live with the animals, but this battle has disrupted my life, and sometimes I can’t help myself, but I never I have never given up my dream..."

"When this magical battle is over, when there is nothing to threaten my dreams, I will return to my own world, be an ordinary person, and be with the girl I like... King Ming, What about your dreams?"

"I am not as open as you, but for me, power is just a prop to protect important things. After the end, it is enough to be with them."

"Haha, it seems that our dreams are similar. It is indeed destined to be able to form an alliance. When it is over, I will invite you to my wedding."

"Come and not be indecent, I will invite you too."

"That's great." The Dark King smiled and nodded, then stretched out his hand and waved, "Then don't let it go, I'll go back and make arrangements first, and I'll contact you in three days."

The voice fell, and the Dark King had disappeared from the same place.

Lin Luo smiled and shook his head, turned and walked towards the women, only halfway through, he suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Just now, did you and the Dark King set a death flag? !

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