The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 818: Purple-haired girl, is she one of them?

Time passed quickly, and it was another half a month in a blink of an eye. During this period, nothing major happened in Bulieding, but the plague in the border village had been resolved.

Lancelot and Bediwell also returned to the city. The news they brought back was that Lin Luo's magic potion was very useful. The knight and the medical team had taken the potion before entering the village, and they were not infected. As for the villagers, some were seriously infected and could not be rescued in time, but most of them were already healthy. In addition, they didn’t know whether the plague would recur. Just in case, after bringing the living villagers out, they set fire to the village, and then placed the villagers in the surrounding area, leaving the medical team and some knights behind. Observe, and the others come back to their lives.

Altria was very satisfied with the result and praised it a lot, and at the same time said that everyone who participated in this operation was able to advance to the next level. Lin Luo also felt that there was no problem. Since the plague did not spread out of the village at first, Lancelot and the others promptly burned it, then there shouldn’t be a recurrence in the future. After all, he still has a lot of medicine for Mu Naoxiang. confident.

Therefore, Lin Luo struck the iron while it was hot, and when everyone was in a good mood, proposed to find the Holy Grail: "Although there is peace in the country, foreign enemies dare not invade, and man-made disasters are worry-free, natural disasters cannot be prevented. For example, if this plague incident is dealt with. If it is not good, it will cause a huge disaster. I believe everyone knows that there is a miracle in this world called the Holy Grail, which is the existence that even magicians long for. In my opinion, the Holy Grail is comparable to Bai Ze, Bai Ze comes out, There is peace in the world, and every evil will turn good fortune. We will win the Holy Grail. There will be no disaster and no disaster. The country will be safe and peaceful. As a knight who protects the country and the people, I think finding the Holy Grail is the next priority.

Lin Luo's words were very affectionate, and he was simply a minister of society who cared about the country and the people. Although the knights have never seen the Holy Grail, they also know that the mystery of the Holy Grail is endless. If the Holy Grail can really make the country and the people peaceful, they, as knights, will naturally do their part. And the fact that the plague event can be resolved satisfactorily this time does not mean that it will be the same next time. If there is a conflict of opinion with our king, it is not a blessing for the country.

Therefore, after some discussion, the knights also agreed to Lin Luo's proposal, and most of the knights took the initiative to ask them to find the Holy Grail. In this regard, Lin Luo and Altria did not object, and Altria also decided to go in person.

The knights didn't decide that the king would travel in person, but Altria's attitude was firm, and they had no choice but to accept it.

But the king and the knights set out to search for the Holy Grail. The emptiness of the king's city was obviously not working. In the end, after another discussion, the following decision was finally made: Lancelot and Gawain were in charge of the king's city, and the two were at the round table. The prestige among the knights is the highest, and if they guard the city, there is no need to worry. Altria took Lin Luo and Bediwell and set off first, and the remaining knights assigned them by themselves.

Lin Luo faintly felt that if Lancelot and Gao Wen guarded the city, there might be problems, but besides them, it seemed that there was no suitable candidate. After all, before Altria ordered Gnivale to be burned to death, Lancelot's There is no doubt about loyalty, even Morgan can't take advantage of it. And Altria took the initiative to let Lancelot NTR, plus she set out to find the holy lake, where would she go to burn Gurney to death?

Lin Luo knows that his instincts are very accurate. Even a momentary inspiration may become a reality. If it were in the past, he would not have let Lancelot and Gaowen defend the city, but now he is a little confused because of his body. The era of Chu is more than a thousand years ago.

If this destined history changes because of your own intervention, will there be people and things that you will know in the future? But I have done so much, and some chain effects have occurred, and I took Altria to find the holy lake, which has never been recorded in history. If it is to be changed, it may have already changed... Lin Luo I don't know what will happen, but he is already trapped in the vortex of history. No matter what he does, he will not be 100% satisfied. Then, it is better to let the flow go.

Therefore, Lin Luo did not stop Altria’s decision, leaving Lancelot and Gawain to sit in the king’s city. Three days later, he brought Lihua and Cirno, and Altria brought Bediwei. Er, the five quickly leave the city with a whip.

"Have both my sister and Hades left?" Shortly after Lin Luo and the others left, Morgan came to Wangcheng and found Mordred. After getting the exact news, she smiled.

In the absence of Altria, Morgan will not have any influence on the plan because of his feelings if Morgan can't see her. Lin Luo is not there, and the person she regards as the biggest hindrance will not come to sabotage her actions again. The entire royal city was guarded by Lancelot and Gawain, which seemed solid, but it was only for foreign enemies.

