The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 816: Actually what I'm looking for is my long-lost sister

Since the call with Meilin ended, Lin Luo and the others returned the same way. The holy mountain that had been wandering in it because of Meilin's magic was restored, and they returned to the city soon after.

Lin Luo first asked Lihua and Cirno to return to his home, while he himself and Altria came to the palace. My king's dress still obscures his true face as it was when he left. It is difficult for ordinary people to see. Such a person of unknown origin is easy to be questioned, but Lin Luo has the right to enter and leave the palace freely. The guards and knights all know him. It was the celebrity next to King Arthur, who naturally did not dare to interrogate or even block him, and he went unimpeded along the way.

Then, under the leadership of Altria, the two came to a small house in the backyard.


As soon as he entered this hut, Altria took off his disguise, and then closed the door tightly... It is naturally imaginative to live alone in the same room, but Lin Luo doesn’t have it even if he has the heart. This kind of thought, because he knew that Altria didn't bring herself here because she wanted to make love.

This is a very small room, at least in Lin Luo's eyes, it is about the same size as the bathroom at home. Of course, it is not as luxurious as the bathroom. It can even be said to be quite simple. There is nothing except a few tables, chairs and oil lamps... Oh, yes, there is a cross.

Medieval Europe was still an era led by the church. Although this trend continued until the 21st century, there is no doubt that in this era, the power of the church is extremely powerful, and it can even be said to be the only one with great authority. Sexual organizations, even an empire, are far from being able to fight against the church.

If you want to be king, not only do you have to lay the ground, but you also have to be recognized by the church. If the church does not think you are the king, then even if you have a lot of territory, you are at most a mountain king. As long as the church orders, you can always People can come to surround you.

For example, Altria's accession to the throne was also recognized by the church. She merged with France, eliminated the once-robust Roman Empire, and accepted the coronation of the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church. It was also at that time that she was recognized by the world as the truly ruling King Arthur.

Altria was a believer. From a very early time, one was influenced by the times, and the other was because only the believers of the church were qualified to be a king, otherwise he would be a heresy!

In this era, no one dares to refute what the church says. If the church says you are a heretic, then sorry, you will be hunted down by all the believers and the whole world, even if you are a law-abiding citizen or rule an empire The king, as long as you are caught by the church, you will have to be burnt at that time... The river crab in the 21st century is very powerful, but the church of this era is obviously better than the river crab.

Let’s just talk about magicians. In the 21st century, although the relationship between the Magic Association and the church was not good, they existed for opposition, but the church did not dare to attack magicians casually, because the power of magicians was not worse than theirs. . But in this era, magicians are heretics, and they are always chased by the church.

When Lin Luo took office as the magistrate a month ago, the reason why he was greatly blocked by the knights was that the church also made a great contribution here, because Lin Luo had the identity of a magician.

Morgan learned of Lin Luo’s identity, so he informed the church that he wanted to kick Lin Luo out with the church’s strongest knife, but the church did not let her down, and indeed shot Lin Luo. Of course, the church’s The man himself did not directly face Lin Luo, but only stirred up the Knights of the Round Table to interfere.

But in the end did not succeed, because Lin Luo is not a magician, but a magician!

These two existences seem to be similar, and they both play magic, but in fact they are very different. The church dares to deal with a first-class magician casually, but absolutely does not dare to attack a magician, no matter what it thinks. Get rid of him, but on the surface, he also had to pretend to be kind, because the magic made the church unable to move at all.

Take Merlin, for example, the existence of this character is undoubtedly a thorn in the eyes of the church, and it is too eye-catching, but the church not only dare not do anything to him, even if the bishop sees him, he must respectfully call him Master Merlin.

Therefore, after learning that Lin Luo was a magician of the same level as Merlin, the church had no choice but to open its eyes. They have no pressure to deal with a magician, but they want to deal with a magician... Haha.

Not to mention that ordinary believers can't beat them, even if the pope comes in person, he will have to fight against the magician.

Of course, Lin Luo didn't know this at first, but later in the conversation with Bediwell, she heard that she unwittingly revealed it... Lin Luo didn't have a cold with the church at first, and was learning about it. After that, the impression in his heart was naturally worse. If he wasn't strong enough, he would want to kill the Pope in the Great Temple.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing Altria praying to the cross with a pious face, Lin Luo had nostrils up to the sky, looking at the sky with both eyes, like a proud rooster, he didn't take it in the least.

