The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 745: A tragedy in which the heart-wrenching hearer shed tears

After the overthrow and forced kiss incidents, for a whole day, the superficial sister did not show Lin Luo a good face... Although the superficial sister never gave Lin Luo a smiling face from the beginning, she still said "really superficial". Now I see Lin Luo just two words directly: scum!

In this regard, Lin Luo could only smile silently, after all, he was the one who did the wrong thing.

As for the other members of the front line, they didn't have much opinion, but found it very funny, watching it in front of a joke...For these heartless guys, Lin Luo could only curse them for eating Mapo tofu every day.

It was still in the evening, when facing the Angel War Headquarters, the elite members of the front gathered together to carry out simple work reports and battle discussions. Lin Luo listened, but was thinking about other things...

What kind of person is an angel?

She doesn’t like to talk, doesn’t show emotions, and acts awkwardly. Although she has the superior status of student president in the world after death, she can feel her loneliness. Although she has the strength to fight the entire front alone, Never take the initiative to attack others... In Lin Luo's view, if the angel's force is ignored, she is just an ordinary natural stupid, and also a foolish girl.

Of course, the idiot here does not refer to her IQ, but EQ.

Lin Luo didn't think that such a girl would be an apostle of God. Intuitively speaking, Lin Luo was more willing to believe that angels were the same as the people on their front, who entered the world after death. As for why she differs so much from the members of the battlefront, whether it is in force or survival, and her purpose of being an enemy of the battlefront...or what is the purpose of her existence here, Lin Luo doesn't know. .

Of course, even his previous judgment is just a guess, and it is not 100% sure, so Lin Luo did not tell the members of the battle line about these judgments. After all, he is just a newcomer who has only joined the battle line for a day, and the battle line is against the angels. Lin Luo's sense of hostility is also very deep. If you suddenly tell them that angels are also "human beings" like us, Lin Luo himself can't accept it from another standpoint.

Therefore, Lin Luo didn't want to make a big change without actually solving the mystery of the angel. The most important thing was... he had no previous memories.

Although the current days are a bit dazed, they are also carefree. After all, here is 100% freedom, and you can live heartlessly. From time to time, it's not bad to fight with the members of the front, and occasionally tease his assistant superficial sister, and attack the angel by the way.

Of course, the premise is that you can't be too scumbag, even if you molest, you have to stop.

When thinking of the strategy, Lin Luo couldn't help thinking of the angel again. Since he was preparing to guide the angel, then some necessary appointments should be done, such as eating, shopping and so on... Well, there is no street here. Angel, as the president of the student council, obviously I won’t run around, so I only have to eat. Next time I invite the angels to eat Mapo Tofu.

Lin Luo thought a little bit "dirty" in his heart, but his plan didn't have the time to implement it temporarily, because at this moment, You Ion was about to announce a major action.

The girl put her arms around her chest and put her legs on the commander's platform. While listening to the report of the stupid staff officer Takamatsu, she released the commander's unique domineering spirit. After a while, she lifted her foot and smiled, "Then, today's task is set for Guild to descend and fight!"

Because Lin Luo had been deceived by Operation Tornado once before, although the name of Guild's operation was so domineering this time, he intuitively believed that this must be a cheating project similar to Operation Tornado. So, I asked a downstream ion a little bit, and the result... As expected, he didn't expect it!

The world after death is fundamentally different from the real world. Here, as long as you know the structure of something, you can easily make it out of the soil. The weapons and ammunition used by the members of the front are all manufactured by Guild, a logistics unit on the front. In order not to be discovered by the angels, Guild’s headquarters is located deep underground in the school... So, the so-called Guild descending operation is not from the air. Lowering to the ground, but from the ground to the bottom, is really cheating.

Although there was no fierce battle with the angels yesterday, the stock of ammunition on the front line is already running low. After all, even the usual training will consume a lot of ammunition. Now, with the momentum of the perfect success of Operation Tornado, it can be supplemented. , And being able to familiarize Lin Luo with it was also a killer two birds with one stone.

Moreover, a "snatcher" like Lin Luo also needs a good knife.

After the battle plan was finalized, the action began immediately. Because this action might directly encounter the angels, only the elite team members in charge of the battle at the front line will participate. As for the lure enemy troops headed by Ma Meimei, there is no need to participate.

The entrance of Guild is in the school gymnasium. Through the secret door, everyone quickly descends successfully, but Guild's headquarters is deeper, and there is still a long way to reach it.

But when the action just started, something happened that made everyone "sorrowful"... There was an idiot named Noda who had a crush on Youion. He didn't know if it was for the sake of being handsome or something. He came to the ground early and moved forward in the crowd. Waiting in a domineering and unrestrained posture on the road.

