The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 795: Grinding the mirror and grinding the mirror, I ask you, where did she come from?

Lin Luo thinks that this knight girl, who is called "touchable", is a very interesting person. She was exposed to her hidden true sex, and she changed from being arrogant at first to anger and anger, trying to shock her with her arrogance. Die yourself. Then seeing that the **** was not working, she lowered her face and tried to kill people with her eyes, but when she realized that all this was a cloud to herself, she finally panicked.

Lin Luo has never seen a person who can change their facial expressions so colorfully in such a short period of time... This is also a skill!

Seeing the awkward appearance of this knight Ji who wanted to explain but didn't know where to start, Lin Luo didn't dare to determine whether she would take off her clothes for a while so that she could verify her identity.

Her every move is obviously very different from Altria. Although Altria is her predecessor who pretends to be a man, her purpose is very simple, just for the needs of the king, and even if she is exposed, she will not Will deny it. Because for Altria, her gender is not important. Whether a woman or a man is optional, she has only one identity, that is, the king.

And Mordred obviously cares about her gender. She does everything she can to dress herself up differently from a woman. She also makes herself more masculine in her behavior, deceiving others and at the same time implying that she is... A man, not a woman!

But she seems to have forgotten that even if everyone can treat her as a man through hints and behaviors, she cannot truly become a man. Everything she did has no meaning in the face of facts.

It can be seen from this point that although Mordred is very scheming, more advanced in thinking, and knows how to use her own advantages to make her own path smoother, she still compares with Altria The difference is too far, the two are not at the same level at all.

If there is any similarity between the two people besides appearance, it is natural... No matter how you pretend to be an honest fox, you will eventually show a cunning tail, and no matter how you hide your attributes, you will eventually expose your natural side. The power of blood is not to be ignored.

"Well, you don't have to make a fuss too much. In fact, it doesn't matter to me whether you are a man or a woman." Because of Knight Ji's strong reaction, everyone inside and outside the tavern was looking at him. Lin Luo was worried that he would be heard and touched. The rumors that came to engage in base, so, although it is naturally interesting to watch the knight ji guilty, he also had to speak out.

Moreover, in case Knight Ji is mentally disabled for a while and really wants to take off his clothes to verify his body, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Humph!" Knight Ji glanced at Lin Luo bitterly, but wondered in her heart that she was not calm enough, just such a sentence almost lost her measure, it seems that she is still a little short of King Arthur.

Mordred can become one of the knights of the round table, and the ranking is extremely high, it is the result of her own hard work, without going through the back door. She has always believed that her force is not inferior to Altria, and she should be better in terms of mind, and see the domestic situation more clearly than the other party. Therefore, she also believes that Altria can do what she can do. Do it, you can even do better.

There is only one reason why the current King Arthur is Altria, not her Mordred... She was born out of time. If you can swap positions with Altria, the legend will be created by her.

This is Mordred’s inner thoughts, perhaps because of jealousy, perhaps because of lack of love, or for other reasons. For King Arthur, who is related to herself by blood, she is very displeased and always compares herself with each other. .

But she didn't know that no one could imitate King Arthur. If only relying on the strength and wisdom not inferior to Altria could become the second King Arthur, then the three words King Arthur would be too worthless.

In terms of strength, Lancelot is stronger than Altria. In terms of wisdom, Merlin, the great magician, is clearly the best among them. Far from being comparable to Altria. In terms of power, no one dares to say that the pope is second. One, when Altria saw him, he would be short by three points... But why did they create the myth of invincibility? It was not these people who became the King of Eternity, but Altria, who was weaker than them?

The reason why a legend becomes a legend is because it cannot be copied.

No one would deny that Mordred is an excellent knight, but her knowledge is obviously insufficient. To put it awkwardly, she is a little bit less self-aware. She only sees Altria's shortcomings, but ignores herself. Where is the shortcoming, this is probably the reason why she will eventually die under Altria.

Of course, this is actually nothing strange, because many people are like Mordred. They can see the shortcomings of others but cannot see that they are worse. As long as they catch the slightest mistake of others, then that person In their opinion, everything they do is worthless, even if they themselves can't make those "worthless" achievements.

