The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 793: If I am the king, you are the face of a country

After the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, in order for him to summon her in the next Holy Grail War, Altria gave the scabbard to Lin Luo. After that, although in order to protect Mu Nao Xiang, Lin Luo placed the scabbard in the wood. In Naoka's body, but this scabbard could barely be regarded as a token of love between him and Altria, and it was a little unreasonable to give it to other girls anyway.

Therefore, after solving the events in the magical world, the scabbard was taken back by Lin Luo and placed in his body in the form of conceptual arms through the power of the little Saber.

Low-level conceptual weapons can only exist in the body, but high-level conceptual weapons are directly integrated into the spirit. When Hong Shi Lin Luo realized the two consciousnesses, he could already achieve the highest level of conceptual weapons. The scabbard Avalon was connected with his spirit and was inseparable.

Although he died later because of the avatar of the destiny god, not only the body and soul were scattered, but the spirit was also excessively damaged, which directly led to the half destruction of the scabbard, but with the awakening of his memory, the fusion with the book of contract, and the establishment of the Hall of Valor , The scabbard almost recovered...In other words, Altria’s scabbard was in Lin Luo's body!

There cannot be two identical people at the same point in time, and this theory can also be applied to other things. The scabbard Avalon is unique in this world. It is impossible to have two scabbards at the same time. Since the scabbard is now in his body, it means that there is no scabbard in this era.

Otherwise, it is a violation of the most basic law.

Therefore, even if others can't find the scabbard, Lin Luo will definitely be able to find it, because it is on him!

But here is a question: where has Avalon in this era gone?

The Avalon of this era was stolen by a certain grandson, and then Avalon was on his body. From the result, he was the grandson, but in fact, Avalon was handed to him by the original owner. , The road is open and honest, even if the city management sees it, there is nothing to say, then... Lin Luo thinks of this, only feels that his head is a mess, even if he understands it with his Kongming lantern-like IQ, it is a mess.

This reminded him of a question that has plagued countless philosophers for N years: a chicken lays an egg, and an egg turns into a chicken. Should there be a chicken or an egg?

Lin Luo was very fortunate that he was not a **** person, so he decisively ignored these dispensable details, looked forward, and found that my king was also looking at him, and his expression was actually very focused, like Just like looking at her wife...

If it is an ordinary girl, Lin Luo might still think so. After all, he is considered a tall, rich and handsome, but the opponent is a majestic knight king. If he wants to be purely affectionate, even if he has the goodwill bonus of the heart of the world, It's impossible to reach FLAG so quickly.

"What's wrong, is there anything strange on my face?" Lin Luo pretended to be at a loss.

"No, it's nothing." The generation queen looked away, and concealed the flash of strangeness, and then said sternly, "Although Mr. Hades is a poet, he has a good understanding of my country's national conditions. And the experience is extraordinary, as Kay said, he is a rare talent."

"Dare you dare, I just listen a lot, so I can say something brash, my king is absurd." Lin Luo was shamelessly taking other people's theories as what he had learned before, but at this moment, he is rare and humble. stand up.

But his modesty was even more appreciated by Altria.

Being able to observe things that others can't, able to speak words that others dared to say, self-confidence in humility, and no pride in self-confidence, these are more than talents, they are simply the pillars of the country and the ministers of the society!

Altria looked up and down Lin Luo a few times, very satisfied. Yesterday, Kai told her that she had found a talented person with great ability. She still didn’t quite believe it. In addition, she was somewhat upset because of the missing scabbard. She didn’t mean to meet Lin Luo immediately, but In view of Kai's face, and the assassin who might have come to assassinate her, he deliberately arranged a meeting in the backyard.

At this moment, after some talks, she also rejected Lin Luo's idea of ​​being an assassin like Kai, and found that the other party had enough knowledge to match Merlin. She couldn't help but feel very grateful, even if she was depressed because of the loss of the scabbard. Kind of a bit, I was already considering what position to arrange for Lin Luo.

It’s also because Lin Luo didn’t have mind-reading skills, otherwise he would have to let him know that my king gave him such a high evaluation, even if he was ashamed of his cheeky... The reason why he dared to say that rebellious rebellion was precisely because of the emperor in front of him. It's my king, if he changes to a faint king, he will flatter him.

"I wonder if Mr. Hades is interested in serving in our country?" Soon, Altria threw out an olive branch.

"Well..." Lin Luo was not surprised at all. After all, as the king of a country, it is a matter of enthusiasm for talents, but even though he also had this idea, he was a bit hesitant to agree to it immediately. After all, Liu Bei asked Kong Ming to pay back. If you want to visit the thatched cottage three times, since you compare yourself to Kong Ming, so easily accepted by my king, will the price be too low?