But what do you say? Pretending to be forced is about to be struck by lightning. The consequence of his playing handsome is that he is directly smashed into flesh by a huge hammer flying oncoming, and he is buried in the earth.

Of course, his sacrifice was not without credit, at least let everyone know that the trap that Guild canceled by the swimming ion had been restarted, and there was obviously only one reason for Guild to do this-the angel came!

"Ye Tian is really a good person." While everyone was on alert, Lin Luo muttered quietly. After all, in his opinion, Ye Tian was clearly reminding everyone that the angel was coming at the expense of himself.

For such a good emperor, Lin Luo felt that he must wait for at least 0.1 second.

"It seems that this time we decided that Guild went down and did the right thing." You Ion said, but his face was a little heavy. After all, there is only one purpose for the angels to come here, and that is to destroy Guild. Once the angels succeed, the weapon supply on that front will be completely cut off, and then they will no longer be able to fight against the angels.

This kind of thing is obviously unacceptable, so there is only one thing they can do the angel!

It is a trap and an angel. This pursuit is undoubtedly a major test for the members of the front, but no one refuses it, even if Lin Luo agrees... Anyway, the worst result will die once, and it is not that he has never died.

But Lin Luo didn't expect that this test would be more serious than he thought.

Because all the members of the front line except him are idiots, they have forgotten the traps they set, and idiots have sacrificed one after another along the way. For example, a four-eyed idiot was crushed to death by an iron ball, a karate idiot was cut into pieces by a laser beam, a street dance idiot was directly made into a sandwich sandwich, and a certain idiot with a negative memory fell directly into the abyss. …Anyway, the tragedies are endless, and it has reached the point where people who hear it are sad and those who see it weep.

Regarding the IQ of these idiots, Lin Luo no longer wants to complain, but still can’t help but want to tell the truth, “I think, just change [the battle line that makes the world lively] into [the idiot battle line], I think this The name fits you well."

"Is it really okay for you to complain like this?" Hyuga looked down at Lin Luo who was holding his feet, and said.

"...Okay, I take back the foreword." Because of these fools, Lin Luo himself also fell from the collapsed floor. Fortunately, sister Super had eyesight and quick hands, she hung the stone pillar with a rope in time, and then a few people grabbed hands and feet. , They temporarily stopped their lives outside the gate of ghosts. Lin Luo happened to be the bottom one. He was afraid that the head of this foolish Hyuga would get hot, and he would be done as soon as he let go.

Then, under Yu Ion's urging, Lin Luo stepped on Hyuga's body and began to climb upwards. When holding Yu Ion's body face to face with her, the scent of the girl suddenly spread to the tip of his nose and couldn't help him. My heart was rippling, especially the girl's blushing and shy look, it was a rare and beautiful scenery.

"Asshole! Why don't you hurry up!" You Ion scolded Lin Luo with a blushing face.

There is a big ambiguity in this sentence, at least it sounds different to Lin Luo. If it is under normal circumstances, he may strictly abide by the order of the swimming ion, but after all, he is not the person who is the brain of the worm. It's time to climb up honestly.

Of course, in order to retaliate against Hyuga for threatening him just now, he has considered whether he should kick him off with a kick?

"Ah!!!" Just as Lin Luo climbed up, he heard the stupid scream from below... He didn't kick Hyuga down, but Yu Ion kicked Hyuga down. Probably it was the stupid screaming. .

Sure enough, he is an idiot. At this time, wiping oil is not seeking his own way...Although I am not wiping oil less.

As a result, there were only four survivors on the front line. After everyone came up, the bad young Fujimaki leaned against the wall and looked at Lin Luo with a slight discomfort, "Huh, I didn't expect you as a newcomer to survive until now. ."

Lin Luo smiled indifferently, "Yes, it's your turn next."

Five minutes later, Lin Luo half-floated in a water pot, forbearing the smile in his heart, looked at You Ion and Sister Superficially, and then pointed to the floating corpse named Fujimaki next to him, "Look, I foresee It’s the future."

"..." The two of them were speechless, and Qian Qiang gave him a big eye, and then dived into the water to find an exit.

After a while, under the leadership of Sister Fu Qian, the remaining three finally got out of the flood trap.

Because he was the only man, Lin Luo was in the position behind the cushion, and was the last one to emerge from the water. As soon as he emerged from the water, he heard a strange cry from upstream, and he looked at it as a cardboard box.

Standing in the middle of the river, reaching out to pick up the cardboard box, Lin Luo found that it turned out to be a toy puppy inside.

Holding the puppy and looking around, Lin Luo shook his hand and threw it out, "What kind of rubbish!"

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