The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 710: Parting ways, we will meet at Xingli Hall next time

When looking for Shana, Lin Luo and Sakagami Tomohiro, Lin Xiaoke, John Phyllis and others searched separately. After several hosts first met him and helped Shana with a good name, Lin Xiaoke and Ya The two of Se also arrived...Like Tomoyo Sakagami, Shana's surprise was self-evident that these two walkers would act with the host, but after some explanation, she also accepted the result. It's just that the words and deeds are not friendly, and it can even be said to be very cold.

Regarding this, Lin Xiaoke and Arthur could only smile bitterly at each other. Of course, they would not argue for anything. After all, the position of the walker and the host was incompatible at the beginning, and it is only natural that the host did not favor them. Even in Lin Xiaoke's opinion, the host who trusts them 100% is estimated to be CC alone, and the reason is that CC knows their true identities.

Other hosts don’t know their true identities, so it’s normal to take precautions against them. After all, they know people and don’t know the heart. At the beginning, their preconceived cognition is difficult to change even with sincere language. The trust of everyone here can only be through in-depth contact and formal actions.

Lin Xiao can believe that as long as they go through this divine battle, their siblings will definitely gain the trust of their host.

The last ones who arrived were John and Phyllis... In Lin Luo's team there were even the Red Devil and Mystis, which really shocked Shana. If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent was not hostile, Lin Luo introduced him in time. She almost hacked people.

After all, the Citizens and the Fire Mist Warriors are inherently hostile, even if Shana is the host, it is impossible to change this instinct so quickly... Before, she still thought about going to single-handed the Star Li Palace King-level instance.

And after Lin Luo's introduction and the explanation from the God of Punishment, Shana was even more surprised. She didn't expect that this numbing couple would be the two agreed upon in the legend... She vaguely remembered. Before entering the battle of Gods, it seemed that Will Amina had accidentally mentioned the two agreed upon.

Although I don’t know the specific relationship between the two agreed upon and Will Amina, "Ten Thousand Clever Hands", the latter can bear in mind and show nostalgia, at least it will not be an enemy. And now it seemed that they were also on Lin Luo's side... Thinking about this, Shana also let go of her hostile consciousness.

At this moment, all the personnel were assembled, and through the information revealed by Shana, Lin Luo also knew that she was the only fire-mist warrior who entered the Red World, but most of the Red World Demon Kings were in the Red World, which seemed to have some plot.

Lin Luo was not very surprised by this news. Although it was a pity, it was not a bad thing to think about it. After all, if he had mastered the Citizen of the Red World, he would inevitably conflict with the Fire Mist Warrior, even if he could reconcile with his world , I am afraid it will take a lot of effort. But now the Fire Mist Warrior only had Shana as the host, so it was much simpler to deal with it. As for the other Fire Mist Warriors, they could make plans later.

After all, the creation of the snake of the **** sacrificial ritual had a greater effect on him than the fire-mist fighter.

"Then, before implementing my next plan, let's talk about other things first." In Lin Luo's plan, after finding Shana, his second move is to collect the sacrificial snake. Although this decision is It won't change, but based on the information revealed by the Dark King and CC's analysis, he has to take an extra step in it.

While speaking, Lin Luo turned his hand over, and two heart codes appeared in front of him, then Sakagami also took out the two heart codes she had, and finally it was the heart code in Shana's hands. ... A total of five heart codes of different colors are floating in the air.

The five mind books are: Book of Shadows, Book of Four Images, Book of Nature, Book of Yin and Yang, and Book of Ice Soul.

These five mind books are of no use to the host, but for the walkers, if they are absorbed, they can become their abilities or weapons. In other words, only Lin Luo, Lin Xiaoke and Arthur can use them.

For Lin Luo, his own power is enough. As the saying goes, more is not as good as fine. What he now focuses on is how to thoroughly integrate the abilities he possesses. This is a very heavy project and requires It takes a long time. But after success, his combat power can be at least doubled. If you add some other abilities, it will take some time to comprehend it, and it will be more troublesome to integrate. This is not beautiful.

Therefore, he did not think about absorbing these five heart codes.

"Do you want to give it to us?" Lin Xiaoke immediately understood what he meant when he heard this, and asked.

Lin Luo nodded, "What kind of abilities these five mind books have, I have felt some of these in the past few days, and these abilities don't have much effect on me. Except for the book of shadows, which is for assassin There is a certain degree of integration with you."

