The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 748: Angel, what are you going to do?

Lin Luo didn't realize all the sword instinct possessed by the body, but he had to stop. First, Yu ion and Shiina had reached the edge of life and death, and second, he intuitively felt that he could only perceive part of the low-level in his current realm. The sword intent is nothing, even if he understands the high-level sword intent, he can't grasp it now.

To put it bluntly, his current level is too low to learn advanced skills.

As for whether he can defeat the angel with the current sword intent, he doesn't know, but he doesn't seem to have to defeat the angel, as long as he can hold the opponent for a few minutes.

"Sorry, we are going to change people here."

Facing Lin Luo's seemingly relaxed and leisurely posture, the angel did not answer, and directly swung his dagger towards Lin Luo... She had only one purpose, to destroy Guild, it didn't matter who the enemy was.

"You were much cuter yesterday than today." Lin Luo smiled lightly, and Demon Blade Village was shot out.

Lin Luo said that he wanted to attack angels. He intuitively believed that angels were the key to recovering his memory. He also judged that angels had a 90% chance of being humans like them, and the purpose of being an enemy on the front was not as simple as it seemed. But... this has nothing to do with him being an enemy of the angel at this moment.

To put it simply, he is now a member of the front, and he still can't do things like eating inside and out, and he also wants to know how strong he is after he has realized part of the sword intent... Anyway, no one in the world after death will be anymore. Die for the second time, then-have a good fight!

"Slashing the Rock Sword!"

Facing the straight attack from the angel, Lin Luo shouted, but he swept the demon knife out of a semicircle, shaved out a sharp sharp edge, even higher than the angel in terms of speed. But such an attack did not cause damage to the angel. Under the delay of her waveform, the demon knife only hit her afterimage, and she herself came to Lin Luo's back at the same time, and then the short sword cut at Lin Luo's neck.

The angel's attack method is very simple, with only two actions: stabbing and cutting. Swordsmanship alone, let alone Lin Luo, even the superficial sister can't match her, and her real power is all kinds of interference abilities. With this near-bug ability that can weaken the enemy's speed, she no longer needs to be technically refined. The simpler the attack, the more effective. Conversely, if she pursues technology, she will lose everything.

Worthy of being an angel, it is really difficult.

Affected by the angel's waveform delay, the originally not sharp attack turned into a violent storm for Lin Luo. At this moment, he finally understood how the superficial sister and You Ion felt, if not that he had already understood it. Part of the sword intent cannot be resisted by instinct alone.

There is no doubt that the angel in front of you is truly moving, far from comparable to the angel I saw on the first day.

Of course, the situation on the angel's side is not good. Even with the abnormal skill of Wave Delay, Lin Luo's sharp attack almost cut her several times. After all, even the rock can be easily cut off by the attack, and her body is not bad. Can’t bear it... If angels can express their feelings like ordinary people, they should also show shocked expressions at this moment. Maybe they will be like the villains on TV. They said the last sentence: "I didn’t expect you to push me. At this point, I really underestimate you!"

However, as a three-no girl, she obviously couldn't be like this, and she hadn't even changed her expression.

"This guy is amazing, my vision is right!" Seeing Lin Luo and the angels fight inextricably, You Ion couldn't help but said in surprise, although she had seen that the other party was a master as early as the first day. I didn't expect to be able to fight with angels to this level...Of course, if you let You Ion know that Lin Luo only comprehends some low-level sword intent, and there are still many high-level sword intents that have not been mastered, I don't know how she will feel.

"Well, not just a thief, but a powerful thief." Sister Xiao Qian nodded in agreement.

Isn't that still a thief? You ion was speechless. However, she obviously won't be entangled in this kind of text, looking at the wound on Shiina's shoulder, her eyes are concerned, "How is your injury?"

Shiina's shoulder was pierced by a dagger. In order to prevent excessive blood loss and death, she had simply wrapped her shoulder with a scarf. She kept pressing her left hand against the wound, but there was still blood oozing out and her entire shoulder was blushing.

Although the nature of death does not exist in this world, there is still pain. If ordinary people suffer such serious injuries, most of them have fainted, but Shiina's face is a little pale, but she doesn't even wrinkle her brows, and said faintly: " I can't fight anymore, it's a gaffe."

"Forget it, the blasting should be ready in half a minute. You just need to retreat." You Ion said indifferently. At this time, there was a sudden roar from the elevator mouth, and then, a red giant The cannon rose slowly.

