The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 724: My Gaia and My Alaya, dreams and reality

Everyone’s injuries were basically fine. Tomoyo Sakagami and John Fyresi were only slightly injured. Even if Tomoyo Sakagami broke an arm, he would only need to take a bone and he would recover after self-care.

Shana and Icarus are the only ones with more serious injuries. However, as a fire-mist fighter, Shana’s injuries can be recovered quickly as long as the power of existence is immortal. Moreover, at her current level, her self-combination ability is also considerable. It's strong, and it's not a one-shot injury that basically can't be killed.

Similarly, Icarus also has a self-healing system. She has been awake soon after she came out, and her resilience is stronger than Shana.

But the one that is a bit troublesome is Black Rock. Although everyone has connected her arm, she can't wake up no matter how she gets her. Even CC can't see what her current state is like. In desperation, they had no choice but to let her continue to sleep. Tomoyo Sakagami went to the Starry Hall with his back. When Lin Luo came out, the problem would naturally be solved.

Another special person is Lin Xiaoke. After becoming an inhuman being, she has rarely communicated with people except for official business, and even when everyone continues to go to the Xingli shop, she even said " "I'm not here" and disappear from everyone.

Her current form is a spiritual word, as long as she does not want people to see her, no one can see her. Although everyone knows that she is nearby, people who can't see her always feel like she is no longer there. Generally, my heart is somewhat heavy.

However, they had no way of doing this, they only waited until that time to see Lin Luo and let him find a way, and at this moment Lin Luo was still in the cracks of the world.


What is the world?

It is estimated that no one will be unfamiliar with the word world. Only a three-year-old child with basic judgment ability can answer this question immediately: the world is the space in which we live.

But is this really the case?


Throughout the ages, the world is the world, and the upper and lower sides are the boundaries. To be correct, the world is the sum of all space and time. Because time is fluid and space is uncertain, in theory, the world does not have a fixed position, it is more like an abstract concept.

Of course, the world mentioned here is the big world, and there are many small worlds within the big world. As long as the flow of time and the nature of space are different from the big world, a small world can be formed.

The small world is endless, there are not only small worlds that exist in reality, but small worlds with more abstract meanings, such as...the world of people's hearts! Also known as the inner world or the mind-like world. How to call it, but it's up to people's preferences.

Everyone has a world in his heart, and what kind of posture he has varies from person to person. Moreover, the mental world of the same person is not fixed, and will change due to changes in the human heart, changing every minute and every second, so the mental world is an uncertain factor, but at the same time it is full of infinite possibilities.

Lin Luo didn't know how long he stayed in the world of his own mind. Maybe it was only a second, maybe it had been through thousands of centuries, long and short, the sense of confusion made him unable to notice the passage of time, maybe... …Perhaps this is always the case.

Lin Luo also didn't know how many times he had died. Under the terrifying red flames of the God of Punishment, he died again and again, disappearing in ashes, and there was no more debris left... That piercing pain, that The power to touch the soul is more serious than ever before, but he will not die.

Because here is his heart like the world, as long as his heart is not sinking, he will never die.

The power of destruction is death, the power of creation is life, life and death are probably the same thing.

"Forever and forever are the passage of time, destruction and creation are the transformation of life and death, the existence of the world is what people want, but all of this is within my consciousness, so... the world exists because of me!"

The world is as big as the heart is.

When Lin Luo came to this point, he couldn't help but smile. Looking at the destruction Hongyan from the opposite side, he felt that it was so insignificant. Just a little bit of the finger, the Hongyan turned into nothingness, and there were no traces of it.

Then his feet landed, Lin Luo looked at the **** of punishment and the **** of creation standing on his left and right sides, and said with a smile: "This time of cultivation will end here."

"What are you?" the creation **** asked.

Lin Luo replied: "I am me."

"What are you?" God of Punishment asked.

Lin Luo replied: "I am Gaia."

"What are you?" the creation **** asked again.

Lin Luo replied: "I am Alaya."

"What are you?" God of Punishment asked again.

Lin Luo grinned, "I'm still me."

Because every person has a world in his heart, understanding this and understanding it is equivalent to controlling a world. The will of the world is Gaia's will. When a person can control the world with his will, that person is his Gaia.

In other words, everyone has their own Gaia.

