The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 743: The second intimate contact with angels

Not long after six o'clock in the evening, the members of the front were all ready.

On the roof of the school cafeteria and on the aisles outside, there are guards of war-level team members. Once an enemy appears, they can attack and contain them in the first place. And inside the school canteen, under the guidance of some members of the front, most of the NPC students came here one after another, which can be described as a crowd of people for a while.

On a high step, there are various musical instruments. The four girls of the band headed by Asami Iwasawa sit quietly on the side under the protection of ordinary members, but their faces are full of youthful confidence. Smile.

When the number of people finally reached their ideal number, Mami Iwasawa got up and walked to the stage with the other three girls, "Then, it's time to start!"

Lin Luo couldn't know what happened in the canteen, because he was guarding the second bridge with Sister Fu Qian at the moment.

As usual, Qian Qiang closed her eyes slightly, leaning on the bridge railing with her arms folded, she wore a black scarf around her neck, her black long straight hair swayed gently in the breeze, and two small swords hung on her waist. There was a dazzling light...Lin Luo felt a lot of pressure looking at this girl who looked like a ninja.

Through brief contact, he has a certain understanding of the three girls and angels he has seen on the front.

Angels are the kind of two-no girls who have no mouth and no expression...Why are two-no girls? Because from the point of view that the angel would whip her corpse, Lin Luo felt that she should have feelings. Although the superficial sister is very few words, she is not silent, but her ninja-like style can't say superfluous words, she can see that she is a very serious person, face-to-face contact can faintly create a sense of oppression.

As for Yu Ion, who is strong and slightly violent, from a certain aspect, she should belong to the type of savage girlfriend, arrogant and domineering but not annoying. In addition, Iwasawa Mami's personality looks relatively quiet. From her unintentionally exposed eyes, it can be seen that she has a longing for something, but it is nothing more than an ordinary girl with musical cells and longing.

Not to mention whether there are any other stories behind these four girls. From what Lin Luo knows now, Mami Iwasawa's strategy difficulty is 60 points. As long as she can find what she longs for, it is easy to strategy.

The difficulty of You Ion’s strategy is about 80 points. Of course, this is only a value observed by Lin Luo instinctively. After all, she is too strong and is the leader of the front. As a member of the front, she has certain status differences. , If there is an opportunity to expose her true side, then this value will be adjusted up and down by about 10 points because of his actions.

As for the angels, Lin Luo knows too little about her, but from the point of view of feelings, she is the target of the attack. Lin Luo sets the degree of difficulty at 90 points...Yes, the difficulty of the attack for the superficial sister is still in the angel. Above, Lin Luo's position is 95 points, because she is a ninja in the dark, and her mystery is even more mysterious than that of an angel, and that serious and cautious style makes it very difficult to see her true side.

Without knowing it, there is no strategy. This is the fundamental reason why the difficulty of the superficial sister of the strategy is higher than that of the angels.

Of course, Lin Luo would think so much. It's not that he wants to attack all the four girls. It's just a subconscious instinct. How to say? For example, after the gambling king enters the casino, even if he doesn't want to win money, he will instinctively think about how he gambles to win money... Or it can be said that it is a kind of professional professional training.

But then again, in this post-death world, Lin Luo doesn’t know his own memory. Unlike other frontline members, he doesn’t have such a clear purpose. He doesn’t know what he wants to do, even if he’s attacking the angels. It's just a sudden interest, not because I like it.

As for what to do after the strategy is successful, Lin Luo doesn't know for the time being, but one thing is for sure, he will never wave his hand and leave. It is more likely that he likes angels because of this, and then lives with angels in this world... …Understanding this, Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, after initially knowing that he had a strong ability in attacking girls, Lin Luo was still worried that when he was alive, he was a scum playing with girls’ feelings, but now it seems that it’s not the same thing. Otherwise, even He himself will despise himself.

"Strategy, it's probably a means to make yourself and the other party happy."

Suddenly, Lin Luo said something as if talking to himself.

Hearing these words, Qian Qian couldn't help but open her eyes to reveal red pupils, and gave him a rather weird look, but her eyes flashed and she closed again, and said lightly, "It's really superficial."

Lin Luo didn't mind, and smiled slightly. After a while, he heard an energetic and passionate singing from the direction of the canteen. He knew that the enemy troops had already begun to act. Although the singing voice is very beautiful and shocking, after all, even NPCs can attract, it is not unreasonably powerful. Asami Iwasawa is worthy of the trump card singer on the front line, and is called a girl with the soul of a musician, but he has no spare time to enjoy the girl's song at the moment, and his eyes immediately look towards the other end of the bridge.

