The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 789: The strongest assassin is born and travels to the unknown world

After being overthrown by Yuri Nakamura through alcohol, Lin Luo's small life finally has a more comfortable life, or his nightlife finally looks decent, at least when he sleeps at night holding a charming and charming girl, it is always better than It's much more comfortable to hold a quilt.

Let alone do some wonderful exercises before going to bed.

It just made Lin Luo more depressed. After Yuri changed from a girl to a woman, her character also had a subtle change. Maybe she thought that she had taken the lead, even if she couldn't stop the great path of the harem, but the position of the empress of the palace was proper, so she had begun to release the majesty of the palace.

But Yuri didn't know that the position of her main palace was actually the same as Remilia's majesty, not much, and it was the same as Reimu's ethics, and the wind would never come back.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo went from being depressed to guilty, feeling that he was a sinner... The girl gave him the most important thing, but he failed to give her what she wanted, so she could only satisfy her in fantasy Click it.

But even if it is a fantasy, it may not last long. There is always a force in the dark that will break your fantasy... Seven days are up, and Yuri's illusion of the palace is about to come to an end.

"Have you already decided?" Lin Luo stood in front of the stage and looked at the dozens of familiar figures on the opposite side. It was not because there were too few people. On the contrary, it was a little more than he expected. Not only did none of the elite members leave, but most of Guild's members remained, and even ordinary members who didn't say a few words never left.

"Does our stay bother you?" Hyuga's eyes were smiling, and he waved his hand lightly. "Everyone who wants to go is gone, and those who don't want to go will not stay until now. Now you see These people stay here with their own consciousness, not only because they are reluctant, but also because they want to see the changes in this world with their own eyes."

"We are band members with professional qualities. The lead singer didn't leave the band behind, so naturally we can't leave first... The music that has spread all over the world, if we can do it, we also want to win this glory."

"Right, yes, Yuyimiao's wish has not been fulfilled yet."

"You ion is still fighting, I can't leave her behind!"

"I don't have that kind of obsession. I just want to see the wider world."


Almost everyone has stated the purpose they left behind. Although these goals are different, some are for others, and some are for themselves, as Hyuga said, they are all choices they made based on their own consciousness. One exception.

"You die later, don't blame me." Lin Luo smiled knowingly, knowing that they would not change their minds, and of course he would not refuse. Although for him, the power of these people is unnecessary, but for this world, their existence is very important.

A world, its prosperity does not only depend on the power and civilization of the world, but more importantly, people. If a world has an almost invincible civilization, but is sparsely populated and distracted, then it is not far from extinction. On the contrary, no matter how backward a world is, if all people are united, its development will be unstoppable.

Lin Luo now has the ability to turn this world into his own Hall of Valor, but if there are only two NPCs and three or two of Valor, with his sleeping state of Gaia and Alaya, it is almost impossible to make the Hall of Valor grow up quickly. Impossible. After all, the peak strength of an organization is extremely important, but the grassroots strength is also indispensable.

A full one-third of the members of the SSS team can stay here. Although the number is small, it is undoubtedly a good start... The world affects mankind, and mankind will also affect the world. The two create a virtuous circle, which may not be necessary in the future. Will be much worse than the Hall of Valor in Moon World.

At least, if Yuri Nakamura can achieve true perfection, it will be comparable to Jin Shining.

"Now that everyone has made a decision, the change of the world can also begin."

"That kind of thing, the moment you decide to stay... has already begun."

Faced with the expressions that everyone was expecting, Lin Luo laughed softly. After finishing speaking, he took the lead to walk outside the gymnasium. The others looked at each other and immediately followed... When they walked out the door, they saw that forever. An unforgettable scene.

I saw an indescribable huge sky pavilion gradually emerged from the sky not far away. It was a majestic and magnificent that they had never seen before, and as that pavilion rose, the dense white mist permeated it. It erupted like a tsunami, blasting the sky and the earth.

It was just that for an instant, the entire world seemed to have been completely shrouded in white mist...Except for a few such as Lin Luo, everyone had their mouths open, and they were obviously shocked by this scene and they were speechless.

"That's the Hall of Heroes?" After a long time, no one raised any questions until the sky tower stood quietly in the sky, with the undulating white mist looming.

"That is indeed the Hall of Valor, but it is not in its complete form." Lin Luo nodded, just as his state is incomplete, and of course the Hall of Valor would not be complete, otherwise it would not only be a castle in the sky, but the whole world would happen. Change, and will be controlled by his mind, just like Mingjie.

Of course, even now, he has already mastered half of the world's dominance.

However, the change of the world does not end like this. The appearance of the Hall of Valor is just the beginning. In the next period of time, many things will slowly change... Lin Luo himself doesn't know how much it will change. , But in order to be more clear about his strength, he can only wait patiently.

And this wait is half a month.

Half a month later, the world is still that world, but the meaning of existence is completely different. Lin Luo truly occupies half of the country, and the development of the heroic spirit has a new pattern...not the heroic spirit, as long as it has been nurtured by the heroic hall, it will also evolve. The possibility of becoming a hero. A hero who is a hero but does not belong to him, as long as he signs an agreement, he can also become a hero in this world.

