The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 833: Hidden in the last trump card, this is the way to victory

"Lin Luo! You..."

Altria and the others were originally dissatisfied with Lin Luo's cowardice. The companions were killed, and they couldn't back down even if they couldn't beat them. But at this moment, they were all shocked, they just stared at the broken arm and couldn't speak.

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo's actions not only shocked them, even the Diablo Six Kings didn't understand his intentions, so he could not help slowing down the offensive and asked aloud.

The left arm had just been cut off, and blood kept flowing out from the broken arm, flowing on the ground and turning into a horrible pool of bright red. The blood sprayed before splashed on Lin Luo's face, staining his entire left face. Red, looks more blood-sucking than blood-sucking... He has no treatment right now. This terrifying injury will not only hurt, but will also die from excessive blood loss, but he does not seem to feel pain, and his face is as calm as before.

He threw the sword of mist and rain on the ground, holding the **** left arm in his right hand, and chuckled lightly, "Dark Six Kings, can't you still feel it?" While talking, Lin Luo already threw his left arm. Go over, and then hold the wound with your right hand.

The girls behind him wanted to rush up to bandage his wounds, but Lin Luo drove them all back, staring at the Diablo Six Kings.

The Diablo Six Kings took the left arm in his hand, and when he touched the blood on it, his face changed slightly, and the ice-cold eye pupils seemed to be hot.

As always, it was really helpful... Lin Luo caught his glimmer of joy, but he calmly said: "I don't know why the Tangtang Diablo Six Kings will be resurrected in the church, but I want to come. It is impossible to listen to the orders of the church in your capacity. You have been lurking for a long time, but you showed your true identity in this assassination of Merlin, but Merlin and you have no grievances and no grudges, a magician with a short life, I don’t I think he can make you kill him. You didn't kill him to kill him. Then, as a blood-sucking species, you are mostly for the blood of a magician. Am I right?"

"As a human being, you are very smart." The Diablo Six Kings nodded, with approval in his voice, and then he sent his blood and fingers to his mouth without any problems.

"I don't know how much the blood of a magician is to you, but since it is worth revealing your true body, it should be very useful, but my blood is even coveted by the ancestors, and it can be used by ordinary people. The dead have the possibility of reaching the level of the ancestor. Is Merlin’s blood better or mine? You’ve just tasted it. I think most of you have reached a conclusion, haven’t you?"

"Do you want to use your blood to negotiate terms with me?" Although the Diablo Six Kingdom did not answer directly, it has undoubtedly shown that Lin Luo's blood is more tempting to him.


"What conditions do you want to offer?"

"I can provide you with blood, provided that they leave." Lin Luo glanced at the girl behind him.

"No!" The Diablo Six Kings hadn't spoken yet, but the girls had already refused.

It’s just that they didn’t wait for them to act, and the Diablo Six Kingdoms laughed, “You seem to have misunderstood. Now I am the one who controls your lives. Your blood does make my heart move, but I can’t agree to your conditions. I got it, and although the blood of these girls is not as useful as your blood, it is also quite good food. I have no reason to trade with you."

"Of course." Lin Luo grabbed it, and a pill suddenly appeared between his right fingers and threw it into his mouth. "This is a magic potion, the name has not yet been determined, but its effect is very simple, it is rapid blood production, as long as this One can make me regenerate five people's blood, five people's superior blood and five people's inferior blood, which is better, I don't have to choose for you."

The Diablo Six Kings' pupils shrank, hiding his smile, but showing his greed, "As long as I restrain you, you can get ten people's blood."

Lin Luo didn't care, "Of course you can do this. Together, we can't beat one of your fingers. It's just that although you are strong, you can't stop me from breaking on my own. Since I'm dying, don't you? I will let my friend go. Naturally, I cannot leave it to you. Once I choose to explode, the effect of this medicine will of course not exist. You will lose five of the best blood... If you don’t believe it, you can Try, whether you subdued me first or I blew myself first."

"...Okay, I promise you, I can let them leave." Of course, the Diablo Six Thrones can try, but Lin Luo's confident tone makes him uncertain. If Lin Luo really blew himself up, his loss is not unreasonable. On the contrary, the blood of other people is dispensable to him, and there is no need to eliminate this kind of ant-like existence.

However, the consent of the Diablo Six Thrones does not mean that Altria and the others will agree. They really can't beat the enemy, but they will not just watch their companions die.

"You are very annoying." Seeing them chattering not to leave, Lin Luo couldn't help but frown. She liked the sentimental and righteousness of these girls, but sometimes she hated it. For example, now, "Small play, apricot, belt As long as they leave, it's my life's request."