Just like a million-word novel, as long as a small quotation appears, it seems to some people to be plagiarism guilty of death, but these people have never thought about it, even if they copy and paste a copy, they may not be able to do it. .

But having said that, although Mordred is less self-aware, it is not too annoying, at least in Lin Luo's view, she is still a person who can speak out, not playing hypocritically with herself. One set... After all, the people of the country are regarded as fools and objects of use. Many aristocrats should have this idea, but how many can they say in person?

At least for this point, Lin Luo's evaluation of this knight Ji has risen a lot, of course, that Saber face also has a super good impression.

"It's a bit late today. My assistant and I are going back. Jazz is touchable. We will talk again when we have time." Lin Luo said as he got up to checkout. Everything was just opened. Preface, he has not yet entered the true core of the Arthurian era, and he does not know what he has to do besides conquering my king. The purpose is still vague, the road has not yet formed, and there seems to be no too much contact with the knight Ji. What's the point.

It is enough to have the current understanding before actually entering this vortex.

Of course, Knight Ji came to Lin Luo for her own purpose, but she couldn't start planning, but her identity was exposed first, and she was caught off guard. The target person seemed a bit tricky. Her initial thoughts seemed necessary to reconsider, and she also thought that she was not in a hurry for a while.

Coupled with Lin Luo's unpredictable expression, it made her feel a little upset, so she waved her hand without holding her, "please."

Lin Luo nodded, and as soon as he walked to the entrance of the tavern with Lihua Music, the voice of Knight Ji came from behind. Looking back, she frowned slightly, "Wait! What did you call me just now?"

"...It's tangible." Lin Luo thought for half a second before answering truthfully.


"Well, it's fine." Lin Luo gave her another name in a blink of an eye, thinking, if you didn't touch it, it would probably be polished. Otherwise, how could there be such a thing as a mirror.

"..." Knight Ji's eyes were cold. Although she didn't understand Lin Luo's words, she instinctively told her that what the other party said was definitely not good, and most of them were hurting herself.

It's just that since the meaning is unclear, she has no ability to refute it. She sneered and said, "Sir Hades is going to be happy too early. Although the king has sealed you off, no one can stop it, but you can stand at such a high place. Not only honor, but more...huh."

Although she only said half of it, Lin Luo knows exactly what it means. After all, no matter where it is, right is always something that makes people jealous. She is a fledgling country, and even Kong Ming doesn’t get that kind of treatment. No one looks for it. The ballast is strange.

"Thank you girl for your kind reminding." Lin Luo glanced at the knight gratefully and said sincerely.


Knight Ji trembled, and the cup in her hand was immediately crushed by her. Looking at Lin Luo's leisurely back when she left, she considered whether the fragments on her hand would stab the individual to death enough weight?

However, this tempting idea was not implemented in the end, after all, the identity of the other party was unusual. She always reminded herself: The other party is a talented person whom Wang admires, and a calm character like herself should make a decision and then move.

But... if you don't vent your depression, it's easy to hold back the illness.


Lin Luo didn't know that the few short words he had in the tavern had already made Knight Ji almost vomit blood and almost made her want to hack herself to death. Or he said this deliberately just because he knew it. In short, his ability to get angry and not pay for his life has improved a lot.

But no matter how angry Knight Ji was, he couldn't stop Lin Luo from embracing the way of a powerful minister under one person and above ten thousand people.

After three days, both the verbal title and the official documents have been down. Although Hades is still unfamiliar to many people, everyone who lives in the royal city and is in the center of power has already Remember this name firmly.

After all, a person who has been appreciated by King Arthur and has jumped from a mere poem to a palace minister, it is impossible not to let them take it seriously.

As a result, Lin Luo no longer needs to live in Kai's house and has his own mansion, but for him, what is the difference between these medieval mansions and thatched cottages, is not used to it or second, there is not even a bathroom... cheating!

Fortunately, he has a universal capsule with a super ring tone, and he can barely survive.

Others are Jinwu Cangjiao, but he has another world in the thatched cottage.

Early the next morning, Lin Luo was formally summoned by Altria, and under the leadership of several knights, went to the palace mightily.

At this moment, the wheel of history began to turn like a mother.

Legend, start here!

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