The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 820: The legendary monster debuts, the dictionary emperor first shows his skills

After another two days, Lin Luo hadn't turned into Gaia to call for reinforcements, but he could not help rubbing white paper to find the shady. In the past two days, they have continued to deepen with the induction of the holy sword. The road in the forest is getting more and more bumpy and complicated, with natural traps outside, and the enemies they encounter are getting stronger and stronger... It was originally enough to be the double head of the final BOSS who likes to grab a bento. The demon dog has now become the weakest of the four heavenly kings, and the higher-level powerhouses appear one by one, making them dizzy, like a passionate man.

It’s not that Lin Luo has never thought about using a light-speed skateboard to fly high in the sky. Although my king hasn’t learned riding skills and won’t be able to fly planes for the time being, most of them can control them as knights, but the forest is a bit strange, as long as he flies. At a certain point in the sky, you will lose your sense of direction, even if you use the scabbard in your body to sense it.

He didn't know whether this was what Mei Lin did, or whether the forest was so weird in the first place, but one thing that could be drawn was that they were the Tang monk who went to the west to learn the scriptures. They could only go step by step, and could not use somersaults to fly.

This situation is really depressing. It's like lying on your bed with a flowery chick that can be at your mercy, but you just can't do it because your yellow-faced woman is also lying on the bed.

"Hey, who? I'm refining medicine, I play early if I have something to do, and I retreat if I have nothing to do." It didn't take long for Lin Luo to rub the white paper, and there was Mei Lin's voice over there. Although the speed was very fast, the tone made Lin Lin Luo couldn't wait to strangle him.

"It's me." Lin Luo said solemnly, before waiting to ask who you are, and then said, "What is going on in this forest? Let's not talk about the weird environment here. The creatures in it are also strong. It’s ridiculous, like a little flower dog with several heads, I won’t talk about it. After all, it’s a familiar thing, but some guys really don’t seem to appear in the world, and today I still see a big legendary guy, if It’s not that we avoid it in time, for fear that it will be more ill-fortune.

Lin Luo knows that this is a magical world, but it hasn't been magical enough that everything will appear, at least it is impossible for a guy of the level of Witch Meow King to exist, and in general there is a limit. Altria and the others have been fighting all year round, and their horizons are not narrow, but many creatures are unheard of even them, which is a bit abnormal, after all, strictly speaking, this place is still considered a territories.

He can see it. They must have a lot of hardships to find the road to the holy lake, but even if the monster is upgraded, there must be a step-by-step process. You can't let them challenge the Witch King at this level. The most is to fight. The daughter of Deathwing.

"Uh, um... have you ever heard of such a forest, what is called the liver sea or which one?" The opposite Meilin seemed to want to show off his erudition, but in the end he became a hundred thousand why.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless. If he was just suspicion, then he can be sure that it is not Merlin who is currently talking to him, but a certain girl who may be the host, otherwise he would not be so ignorant. However, although the other party was unclear about the reason, he heard something and frowned, "Funhailin Ana Xiu?"

"Yes, that's the name, it's hard to remember. Do you know what it is?" There was a hint of surprise in the voice opposite.

"Don't tell me this forest is Fu Hailin?" Lin Luo's expression sank, but he couldn't help but be alarmed. Of course he knew what Fu Hailin was, and that was one of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the dead who was on the same rank as the black and white princess.

Although in this era, black and white princesses have not yet been born, most of the ancestors already exist, especially this Fu Hailin, let alone how long it has existed, and it ranks very high among the twenty-seven ancestors, and there are almost no people. Being able to get rid of it, of course, is also related to its rare occurrence, but it must not be underestimated.

Fu Hailin appears once every fifty years and carries out periodic predation. Any animal that steps into the forest will become its prey. People without certain strength can't escape at all. If this forest is Fu Hailin, then they It's too dangerous!

"Oh, that's not it."

Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief from the words from the other side, and right, there were so many fierce beasts in this forest, how could it be Fu Hailin. It was just a sentence followed by the other party, but once again let him calm down.

"The name of this forest is called Devil Sea. Although it is not the blood-sucking species you just mentioned, it has no autonomous consciousness, and is not known to the world, but its existence is enough to rival that blood-sucking species because it is connected to a different dimension. Space, many creatures that shouldn’t have appeared in this world, it’s not surprising to see them in the Devil Sea. Of course, because of the regional characteristics, these creatures cannot get out of the Devil Sea, at least for now."

"Why is it connected to a different-dimensional space?"

"You ask me, who do I ask to go? I just follow the script...oh no, it's just my guess." The girl over there probably doesn't know that her identity has been exposed, and she is still pretending to be Merlin.

