The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 721: They are all transcendence, come on, have a great time!

As long as the strong person reaches the level of the ground level, their physical fitness will be completely changed. It is almost impossible to kill the ground level strong with ordinary attacks, and some will directly achieve immortality, even if the body is broken and the bones will not die. Of course, there are some similar bugs under the ground level, such as Arthur and Evangelin, but these are special cases and cannot be used as reference.

In general, there are three ways to kill the strong of the tiers. One is to suppress the opponent's realm and turn his physical fitness back to normal. For example, Heiyan used this method to kill Chen Zixie, but this The method is also difficult for ordinary people to achieve. How many people can defeat the strong with the weak to suppress the strong?

Except for a few freaks, no one can do it.

The second method is to directly bombard the existence itself with a strong and unmatched force. For example, Lin Luo previously killed two ground walkers in a second, but this requires a higher realm or special ability than the enemy, so it can be regarded as Special methods, at least for people of the same level but without special abilities, are not applicable.

And the third method is also the most common method... directly attack the origin.

Long Gou was trapped in the Anti-Root World by CC, and did not suppress his realm, but cut off his connection with Root, and then constantly consumed the power of his seven deadly sins, which was an attack against Root.

Although Lin Xiaoke merged with the world, apart from the fact that Spirit Word became stronger, he did not have the special ability to destroy existence. This is even truer for Tomoyo Sakagami. She is an absolute power-type powerhouse, so they think To completely kill Bai Yu, he can only choose this method.

"The kick just now was very powerful." Just when Lin Xiaoke said that the enemy was still alive, Bai Yu's voice came not far away. The three of them immediately turned their heads and looked at them, and they suddenly saw someone standing in mid-air. Figure.

At this moment, the shock in Bai Yu's heart seemed to have completely calmed down. He looked at the three of them like an ancient well without waves, and looked quite calm. "I thought it was more than enough to kill you with the strength of the three of us, but it didn't. Thinking that things would develop to such an extent, Chen Zixie and Long Gou should be in trouble now. Even my side has frequent visions, which is more and more unexpected."

Listening to his words, Lin Xiaoke's expression remained unchanged, but Sakagami Tomoyo couldn't help but feel moved. Logically, she and Lin Xiaoke made breakthroughs one after another, and their overall strength was already higher than that of Bai Yu, but why was the other party not nervous at all? Tomoyo Sakagami could see that Shiratori was not only calm on the surface, but also exceptionally stable in his heart.

This situation made her faintly worried.

So Tomoyo Sakagami didn't do it right away, but was thinking about what hole cards the other party had. Even Lin Xiaoke and Arthur looked at Bai Yu coldly.

Bai Yu didn't care about the hostile sight of the three, and smiled indifferently, "This time the **** war is the acting **** shuffling the cards, I think you should be very clear."

"You..." As soon as these words came out, not only Sakagami and Arthur were shocked, but even Lin Xiaoke, who was no longer showing feelings, couldn't help but change his face. They never expected that Bai Yu would say this kind of thing. .

"What are you trying to say?" Tomoyo Sakagami asked in a deep voice.

"It's just a fact. There is no need to conceal what you and I both know well." Bai Yu said lightly. "In fact, I am not an agent of God in general, because I was forced to join the company. Yes, and the others really stand on the side of the evil king. After all, the proxy **** promised endless benefits through the mouth of the evil king. Compared with the ethereal fantasy of winning in the battle of the gods, the actual benefits are more realistic, but for me In terms of those benefits, they are dispensable, and there is no expectation."

Does Bai Yu want to take refuge in them?

Hearing these words, the three of them had this idea in their hearts. After all, Bai Yu's self-cleansing really had the meaning of surrendering and surrendering, but they did not relax their vigilance because of this, but were more cautious.

Bai Yu seemed to have seen their thoughts, and smiled: "You are wrong. I didn't think about standing on the side of King Ming. In fact, as a neutral walker, since being forced into the gang by the evil king, I have been considered I’m completely tied to a boat with them. Even if I want to get out, it’s impossible to get out. People can’t help themselves in the arena. That’s probably what it means."

"..." The three of them didn't speak, although they didn't know what Bai Yu meant by these words, they wouldn't be aimless, they all wanted to know what he said.

As soon as Bai Yu talked about these things, he seemed to be unable to stop, and continued, "What kind of person the evil king is, you and me should be very clear, he is the kind of unscrupulous means to achieve goals, and anything can be used as a prop. The hero, even if we are tied to him now, his thoughts will not disappear. As long as a few walkers died before, the evil king did not say anything. Although the Acting God promised enough to make our hearts It’s good, but it’s still unknown whether you can get it with your life."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu paused slightly, "Well... Chen Zixie seems to be dead, and Long Gou is also in a weak state. It is estimated that he can only last for ten minutes at most... Look, even the most powerful subordinates. It's almost dead, and the evil king doesn't take action, you can know that the benefits of the proxy god's promise are completely empty words."

