The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 740: Even if it’s a god, I’ll still show you the strategy

"How about this, [damn it's your front]."

"Fuck it, it's almost like killing me!"

"No, the opponent is an angel."

"Think about other things, is there no better name?"

When Lin Luo woke up in a daze, he heard a lot of people around him talking about it, seeming to be discussing the name of the front. An endless stream of names came to his ears, such as the battle front, the battle front that wants to disappear, the battle front of the dead end, the invincible fleet... even the more cheating brothers Wright also came out.

For these names, a girl who impressed him very well gave a good complaint, as for a fool who said that the Wright brothers was beaten to tears by the girl with a knife.

"Are you all idiots? You can't even think of a name, but we are at the forefront of the battle line. At the end, we must add the word "front". This will never give in... You, yes, that is you, It also made you think about the name of the battle line before, now you should have a good idea."

The strong vitality girl who looked like the leader unceremoniously yelled at everyone. Seeing that Lin Luo was awake, she immediately pointed at him and said, while the eyes of other people followed her on Lin Luo.

Being watched by so many people, Lin Luo was a bit uncomfortable for a while, but more confused. He estimated that this group of people was probably changing the name of the battle line again, scratched his head, and said casually, "You still It's really boring, just call it [the battle line that makes this world lively], how about it?"


When everyone heard the name of this long and unclear front, they were immediately stunned.

Lin Luo was just talking nonsense, but seeing these people's confused expressions, he couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority in IQ. He also thought about an explanation in an instant, and said, "Since this is the world after death, It must be lifeless, and we don’t want to accept the fact that we are dead, or we want to resist this kind of thing, then let the world become lively and become as we hope in our hearts. It’s interesting... it’s my proposal to make the world lively."

"This name... seems pretty good, what do you think?"

The girl touched her chin and thought for a while, and found that the name of the battle line unexpectedly made herself very satisfied, as if she was tailor-made for herself, she was immediately happy, and she also added two impression points to Lin Luo. She agreed in one fell swoop, but as a leader, she decided to respect democracy.

"I think the world front after death is more appropriate..."

An idiot who didn’t look at the atmosphere next to him spoke, but before he was finished, the girl slapped the idiot out with a hand knife, then put her hands on her waist and said awe-inspiringly, “Well, since no one objected, then That’s it. The name of the battle line in the future will be [The battle line that makes the world lively]."

"..." The original name of the front team seemed to have already understood the girl's dominance, and did not respond, but Lin Luo was embarrassed and speechless. Fortunately, this is just a small post-death front. If the girl is The emperor of a certain great empire is definitely a more brutal and innocent dictator than the head of state.

But... he likes it!

"Then, the name of the battle line has been resolved, and the next thing is the second thing..." The girl stretched out her hand to Lin Luo, "Would you like to be with us, as our companion?"


Although Lin Luo no longer resisted the fact of his death, after all he saw himself die once and then came back to life again, no matter how stubborn he was, he could no longer hold on to his opinion, and he was not that stubborn. As for this front, he didn't have any bad feelings, no matter what, he and the members of the front battled with the angels.

But he still has a little knowledge of this world, even if he really joins the battle line, at least he has to have a full understanding of it.

"Well, this way, this request is completely okay. Originally, I was going to tell you." After hearing Lin Luo's request, the girl said without hesitation, "Listen, there are two kinds of existence in this post-mortem world. , One is people like us who come after death, and the second is the existing NPC characters. If we obediently behave like NPCs, we will disappear in a short time. In the past we lived in the world, human deaths were random It’s impossible to resist at all, but here we won’t die again. We can resist. As long as we can resist the angels, we can continue to exist. It’s that simple. Of course, you’re just here, and it’s natural to be chaotic. Improve Let’s look at adaptability, what you see is what you see."

"I want to fight with monsters like angels..." Lin Luo couldn't help being a little afraid after hearing the girl's words. He was killed by an angel once. Although the injury was completely healed, it felt like...

"You are also a monster." Someone whispered to Lin Luo, except for the girl, everyone nodded.

"Hey! I'm also a monster? When did it happen?" Lin Luo pointed at himself, his face blank.

"Isn't someone who can fight angels to that extent a monster? And..."

"Put the angel down."

"Forcibly kissed the angel."

"Struck on the angel's breasts."

"The corpse was whip by an angel."