At least in Morgan's view, today's Royal City is completely empty.

"It seems I have to meet Lancelot."

Morgan left Mordred's room and walked in a certain direction. Lancelot, the knight of the lake? The first knight of the round table? Hmph, she is not afraid of Morgan at all. She is only afraid of Merlin and Hades, the two magicians with wisdom and power. The rest are chess pieces, and Lancelot is her best chess piece. !

"It's a pity, Hades, although you are strong and full of wisdom, you can see through what I want to do, but because of your strength, I know you don't put me in your eyes at all. If you are in the city, I am naturally powerless, but you should never leave at this time. Do you think Lancelot can stop me? No, no one can stop me now. My wish can finally be realized... Hahahaha!"

Morgan let out a refreshing laugh as he walked. Merlin was already invisible and could no longer stop her. Hades had already left and was unable to stop her. At this moment... even the world could not stop her!


Lin Luo didn't know that Morgan had already initiated the action shortly after he left. This does not mean that he miscalculated. At least he knew Morgan's ambition very early, but he was worried about too many things to make him unable to make a decision. Naturally, he doesn't want to take care of other things anymore, as long as he takes care of the people around him.

Therefore, even if he knew what Morgan had done, he would not interfere too much. Now for him, even for Altria, the most important thing is to find the holy lake.

The answer they want is there!

But where is the holy lake? Lin Luo and Altria don’t know, but this is not a problem, because they have the king’s sword and scabbard. These two things are all from the holy lake and are inextricably linked. As long as they rely on the induction of the two, Whether in Tianya or Cape.

Merlin said that they were able to find the holy lake, but it was not without a target.

"Where should we go now?" After a group of five people left the king's city and passed several villages and towns, Bediville couldn't help but ask. Although she was loyal to the king's orders, she was not a person without opinion. Not the kind of person who only listens to orders.

Altria took the sword of the king with one stroke and closed her eyes silently. After a while, she opened her eyes and pointed the tip of the sword to the right, "There."

The sword of the king has an induction with the holy lake. Altria only learned about it half a month ago. She was also using this induction for the first time, but the effect was quite good. As long as she closed her eyes and watched the sword of the king with her heart, she A vague vein will appear in his mind, and if you walk along this vein, you will probably be able to find the holy lake.

"Then let's go in this direction, but I think the road is a bit difficult." Lin Luo looked at it and found that it was a very rugged mountain road. According to this situation, the holy lake is probably going to be in the deep mountain and old forest. . But of course, if you think about it carefully, if the holy lake appears in a place that can be easily seen by people, and let the world know that there are two holy lakes, then it's okay?

"Mountain horses will not be easy to walk." Before everyone set off, Lihua played suddenly, looking at the white horses under the seat with a trace of pity. She obviously hadn't forgotten the last time the three white horses turned into black horses.

"Well, it seems that we can only abandon horses and walk." Lin Luo knew that she was kind by nature, and proposed to everyone.

"That's all." Altria nodded.

Afterwards, everyone abandoned their horses and went on foot. Of course, Cirno used to fly. Although Lin Luo has a more advanced vehicle than a horse, he does not intend to use it. After all, that kind of thing is too high-tech, and in order to prevent possible danger, it is better to keep some hole cards.


In some unknown place, there was a man sitting by the pond and fishing. This man has the perseverance of a man and the softness of a woman. He looks like he is only about thirty years old, but he has white hair, his eyes are gazing at the lake, and he is full of wisdom.

He just sat quietly by the lake, as if an old monk had entered into concentration, the fish hadn't taken the bait, and he hadn't made any movements.

"They have already set off." Not long after, a beautiful blond girl came to him and said softly.

The man nodded and then let out a sigh, "King Arthur set out at the right time, but I don't know if I can insist on seeing them."

There was a trace of sorrow in his words, as if he was going to die anytime, the girl felt sad when he heard it.

These two people are undoubtedly the magician Merlin and the goddess Vivian of the lake.

Legend has it that Morgan used Vivian to seduce Merlin in order to deal with King Arthur, but it doesn't seem to be the same now.

"I said, you ladyboy, do you want to hurt me or help me? I almost died just now!"

When the two were silent, a young girl ran over behind them, aggressively.

The girl is about sixteen or seventeen, her beautiful appearance reveals a hint of violence, her long purple hair is quite eye-catching, and her left bun is tied with a white hollow ribbon.

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