The road to the school cafeteria is not the only one. The chance of Lin Luo meeting angels here is only one-fifth at most, according to the fool's staff in the front, but this kind of thing is not only based on probability theory. Calculating, at least in Lin Luo's eyes, the chance of him and the angel meeting here is 100%...because he has seen a petite figure appear on the other side of the bridge.

The length of the bridge was about fifty meters. Lin Luo couldn't see the figure clearly because of the illumination of the street lights, but...

"There is no doubt that it is an angel." Lin Luo grinned, and suddenly there was an inexplicable nervousness in his heart.

"At the critical moment, there will be a little stage fright. Is it really because of the difference between theory and practice? Or is it afraid of failure and fighting?" Lin Luo muttered to himself, reaching out to stop the superficial sister who seemed to be attacking at any time. With a confident smile on his face, he walked forward, "No, it's just the excitement before the scene!"

The distance of fifty meters was not very far. Soon, Lin Luo and the angel had already faced each other. Last time, because of the special circumstances, he had not looked at the appearance of the angel carefully, but this time he came here with preparations. Seeing the angel clearly...the petite figure, as if he could hold it in his arms at any time, the silver-white hair, the amber eyes, the face was delicate and beautiful but there was no expression, and it seemed very quiet.

From the outside, the angel is an ordinary beautiful girl who is harmless to humans and animals, but Lin Luo knows that under this weak and slender appearance, there is an astonishing fighting power like a monster hidden.

Lin Luo heard You Ion said that angels generally do not take the initiative to attack, and only when others provocation by force, angels will give an eye for an eye. Lin Luo didn't doubt this sentence, because even looking at him, a person who used to have wretched actions towards angels, the angel never showed hostility, but quietly walked towards the cafeteria.

Of course, Lin Luo couldn't let her pass.

"Student president, hello, we meet again." Lin Luo stood in front of the angel and smiled. With the instincts gained from the subconscious, Lin Luo knew that he had the least experience with strategies like Three-no-Girls. In case of accident, it was already there yesterday, and there is no need to deliberately create it. Now, he only needs to contact him as an ordinary student, and then find out part of the angel's information.

"Hello." The angel nodded slightly, then skipped Lin Luo and walked towards the cafeteria.

This attitude of the angel made Lin Luo a little surprised... The angel would whip her corpse, indicating that she has feelings, so at this moment, no matter how indifferent people are, they will be more or less strange. But now she has no reaction at all. Is it emotional? wrong! Does it not express, or, for angels, the school rules are above everything?

Or... the angel whips his corpse, not just for pure affection, but also for other purposes?

For some reason, Lin Luo suddenly felt a huge interest in his heart, and his instinct drove him to understand the meaning of angels, and this instinct seemed to be above the strategy, and he even faintly felt that if he knew the angels The meaning of existence, everything about yourself will be recalled.

Isn't it just a sudden interest that I want to attack angels?

These countless thoughts were only a flash in Lin Luo's mind, and he walked forward quickly and grabbed the angel's wrist, "My name is Lin Luo, can you tell me your name?"

"Play, Lihua played." The angel replied, and then thrown off Lin Luo's hand and continued to move forward.

Lin Luo flickered and stood in front of the angel, "I have a question to ask you. The concert is very good and the students love it. Why do you want to stop it?"

"This does not conform to the school's rules and regulations." The angel said lightly, but did not go any further, and Lin Luo did not use force, and she also treated it in a peaceful manner.

The language can communicate, and the threat of force will not be used against the unintentional, only because of the rules and regulations will prevent it, then...

"Because you are the president of the student council?"

"Yes it is."

"What if you are not the president of the student council?"

"..." The angel was silent, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Lin Luo thought of something suddenly, and continued to ask: "Is the song good?"

The angel paused, "It sounds good."

"What food do you like to eat? Instant noodles without seasoning or cream cake?"


Lin Luo slowly stepped back and asked. Every question was not related to the front and back. Many of the questions could not be answered by the angels. When the question was over, the two happened to walk across the bridge. At the same time, Tornado acted. Successfully completed... The angel was completely held back by Lin Luo.

But this is not something that makes Lin Luo proud. Looking at the angel's back, Lin Luo tapped his temple with a finger and grinned, "I have...find the answer to the mystery!"

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