"Really superficial."

"..." Lin Luo was ashamed, "Well, let's change the subject. Let me talk about your ultimate goal first?"

"The ultimate goal..." Only the girl didn't seem to mind the trivial things Lin Luo did to the angels, and said with a serious face, "Our goal is to destroy the angels, and completely control the world!"

At this moment, the middle-two aura on the girl's body broke out completely, almost blinding Lin Luo's eyes, but...he ignited a little.

As the saying goes, a young man is not worthy of secondary school. Although he doesn't know if he had a secondary secondary school when he was alive, but in this post-mortem world he can't die anyway, then just go straight to secondary school once!

"Very well, I joined, let's have a good time together!"

With a snap, Lin Luo happily shook the girl's hand.

Hearing his words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The girl also showed Xinlu's smile, but before she could speak, a fierce young man with a long axe walked beside him, staring at Lin Luo and threatening. Said: "Boy, don't think you can do whatever you want when you enter the battle line. If you dare to do anything unruly with you ion...My big axe is already hungry and thirsty!"

Lin Luo glanced at him for a moment, then pointed to the vicious boy with purple hair who threatened him and asked the girl: "Who is this guy?"

Although the opponent seems to have an explosive force rating, he can even knock down the angels. The strength is probably quite high. I don’t care about a hungry boy, and in this world after death, the opponent can’t do anything about himself, so he said The words didn't cover up at all.

"It's just an idiot, don't care." With a hand knife, the girl suppressed the murderous young man who had exploded, and then introduced to Lin Luo, "My name is Zhongcun Yuri, you can call me Yu Ion, the leader of the battle line. , You are welcome to join, newcomer."

Then, under You Ion’s introduction, Lin Luo also had a little understanding of the other members of the front... For example, the "unscrupulous" boy named Hyuga last night, who is good at creating an atmosphere in the front of the adjustment line, as the name suggests, is a A complete idiot.

Then there is a heavyweight player who is full of bulk, few words, due to the fifth stage of judo, so he is known as the fifth stage of Panasonic... Fortunately, he is not capable of electric shock, otherwise it is estimated that he will be renamed Matsushita Electric.

A certain ordinary boy Dashan who is thin and has almost no characteristics...This name is very contrary to his body shape. Of course, being a frontliner can't be useless, and his sniper ability is still very good.

There is also TK, a mysterious teenager who likes to use street dance to greet. I don't know if it is the offspring of a certain dance king. Lin Luo is full of feelings. The other is the four-eyed boy Takamatsu who speaks very sternly. Regardless of his gentle appearance, he is actually a fool like a fake.

There is also a wooden sword boy Fujimaki with a dragon face. Although he looks like a bad boy, he is still stupid in nature. The young man who had threatened Lin Luo with a big axe in his hand was Noda. No matter how fierce he was, he couldn't conceal the nature of a fool.

With just such a few people, there are so many idiots, and Lin Luo thinks it is better to call the idiot front.

In addition to these male players who Lin Luo is not interested in, there are also two female players. One of them is Asami Iwasawa, a quiet beautiful girl with short red hair, the captain of the enemy troops, and a singer.

And another black long straight beautiful girl who stood in the corner and kept saying "Really superficial" was called Shiina. She felt like a ninja. It was the person who handed Lin Luo the knife yesterday... I am grateful for her shot. For help, Lin Luo respected her very much and decided not to call her by her name in the future, but called her superficial sister.

Of course, the people here are only part of the battle line. There are more than a dozen other people who are not here, and the room they are in is the principal's room, which is now the dedicated headquarters of the SSS regiment for combat against angels.

After the introduction, You Ion told Lin Luo some details about the world, giving him a deeper understanding, and the most talked about it was angels.

Thinking of the angel who gave himself a knife, Lin Luo suddenly had an idea and asked: "Can I do something other than resisting the angel?"

"What do you want to do?" You Ion asked indifferently.

"Um... I want to capture angels."

"Puff!" As soon as these words came out, everyone sprayed, even the superficial sister standing in the corner.

You Ion was stunned for a moment, and found that Lin Luo didn't seem to be joking, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Let's not mention that angels are our enemies. You seemed to be insignificant to her last night?"

"No problem!" Lin Luo vowed, a domineering spirit shot out, "There is no one in this world who cannot be defeated by me. Even if it is a god, I will show you the strategy!"

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