Lihua played and Lin Luo had a spiritual connection, and he could guess his intentions more or less, and Fuji Lin Xing had his own set of methods, and the two did not hesitate for too long to agree to Lin Luo's request. The only ones who insisted not to leave were Altria and Gui Daisy, but they were hard to beat with four hands, and finally they were taken away by Fujibayashi Apricot and others.

"Don't worry, what I said definitely counts. As long as they don't take the initiative to find me, I will naturally not chase them." Seeing them disappear in front of them, the Dark Six Kings licked their lips and said to Lin Luo, that arm He has eaten them all.

"I believe you can't lie to an ancestor like you." Lin Luo smiled slightly.

"Of course." The stronger the ancestors, the more they value themselves. They not only pay attention to etiquette, but also pay more attention to their own commitments. They will not go back in the same way as humans or weak dead men... Of course, those without common sense should be excluded, and the dark The Six Kings obviously disdain to lie to the food, "Now you can offer your blood."

Lin Luo stood there and sighed, "Humans are always greedy for life and fear of death. Even if they know that the time for death has come, they still hope to live a little longer."

"Any creature is the same." Knowing that Lin Luo would not take the initiative to die, he had to step forward. He was not afraid of Lin Luo's tricks, his strength could ignore everything. And in the process of advancing, he was like a skinned snake, Hannibal's body was pulled out from the middle, and a woman with long purple hair and pointed ears, like an elf, appeared topless, her face Black patterns are engraved on the upper and chest.

"Is this your body? I didn't expect Diablo Six Kings to be really a woman." Lin Luo was somewhat surprised.

"Gender is not important to me, it's just that this appearance makes me more able to play combat power, speaking of your blood is really useful, just the capacity of one arm can get me out of the container, if you **** the blood of five people , And then gather the other five sides, and at least 70% of my strength can be restored...Unfortunately, if I were not eager to restore my strength, I would like you to be my dead disciple." The Sixth King of Darkness walked to the opposite side of Lin Luo and hugged him. , And then bit on his neck, sucking blood greedily.

"That's really a pity." Lin Luo frowned, but he resisted the pain of being sucked, and said, "I heard that as long as you are fully resurrected, you can dominate the 27th Ancestor. Is this true?"

"You want to find out my secret again?"

"I just want to know a little secret before I die. This is also a human instinct, or is it, you are afraid that I still have something to hide, you dare not say?"

"Are you deliberately agitating me?" The Sixth King of Darkness sneered, and said while sucking blood, "I am on the side of people's hearts. I know the thoughts of those girls just now. Their pain and panic are not pretending to be. Without other cards, the girl named Fujibayashi Xing probably wanted to ask Meilin for help. If it was Meilin at the peak, I would still be a little bit jealous now, but with him now, huh!"

"It seems that I am really dead." Lin Luo felt the blood flow quickly in his body, and nearly four people had been sucked away, and the attention of the Diablo Six Kings was all concentrated on the blood, knowing that this was the last chance. Said, "Actually, I always do things till the end, whether it's fighting or other."

"You still want to fight me based on your current state?" The Diablo Six Kings didn't believe that Lin Luo still had combat power at all. Although the blood could be replenished, the consequences of being sucked could not be replenished. Lin Luo's face now Pale, voice weak, not to mention fighting, it is impossible to stand.

"That's not the case, it's just that I decided to eat soft rice once, and I will eat it till the end." Lin Luo smiled bitterly, his mouth fell to the ear of Diablo Six Kings, with a hint of playfulness, "I just want to know, You, but the existence outside the specification?"

"Huh?" Diablo Six Thrones was instinctively stunned, and the eyes that were originally closed subconsciously looked at Lin Luo.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly burst out of a place not far from the two of them. The speed surpassed the light and surpassed the electricity, and no one could catch it.

"One hit kill!"

The cold voice sounded, and the sharp blades fell, bringing up a series of bright red blood.

The Diablo Six Kings’ sucking action immediately stopped, lowered his head and stared at the chest where the heart had been removed, with an expression of disbelief, "This is! You actually..."

"I never said that I only have one trump card, and the most powerful trump card must be hidden to the end, isn't it?" Lin Luo still smiled calmly, gently pushed her body away, and took out one in the void Coat, draped on his body.

And beside him stood a young girl with black hair and red eyes, a black scarf dancing, and the small swords in both hands were shining brightly-Shiina!

The strongest assassin, the strongest anti-human treasure, only needs to exist within the specifications, and can kill anything!

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