The collective will of all people in the world will form an Alaya, then when a person controls his own world and controls the only self in this world, that person is his own Alaya.

In the same way, everyone has his own Alaya.

It’s just that, how to wake up his Gaia and Alaya, nothing can be done by thousands of people, but Lin Luo has done it, in his own world, through eternity and need, through destruction And creation, and then through his indestructible will, he has his own Gaia and Alaya.

At this moment, he is Gaia, he is Alaya, but he is Lin Luo and nothing has changed, so in the end, he is still him.

As for how strong Lin Luo has become now, he doesn't know. He only knows that if he returns to the Moon World at this moment, he will have no pressure even if he faces Gaia and Alaya.

Looking at the God of Punishment on the right, Lin Luo looked to the hillside further behind, on which stood a petite girl. The girl wore a black and elegant dress with small black leather shoes on her feet. , Light blue waist-length hair is flying slightly, and behind his head is a **** bow. Coupled with her delicate face and scarlet eyes, it makes people feel unusually indifferent.

Seeing Lin Luo looking at her, her body was motionless, and there was no expression on her face. If it weren't for the breath of life exuding her body, I am afraid that many people would regard her as an exquisite to the extreme imitation doll.

Then, Lin Luo's gaze skipped the creation **** on the left. There was also a hillside behind it, and there was also a girl standing on top of it, a girl whose figure and appearance was just the same, the only difference was the color. The girl's hair is silver-gray, and the clothes on her body are white, one black and one white, as if it were two sides.

And this girl in white is not as cold and indifferent as the girl in black. Seeing Lin Luo's gaze, she stretched out her hands and lifted her skirt and leaned slightly, with a wicked smile on her face.

"Lian, it's time for us to leave." Finally, Lin Luo retracted his gaze.

These two girls are the lotus who stayed in his dreams.

Lin Luo used the destructive power of Heaven's Punishment God to cultivate in the world of mental images, which gave Lian Xin an inspiration, so she also walked out of Lin Luo's dreams and entered this world of mental images... After all, dreams and mental images are only a thread After that, it is not difficult for Yiren's ability to cross that line.

Lian has a complete personality, good and evil, stillness and movement. Although she is only an envoy, except for being unable to be independent in reality, everything about her is indistinguishable from human beings. But her abilities are dreams. Dreams and reality cannot meet. Because it is a contradiction, she loses reality when she chooses dreams. But in this way, her sixth method cannot be fulfilled, because dreams return. It's a dream.

Dreams and reality cannot meet, but only dreams or reality exist alone, it is impossible to complete the sixth method, which makes her stuck in a dead end, which cannot be solved anyway.

However, Lin Luo’s creation and destruction helped her at this time, because creation and destruction are relative things, but they appear in Lin Luo at the same time... and the final result is that Lian finally completed her sixth method. It's just a little different from the initial considerations.

She separated the thing called "reality" from her "unused side", and created another self, that is, the white lotus, the reality of dreams, and she herself is the black lotus, the dreams of reality.

They are reality, and they are also dreams. When the reality of the dream and the dream of reality meet together, then reality and dream are the complete sixth method.

When Lin Luo's words fell and walked forward, the black lotus and the white lotus moved at the same time, but with a blink of an eye, they once again entered Lin Luo's dream. Of course, the current "Lian" no longer needs to rely on dreams to survive, they can rely on the power of dreams to manifest themselves in the outside world, but they are more powerful if they exist in the dream.

Coming out of the world of mental images, Lin Luo once again returned to the cracks of the world. The black lotus and the white lotus existed in his dreams, the snake of the creation **** ritual existed in his source, and the **** of punishment, Aristol, hung on him. On his neck, even though there were five people in their party, he was the only one to look at.

"Yu has passed the news of Yu's return to Saint Yu, Xingli Temple has been arranged, and then only needs to return Yu's body to leave the cracks of the world." Said the Snake of Sacrifice.

"It's so good, then..." Lin Luo nodded slightly, and then looked towards the deepest part of the world. Even in this dark place like an abyss, his vision was not affected in any way, when he saw the deepest part When the one fell in love with the big thing, he suddenly laughed, revealing absolute confidence in his tone.

"Return to our battlefield again and put an end to everything in this world!"

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