Bai Yu shrugged, his tone of disdain was full of disdain, but these words made Sakagami Tomohiro a sigh of relief. Although I don't know how Bai Yu learned about it, it is clear that they have the advantage in the other two battlefields.

At this time, Bai Yu's expression suddenly shrank, and a powerful aura that was far greater than before burst out of him, and the three of Sakagami's Tomoyo changed their colors on the spot.

"This is... Intermediate level?!"

"Yes, my strength has reached the intermediate level not long ago." Bai Yu's eyes were like water, and he looked down in a deep voice, "I have never expected the benefits of acting gods, nor have I sincerely walked with the evil king. I just want to achieve the name of the ultimate king with my own strength, so I always hide my strength under the evil king, but from the current situation, even if I have such strength, it is far from being compared with the power of the three kings. Even I am afraid that my mind has already been seen through by the evil king. If this is the case, then I have no need to hide my clumsiness..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu stretched out his hand and fixed a finger, "As far as I know, in this battle of God, the evil king has two trump cards, one of which is the thousands of Abyss Demon Race, and the Abyss Demon Race to the end. I think you have seen what kind of existence it is. It is similar to the black and white double shadow summoned by Yang Ping."

"What?!" The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed. The black and white double shadows have the strength of the ground level. If there are more than a thousand people, then... they can hardly imagine.

But Bai Yu didn’t go on in detail, but raised his second finger, “Then there is a second trump card, but even if you know that trump card, it’s useless, but as long as you can defeat me, I’ll still tell you. , It depends on whether you have this strength...Come on, have a good fight!"

In an instant, the unmatched aura suddenly surged toward the three of them like ocean waves.

Bai Yu’s meaning was already obvious. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to defeat the evil king. Facing Lin Luo, an ordinary host and a walker forced him to use his hand. There is no hope of competing with Lin Luo. He is basically a cannon fodder in this great battle of cards.

Then simply throw away his own ambitions and play a game as much as possible. If he wins, he will continue to stand on the side of the evil king, and he will try to dominate in the future. If he loses, he will let Lin Luo and the evil king fight for you to die or not. It is no longer his business.

As for Bai Yu's challenge, Lin Xiaoke and the three had to accept it even if they didn't want to accept it, and there was no reason for them not to accept it, whether it was the position of both sides or the evil king's second hole card!

"God said, like a cloud dissipating!"

Lin Xiaoke was expressionless and said, Bai Yu's aura suddenly seemed to have been hit by a strong bombardment, spreading like clouds.

Tomoyo Sakagami took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, and the crimson attack directly kicked Shiraito's face. However, for Shiro Yu, who had already reached the Intermediate Level, this attack was not enough. He slowly stretched out his right hand, and the soft power like flowing water blocked the attack of Tomoyo Sakagami.

Then he waved his backhand, and the five elements immediately dissipated the crimson flames from Sakagami's body, and shook her whole body out. When standing tens of meters away in the air, the corners of Sakagami's mouth were already bleeding.

With this blow alone, she was seriously injured.

However, Tomoyo Sakagami has no fear, and the way of surrendering me is that he can abandon him, and his injuries are insignificant.

Wiping off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Sakagami Tomohiro rushed up again, and Lin Xiaoke also fully launched Spiritual Words to strike Bai Yu with a frenzied and fierce attack.

Although it was one enemy and two, Bai Yu never fell under the wind, but faintly suppressed the two.

Not far away, Arthur looked at the scene in front of him, his face was full of unwillingness. The Intermediate Baiyu was not something he could challenge at all. He was completely unable to get involved in the current battle, even if he wanted to be a MT to stand in for death, he He didn't have that qualification either, because he couldn't break through the suppression of Bai Yu's momentum at all, and couldn't enter the battlefield.

Although he also thought about choosing Lin Xiaoke's way to become stronger, he still didn't have the consciousness of Lin Xiaoke after all. If he didn't let go, he would not be able to integrate with nature.


Less than a moment after the fight, Tomoyo Sakagami was shocked again, showing an irregular twist on his right hand, which was obviously broken. But because Lin Xiaoke was just a spiritual word, although he was forced to retreat by the five elements, he was not injured.

"You should not only have this strength, use all the power, I will not be merciful, and fight to the death!" Bai Yu stood in the air and shouted loudly.

At the same time, the momentum of the five elements began to churn in the sky.

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