It's just that these two heroic spirits are lower in accuracy than the heroic spirit who directly signed a contract with Lin Luo. If divided according to the occupational market, the first type is the interns in the company, who have finally turned into grassroots personnel after many years, and the second type is the externally recruited talents who have to sign a contract before they can enjoy the company’s benefits. As for Yuri Iwazawa This category is the elite talents carefully cultivated by the company. Once they come in, they will get the best benefits and positions.

The appearance of these two types made Lin Luo see the hope of the Hall of Valor's growth. If he really had to rely on love to collect the Valiant, he really didn't know what to do.

In addition, Lin Luo has another huge gain, that is Shiina's heroism!

Shiina Esato

Gender: Female

Height/weight: 161CM47KG

Attribute: Chaos·Neutral

Strength: B

Skills: B

Physical strength: C

Lucky: C

Agility: A

Treasure: A+

Retaining skills:

Stealth: A. The advanced concealment ability formed due to his ninja origin can completely erase his own breath to the point where the five senses are completely undetectable. Under the stealth state, it is not attacked, and after an active attack, it sneaks and disappears.

Shrinking the ground into an inch: B, after raising the speed to the limit, it can form a kind of illusion of shrinking the ground, making the battle more handy. This skill cannot be used overlapped with stealth.

Treasure: One hit kills, B, a treasure for people, maximum capture one person. The one-hit lore of the must-center kill is only available in stealth mode. When the target is captured within the attack range, this attack will be cast. As long as the target is still bound by the law, this hit will definitely hit and cause death. Lethality. If the target is outside the law, the power will be relatively weakened. At the same time, if the sneak is broken, it will also affect the success rate.

Treasure: The current hero is incomplete, this treasure is not available.

This is Shiina's attributes after becoming a hero. To be honest, the original attributes of Iwasawa and Yuri were enough for Lin Luo to be surprised, but seeing Shiina's attributes, he knew that there was not the most perverted, only more perverted.

Her appearance meant that the strongest assassin was born, and all the assassins could retire. And even among all the heroic spirits, Shiina is extremely lethal. Although the release of the treasure is more troublesome, if she is released, the one who can escape the mortal blow can be counted with one hand.

But even so, the current Shiina is still incomplete, and even Iwasawa and Yuri are in a similar state.

Although Lin Luo felt it was a pity, he knew that the problem was with him, but he didn't force too much. Moreover, after the world's affairs had come to an end, he had to leave.

"Where is the next world?" Yuri said in a serious tone, understanding his thoughts.

"I don't know." Lin Luo shook his head. The King of the World's ability has not yet been activated. He can't go to the Ming Realm. He can only let the Avenue of Stars enter a world randomly. As for where it is, he can't know it.

Avenue of Stars could only take three people, but Lin Luo decided to take only one with Lihua.

First, although the three of Yuri and the others became heroic spirits with unlimited potential, they had too little experience after all. If they were to fight against heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War, they would definitely lose. It would be better for them to stay in the hall of heroic spirits and get familiar with them.

Secondly, he has half the dominance in this world. Although it is a bit difficult for him to re-enter after he leaves, it is still very easy to summon his heroic spirits. On the contrary, Lihua Music is not his heroic spirit. If he stays here , Then it really cannot be called out.

Although very unhappy about this reasoning, I also know that this allocation is the most reasonable. After all, they have a difficult road ahead and always have to make a certain plan, so they are depressed and depressed, but they are not awkward.

"Well, we will stay in the House of God Temple!"

Well, after Lin Luo's humanization treatment, the name of the Hall of Valor was changed to the House of God Hall.

Finally, after a brief farewell to everyone, Lin Luo finally opened the long-lost Avenue of Stars, and played with Li Hua to the next unknown world...

Summary after roll

The AB volume is over. To be honest, I am not satisfied. Although the beginning is good, the ending is not bad, but the plot in the middle is because of my own state and external environmental problems, and the writing is poor.

I had a good idea at the beginning. AB is the beginning of the second half and it is very important. I also think that I can write her well, even comparable to Xingyue Gensokyo, but in the end I was wrong... this The volume is not even as good as the fifth volume.

Any bit of stain can turn a good thing into waste, not to mention that this time the problem is more than just a little bit, so for the entire book, AB is a failure.

The tenth volume came to a good end, but the eleventh volume did not start well, and even because of the vicious circle, it was impossible to write it for a while, but in the end the eleventh volume was over. Although it was a failed volume for the book, For me it was successful.

Because I succeeded in persevering!

Nothing is more important than this!

Volume 12 is about to begin, a new world, a new plot, but it may not be a newcomer that is shown before our eyes.

This time, I have a new enemy, who is myself!

For a long time, when I write a book, I have to check a lot of information. Even if it is for an action or a sentence, I may have to watch an hour’s animation, which is very troublesome, but I am also proud of it, because I know most of the same authors. Would never do this.

But next is a world that I don't know much about, but its existence is very important, so I can only challenge myself and do my best to do my best. Please look forward to it.

12 volumes... a thousand years ago!

Volume 12 A thousand years ago

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