"Well, let me change the question. What is your intention to bring the holy lake to this devil sea?" Lin Luo frowned. The strength of this forest is not what their current strength can challenge at all. The danger is too great. If you continue to go deeper, it will be a life of nine deaths at all. Although he has encountered greater danger than this, he is not afraid, but what purpose does Merlin do? In the unlikely event that they really die, not everything will fall apart.

"I can't tell you this. I'll know when you come anyway... The girl is calling, I'm going offline first." The other party apparently, just like Merlin, kept silent on this matter, and cut the magic connection after speaking. .

Summon your sister! Are you not a girl? You die Lara!

Lin Luo couldn't help but get angry, and put away the blank paper depressed, just thinking that in the future... he must train it!

"It seems that it is impossible for Merlin to let go, and we can only move on." Looking back, Lin Luo looked at the several girls beside him, his expression somewhat solemn.

"Yeah." Altria and others nodded, not very relaxed in their hearts. After listening to the conversation just now, they always have an illusion that the enemy they are about to contact this time is probably an extremely powerful existence.

Lin Luo could of course also think of what they could think of. It was for this reason that he did not summon the heroic spirit, after all, that was his biggest trump card.

The crowd stayed in place for a while, and they were ready to set off after discussing the planned route, but before they could leave, the ground suddenly trembled, and at the same time there was a dull and low growl that seemed to come from hell.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they quickly looked towards the voice. They saw a huge monster with a bull's head holding a giant axe coming towards them, gnawing their teeth and cracking their mouths, and their eyes were full of bloodthirsty and violent rays. From its mouth.

"Mitanos!" Lin Luo gritted her teeth, already holding the sword of mist and rain tightly in his hand. This is the legendary monster he had seen before...Mitanos, the demon **** of hell!

But their enemy is not the only one.

Click! Click!

Mitanos hadn't approached yet, and heavy footsteps came from the other direction.

"Gosh! That's... the headless horseman?!"

Following Bediwell's exclamation, Lin Luo saw a burly headless body slowly approaching them, wearing a knight armor, holding a sword in one hand and a helmeted head in the other.

"Mitanos and Headless Horseman, this is really the worst development!"


Love life, love dictionaries, love motorcycles, and the person I love most is my sister.

I can be arrogant, spit, and violent, but I am actually very gentle.

My ideal is to be a teacher, but reality makes me a magician.

I am a very tactful person. I never make fun of others, and I don't care about nostalgia. I am best at making lunch.

You ask who am I? My name is Fujibayashi Xing!


In a hut by the lake, Fujibayashi cut off the call with Lin Luo and looked back at the girl who had just called to her, "Vivian, what can I do?"

"Xing, Mei Lin asked you to help them." Vivian smiled lightly and said softly.

"Huh?" Fujibayashi was stunned, a little unclear, "Didn't the ladyboy say to let them come by themselves? Why did you change your mind now?"

"He didn't change his mind. Merlin meant that they only needed to enter the Devil Sea. He could pick it up in person, but in the end he decided to let you go. After all, you are staying here with nothing to do all day, and he is also a little bit sad. ."

"Hey, hey, what is doing nothing?" Fujibayashi was very dissatisfied. If Meilin said in front of her, she would definitely throw a dictionary over, but facing Vivienne’s kind smile, she wouldn’t do that. I had no choice but to say, "Okay, okay, that matter of refining medicine has to be put aside."

After speaking, Fujibayashi walked out of the house, went to the grass outside, took out the book of the sage he carried with him, tore a page at random, and threw it in the air, "The treasure is made-a fantasy motorcycle!"

Hearing a bang, an infinitely luxurious motorcycle appeared in front of her in an instant.

"Then I will set off, Vivian." Fujibayashi jumped on the motorcycle, put on the helmet, and beckoned back.

For this kind of thing, Vivienne seemed to have already taken offense, but only bowed briefly, "A good trip, please go well."

"Well, see you next time."

When Fujibayashi Apricot's words fell, the motorcycle was activated, and she was already out of the safe zone in a short while, and several fierce beasts that were hunting prey smelled her, and immediately shifted their targets to attack her.

Those fierce beasts are all terrifying, and even if they look long, they are dozens of times stronger than the liger.

Fujibayashi's eyes saw no fear, but accelerated the speed of the motorcycle, "The weak must look like the weak, get me to your hometown, don't stand on my way and look for a collision!"

While talking, the motorcycle had already rushed into the encirclement of the beast, and saw a 360-degree rotation. Several beasts were blasted out immediately, while the motorcycle had already gone far away and was stunned.

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