"You ion, support is coming!" Guild's staff stood beside the giant cannon. As soon as they finished speaking, they ignored Lin Luo and fired directly at the area where Lin Luo and the angels were fighting...This is not their cold blood. Ruthless, just because there is no death here, blocking the angels is the most important thing.

But the problem is that they didn’t have a complete structural memory when they made this giant gun, and they couldn’t even call it a semi-finished product. At the moment of firing, the shell did not shoot out. Instead, the barrel and the body of the gun blew up. Over time, the entire passage was rolled up with thick smoke.

The corner of his eye saw this scene, Lin Luo almost vomited blood, he had already achieved the consciousness of "to die with the angels", but he didn't expect this group of guys to be so ineffective and blinded his expectations.

Of course, although the giant cannon is not powerful, the blasting device has been completed. Guild's leader, Uncle Moustache and several staff members, immediately after the giant cannon exploded, immediately helped Yu Ion and the injured Shiina into the retreat channel.

"Don't worry about me, you can retreat by yourself!" Lin Luo shouted loudly without waiting for them to greet him. He can't die anyway, he can pretend to be a hero. However, what caused Lin Luo to vomit blood was that his act of sacrificing oneself, not only did not evoke any emotion, but also evoked a heartless sentence from You Ion.

"Well, that's what we planned... Do it!" While talking, You Ion had already ordered the people around him to activate the detonating device.

Then there was a series of earth-shattering loud noises that detonated and started.

I rub! Lin Luo Kuang is depressed... Knowing that you are so heartless, I didn't expect you to be so heartless. Anyway, we are all Chun brothers!

The moment the explosion sounded, the position where Lin Luo and the angel stood was immediately shattered. The two of them fell down together, watching the huge arsenal below have turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment, Lin Luo's expression suddenly changed, "Oops, I want Ruined!"

What he was worried about was not that he could not get out of the sea of ​​fire. After all, the fire would go out soon. There is no doubt that Xinchun's brother was resurrected on the spot. He didn't worry about how painful it would be if he was burned. What he is worried about is... but he can burn his clothes if he is not burned by the fire, and the clothes are burned out. After he is resurrected, don’t he want to run naked, and Yu Ion has said that there is only one men’s manufacturing on the front. Wear women's uniforms?

Cheating! It seems that when the time comes, we can only pick up a male uniform on other front players.

When Lin Luo was worried about his future, he also deeply admired his foresight. He was able to think of so much at once, and felt that the fire was getting closer, so he immediately prepared to wipe his neck and commit suicide, but before he could do anything, he suddenly heard him next to him. There was a scream.

"Wow, the angel is on the stage!" Lin Luo turned his head and looked at him. At that time, he was shocked. He saw the angel falling with him. At this moment, two huge white wings appeared on her back. Then the wings flapped, and the angel grasped Lin Luo's body with both hands, and flew up quickly.

After a while, the two of them had already reached the place where the fire could not be burned, their feet fell on the ground, and Lin Luo looked at the girl opposite with a little surprise. He knew that angels weren't so cruel people, but what he didn't expect was that the two of them were fighting to the death before, and the angels would save themselves at this moment, which is really incredible.

"Why save me?" Lin Luo asked instinctively.

The angel harassed her wings and replied blankly, "Because I am the president of the student council."

"..." Well, this answer made Lin Luo very speechless, but there was no need to ask the roots. Before performing the task, he was still thinking about why he should ask the angels for dinner, but at this moment he already had an excuse. "Thank you for saving me. To express my gratitude, I will ask you to eat Mapo Tofu tomorrow, how about it?"

The angel was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately.

Promises so quickly, does she really like Mapo Tofu? Seeing the angel's appearance, Lin Luo suddenly moved in his heart, and quickly added, "Then tomorrow noon...Uh!"

Halfway through, Lin Luo suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and looked down subconsciously, only to see that the angel's dagger had been pierced into his heart, and the blood tickled down the blade.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo was dumbfounded at the time... Not only did he save himself from the sea of ​​flames, he even agreed to his request for a date. In theory, the relationship between him and the angel should have been very good, so there was no point. With a defensive heart, he never expected that an angel would come such a hand.

This is more than cheating! This is simply cheating!

Angel, what are you going to make? !

After the angel withdrew the dagger from his body, Lin Luo fell straight back, and then hit the ground with a bang. Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, Lin Luo suddenly saw the angel squatting down beside him and said: "Time... is running out... hurry up..."

Not much time...what do you mean? Hurry up... what is it again?

Lin Luo couldn't understand the angel's words, but he had no time to think. As he closed his eyes, his consciousness completely disappeared.

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