Altria didn't know that Lin Luo's fantasies had flown to Mars, but knew that an outstanding wise man would always be a little arrogant, so she said, "With Mr. Hades's talent, it would be a pity to waste it, although I am good at marching. Fighting, but not enough to govern the country. If Mr. Hades wishes to help me, I will certainly be grateful."

"...Okay." Since my king said so, it would be too much to say if he refused, so Lin Luo nodded in agreement with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Altria was overjoyed, "Although there are knights with both civil and military skills around me, they are not very good at politics. If Mr. Hades doesn’t dislike it, let’s take the post of court minister by my side. You are named a free earl, and you can enter and leave the palace freely without being summoned."

My king fully embodies the principle of appointing people without doubt, when suspects don't use it, getting rid of stupid people, and reusing talents. In less than an hour, Lin Luo has given Lin Luo immense power.


Lin Luo was also shocked. Although he didn't know much about foreign history, he also knew that the palace minister was the official position to manage the internal affairs and assist the emperor. If it were in ancient China, it was equivalent to the prime minister... , If you let those history traversers know, they still can't buy a piece of tofu and hit them to death.

The gap, the naked gap!

As for the Earl of Liberty, there is nothing remarkable. After all, in this era, the titles below the marquis can be sent casually, even Altria herself was just a false title before he became king. But the freedom to enter and exit the palace is great. It seems that only the Knights of the Round Table have this kind of honor, and it is not all the Knights of the Round Table.

Lin Luo couldn't have imagined that my king would open the back door so widely. Even with the influence of the heart of the world, it should be impossible for him to value himself so much. Could it be that the words just now have such a heavy weight?

If it weren't for the knowledge of my king, Lin Luo would definitely think this was a conspiracy.


Soon after, Lin Luo left the palace. Although Altria had already sealed him off, it will take some time for the official documents to come down. It is impossible to take up the post today. Taking advantage of this time, he still has the opportunity to visit. This medieval European country.

Lin Luo has no interest in being a prime minister. After all, politics is really annoying. There are hypocritical sets of comings and goings, but in order to get close to my king, he has to reluctantly...He even has a harem the size of the world. After all, are you afraid that a few backward natives will fail?

By the way, in the future, you can freely enter and exit the palace. When that time comes, go and see my king's wife Gurney Verr. What kind of disaster it is that can turn my king and the Yangtze River knights into enemies.

While the sky was imaginative, he returned to Kai’s house under the leadership of Hu Xie, and reunited with Li Hua... This is also a small eye of Kai. If Lin Luo is an assassin, even if he can run, his assistant Can't run.

It's just that Lin Luo is not an assassin, and his arrangements have been completely overwhelmed. After learning that Lin Luo was sealed off by such a big official, he was also a little surprised.

After all, Lin Luo was brought in by him. He originally wanted to celebrate for him, but Lin Luo refused. Compared to celebrating, he still had more important things to do.

"Go, Christina, let's go shopping."

Lin Luo was like a villain, pulling Lihua to leave with a smile on his face, shopping is fake, and investigating people's sentiment is the truth. After all, as soon as he came up, he was almost in charge of the internal affairs, and someone must be in trouble. If he didn't understand anything, it would be a shame to lose his face, and it would be embarrassing for my king to be unable to step down.

"what is this?"

"Is this delicious?"

"This tofu tastes worse than Mapo tofu."


Although Lin Luo didn't have much interest in this backward country, Angel Sauce was full of interest, just like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden. Her eyes were full of curiosity. In just half a day, what she said could almost compile a volume of 100,000. Why.

The only thing that has the same knowledge as Lin Luo is...The food in this era is terrible.

Lin Luo was used to the excellent craftsmanship of the maids of the Sky City, and it would be a sin to eat this kind of food again... He finally understood why my king could eat so much because it was too bitter when he was alive.

In half a day, Lin Luo hadn't fully adapted to this era, and was also thinking about the scabbard, so he didn't observe much about the people's conditions.

In his cognition, he wanted to take the scabbard out of his body. Only three people could do it, Gaia and Alaya, but the two gods obviously couldn’t move, so there was only one person left, and that was the little Saber. !

Even the real master Altria couldn't do it, because she was not a hero now.

But the problem is that the little Saber is in the bright world, and the distant water can't save the near fire.

"Hey, it looks like a lot of trouble...Huh?"

Lin Luo was secretly distressed, and at this moment he suddenly saw a figure walking not far away...My king? !

"Strange, why did she run out of the palace? Wait, that person..."

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