Later, Lin Luo photographed the book of the four images and the book of yin and yang in front of Lin Xiaoke, "Yin and yang can be called two rituals, also called the universe, symbolizing black and white and life and death; the four images correspond to the four four seasons, setting the universe and keeping order. This ability itself is the manifestation of the rules, and Xiaoke’s spiritual words are easy to use, turning your hands into clouds, and covering your hands as rain. It is similar to these two rules. If you can thoroughly integrate these two rules In the future, it will not be difficult for you to tell the truth in words, and you are at your discretion in black and white.

Then, he sent the Book of Nature to Arthur, "Originally, the Book of Nature is also very suitable for small spiritual arts, but nature has a myriad of changes, and it is very difficult to master it, but naturally one thing will not change. , That is endless life, this is very suitable for your immortal body, as long as you have the rules of natural'life', your immortal body will no longer have death."

"As for the other two books that are not of much use to you, I will keep them for the time being, and maybe they will come in handy in the future."

Afterwards, Lin Luo put away the Book of Shadows and Book of Ice Soul, but opposite Lin Xiaoke and Arthur holding their heart codes, they did not absorb them. Lin Xiaoke was a little better. From her expression, she was probably thinking about something, but the rejection on Arthur's face was obvious.

While eating the Snack Plane, Lin Luo originally wanted to give the Book of Ghost Dao to Arthur, but he refused. At this moment, Lin Luo naturally knew what he was resisting, and said: "Buddha has a cloud. The heart is over, the Buddha stays in his heart. Very time and very means. If chivalry really is your belief, then it will not be changed because of this. And this time the battle of gods is the reshuffle of the acting gods. , Intends to clear us all out. The Dark King’s matter already indicates that we are at a disadvantage. If we ourselves are still so weak, we will have no hope of living, and once life is gone, things we want to protect will be removed from Disappear around you."

"I have given the heart code to you. As for whether or not to absorb it is your own business, but I still want to say that things that are more important than life can only be protected by your own life...CC!"

After speaking, Lin Luo no longer looked at the two, but looked at CC.

CC turned his head and said nothing, acting like an audience.

Lin Luo's gaze flashed from the six hosts, and finally said: "Next, I will go to the cracks of the world to find the sacrificial snake. The command of this team will be delegated to CC. You have two routes. One is to avoid Open the enemy’s sight and find a relatively safe place to hide. The second is to go to Xingli Temple. If I succeed in persuading the Serpent of Sacrifice, the place I will come out will be in Xingli Temple, and there will be our confluence. Land... As for which way to go, the choice is up to you."

Everyone was silent for a while, and seemed to be thinking about what to do. Shana's expression was the most hesitant. After all, she was a fire-mist fighter, but at this moment she had to cooperate with the sacrifice snake or even the Red World Demon, and she was a bit repulsive instinctively.

"About how long will you go?" CC asked.

"Uncertain." Lin Luo shook his head, "After all, I can't guarantee that I can persuade the sacrificial snake. Even if it succeeds, it will take a certain amount of time for the fusion of strength, and during this period of time, I will come to you. It should be quite dangerous..."

"It doesn't matter, the war that will lose your life at any time is not once or twice. There is no reason for your own life to be protected by others at all times." Before Lin Luo finished speaking, Tomoyo Sakagami said strongly.

Lin Luo had heard that before coming to the Red World, Sakagami Tomoyo had spent a long time in Koihime Wushuang's plane. Although this kind of disorderly entry made him very embarrassed, on the other hand, he had passed through that Tomoyo Sakagami was already a real warrior in the baptism of a world war, and it is only natural that he would say such a thing.

Others have similar expressions. Heiyan will not be afraid of battle and death, and does not need protection from others; Shana, as a fire-mist fighter, has always fought alone; Icarus has no emotions and does not worry about his own safety. Although Wugeng Liuli has never experienced war, she is not the kind of person who is willing to be protected.

After everyone's unanimous discussion, they all chose the second route-to Xingli Temple.

At this time, Lin Xiaoke and Arthur also made a decision...very time and very means, to absorb the heart!

Lin Luo nodded secretly, and then said, "John, Phyllis, you should be familiar with this place in the Red World, I will trouble you next."

"No problem." The agreed two agreed readily.

Finally, Lin Luo stood up and looked at Shana, and said sternly, "I have a request."


"Let me punish God for a use."


As soon as this remark came out, not only Shana was surprised, but even Aristol was at a loss.

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