In his view, the church is the kind of role that bullies the weak and fears the hard. It only dares to deal with the weak and pretends to be dumb in the face of the strong. Two modern remarks fully interpret the essence of the church. First, I said I was right, and that was right. Second, if you think I am wrong, please refer to Article 1.

"You don't seem to like the church?" Altria prayed every day, but today because of something on his mind, it ended a bit faster than usual. As soon as I stood up, I saw Lin Luo's disdainful expression and couldn't help it. Asked.

"..." Lin Luo continued to do the **** shape without answering.

Altria sighed. She naturally knew why Lin Luo would look at the church unpleasantly, and persuaded, "Actually, you don't need to care too much. Although the church's behavior is... it is indeed sharper, but it is not what you think. So bad, at least the church will not embarrass you anymore."

"Come on, that's because they found that I was not what they could move, so they didn't dare to take action." Although Lin Luo usually opposes Altria's views, he can still control his tone well, but at this moment , But he unreservedly expressed his disgust, "You said that the church is not as bad as I imagined. What about the church openly allowing his wife to be emotionally derailed? What about mental affair can not be jealous... I rely on it! Isn't this encouraging women to go out of the wall? What kind of wolf ambition is there anyway!"

For this, Lin Luo was very uncomfortable, too anti-secular, simply a male enemy!

Altria was speechless. She knew that she could oppose Lin Luo's views, but she could not deprive the other party of the right to express her own opinions, so she said, "In short, the church is not our enemy. I still hope you don't go against them... The church is very powerful."

She said this not only for the church, but for Lin Luo’s safety. After all, in terms of the strengths of both parties, if Lin Luo confronts the church, he will probably die miserably. She said so too. Out of warning and reminder.

Lin Luo is not an idiot, and naturally I can hear the meaning of Altria's words. It's not easy to brush her kindness, waved and relaxed, "Well, anyway, I won't take the initiative to provoke them."

"that's OK."

Altria nodded in satisfaction, but, although she was smart, she did not hear what Lin Luo meant.

Lin Luo only said that he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke the church, but he didn't say that if the church came to the door, he wouldn't do it. Anyway, Lin Luo has decided that if the church really dares to trouble him again, let them taste the anger of Gaia and Alaya!

Don’t you pope claiming to be the number one person in the world, then I wonder if you can escape the superficial sister’s one blow? Isn't your church crowded and powerful? Then I don't know which one is more than the infinite creation of the leader? Isn't your church what the people want, then I wonder if it can continue to stand strong under the temptation of Asami Iwasawa's music? !

As for whether the church will take action against him? In Lin Luo's view, the first time there will be a second time.

"What do you think about the holy lake?" Now that he knew that Lin Luo would not cause trouble, Altria was relieved and went directly to the topic of this conversation.

"Of course I want to go!" Lin Luo said without hesitation, "Mei Lin acted so solemnly, obviously it won't work if he doesn't go."

"But I don't know how long it will take..." Altria was a little embarrassed. After all, she was not a idler, but a king. I don't know where the holy lake is, God knows when I can find it.

According to legend, after the male version of King Arthur unified the top of the world, he often went to adventures all over the world with some of his friends in the round table group, and had nothing to do. However, this world is not true history, nor is it a legendary history. Strictly speaking, it should be classified as a fantasy world, and Altria's version of King Arthur's natural toil... is a slave, of course it is impossible to wander around. adventure.

"Even if we don't know how long it will take, we must go. Did you forget? Merlin said that this action is very important to us." Altria doesn't need to go, but Lin Luo knows that he doesn't care. He wanted to go anyway, and he didn't want my king to continue to work hard. In the end, he tried to persuade everyone to betray their relatives, so he tried his best to persuade, "Actually, if you are worried about opposition, we can look for the reason for the Holy Grail.

"Holy Grail?" Altria naturally heard the legend of the Holy Grail, but she didn't understand why she wanted to pull the Holy Grail, and Lin Luo was so active in encouraging her to go, and it was a little different from the past... Suddenly remembered his previous relationship with Merlin Dialogue, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"


Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the fire would burn on himself, scratching his head, and acting as a young shy, "Um... probably I want to find my long-lost sister."


Altria was embarrassed.

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