The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 845: I want to eat you first, and then give birth to you

"I am Gaia."

"I know."

"She is Alaya."

"I know this too."

"Alaya and I are two people."

"I think my eyesight and arithmetic are not bad, you don't need to remind." Lin Luo lamented in her heart, only feeling that Gaia's words make people feel all kinds of brain damage, just from these few words, her IQ Not necessarily much higher than Cirno, but Gaia can barely be regarded as a newborn "baby", but it is forgivable.

Before Lin Luo pushed Gaia and Alaya in turn, he was taken by Gaia to her palace. Said it is a palace, it is actually just a bigger room, and the furnishings are extremely simple, except for a few tables and chairs, there is almost no other decoration.

However, Lin Luo is not surprised, because Gaia and Alaya today are the first time entities have manifested. They used to be conceptual forms. Of course, they don’t need to live like human beings, and they don’t need furniture... Lin Luo Even suspected that these few tables and chairs were probably born because of his arrival.

After the three came to the main hall, they sat down around the table. Alaya has been silent since the first sentence he said. I don’t know if he was depressed because of being pushed down by Lin Luo just now. She herself is the cause of the Three Nothings, in short, Alaya has no interest in speaking.

Although Lin Luo wanted to immediately ask Altria and the others how they were, he didn't have the opportunity to attack, because Gaia whispered in his ear like a sparrow, making him unable to move away. Attention... Of course he can ignore Gaia, but he has to bow his head under the eaves.

Gaia blinked a pair of big eyes, like a curious baby, and asked Lin Luo, "Then the question comes, I am the embodiment of the will of the earth itself, I am the earth, the earth is me, and Alaya is It is a collection of the consciousness of all human beings. Although we live in the same space, we are different beings. It is impossible for humans and the earth to be integrated. It is even more impossible for Alaya and I to merge with each other, but why are you different from us? You have both Gaia and Alaya in your body, as if there is another consciousness?"

In fact, you asked me that at the beginning, there is no need to talk so much nonsense in advance... Lin Luo sighed secretly, looking at the two little loli in front of him, he suddenly felt a sense of disharmony.

Gaia is the will of the earth, and the earth has no emotions, and Gaia does not care about the life and death of human beings. For human beings, there is even less interest in understanding. In theory, Gaia should be three nos. On the contrary, Alaya is a collection of human consciousness. She possesses all human emotions. Even if she is not vigorous, she shouldn’t be the three nothings... But now, the actual situation is contrary to the theory. Gaia is a natural mother, Alai. Yeah, San Wu Niang, it seems a bit unscientific.

Gaia asked a question worth pondering. Lin Luo found that even Alaya's eyes flickered slightly. He estimated that this was the reason why Gaia would take the initiative to look for him.

Lin Luo frowned and thought for a while, and then said with a serious face: "Because in me, humans and planets love each other. The consciousness of the planet protects the planet while also protecting mankind. The consciousness of all mankind also protects mankind. It will protect the planet, so these two consciousnesses can be combined, and it is precisely because of this that our third consciousness...I, Gaia and Alaya, are also the crystallization of their love."

Lin Luo's nonsense is more true than real gold, not to mention that Gaia and Alaya were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. Even he himself was thinking: If this is really the case, then what should Does it mean that human beings have inserted the earth, or the earth raped all mankind?

Gaia and Alaya looked at each other for a while, then both lowered their heads as if they were thinking about something.

Lin Luo knew that they probably wanted to imitate their own behavior... Gaia and Alaya, as the manifestations of the two consciousnesses, possess an extremely pure personality—that is, as an existence, simply want to live, for them. Said that there is no difference between good and evil, but only whether it threatens their survival. They protect the earth or human beings, in fact, they just want to protect themselves.

Regardless of the fact that their relationship seems to be good now, it is actually not. It is just because there is no contradiction between humans and the earth. Once humans and the earth can only exist one, then Gaia and Alaya will continue to die for their own survival. After all... this has nothing to do with good and evil, but just survival instinct.

Lin Luo once saw it on the Internet that after the end of the world of Xingyue, Gaia was overcast by Alaya. At that time, he was just an ordinary person. His argument was well-founded and he believed it to be true. But now he Only laughing but not talking is sheer nonsense.

Let’s not talk about whether there is a power gap between Gaia and Alaya. For their existence alone, Alaya must be attached to Gaia... There are two ways to make Gaia disappear. The first is to make the earth. Becoming a Death Star, secondly, directly crush the earth, but in this way, can human beings survive? Having lost the earth, the land on which mankind depends for survival, human beings who are bereaved dogs will one day die completely. Then, how can Alaya exist?

Of course, the future technology is very advanced, and maybe humans can escape to other planets, but don’t forget that other planets also have their own consciousness. They will definitely not accommodate humans who ruin the earth. Once humans land on other planets , I am afraid that the planet's substitute UO will be attacked immediately.

Therefore, Alaya will indeed pinch Gaia for his own survival, but it is absolutely impossible to knock Gaia to death, and what about Gaia? She also didn't dare. If she was determined to destroy Alaya, Alaya would probably choose to die together.

Alaya and Gaia are hovering outside the time axis. They can obviously know some things in the future generations. As the so-called separation is two evils, cooperation is beneficial. They must not be in a hostile position for their own survival, and their own arrival It undoubtedly gave them a hope.

However, Lin Luo also knows that it is impossible for Gaia and Alaya to use the "method" they said to maintain their existence, because there is no possibility for the earth and human beings to love each other... Human beings unscrupulously explore the resources of the earth Sooner or later, the earth will die. Although there is an organization like the Earth Conservation Association, it is only to protect human beings. Similarly, because humans have damaged too much, the earth has to take self-protection measures, causing countless natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on. Under such circumstances, let the two live in peace, kidding?

That kind of thing, even Gaia and Alaya can't do it.

"It seems that it's more troublesome." Gaia meditated for a while and couldn't help frowning and whispering, and the opposite Alaya also had a vague worry in his eyes, apparently knowing that Lin Luo's method was not feasible for them.

Gaia and Alaya want to survive forever. Lin Luo has no control over this issue and can't do anything about it. In fact, he has a lot of questions in his mind... Since the two inhibitory forces linger outside the time axis, they know everything before and after history. It’s meaningless to look at the two inhibitory forces in chronological order, they should be in the order of contact, and the first contact with them was more than a thousand years later, so why don’t they know themselves now?

Lin Luo thought of this, but before he could get the answer he wanted, Alaya stood up and said her second sentence since she appeared, "I will take you to meet your fellow travelers."

"Okay." Lin Luo sighed secretly and got up.

Gaia was still thinking. At this time, seeing Lin Luo's empty left arm, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is this also your habit? Only use one arm."

"How is it possible!" Lin Luo secretly despised Gaia's IQ and sighed, "Because I am too far away from the planet, and I have been out for too long, my strength has never been replenished, plus what happened before. A little accident caused this arm to be lost, and it was a little helpless for the time being."

"It turned out to be so." Gaia suddenly said with a smile, "Then, as a landlord, let Alaya help you regain your arm."

"Why me?" Before Lin Luo could speak, Alaya had already asked.

"Oh, isn't this of course, because this body makes it difficult for me to use power." Gaia waved his arms, clumsy... Lin Luo felt that she was just pretending to be cute.

"Okay." Alaya did not refuse. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Lin Luo's shoulder. A complete arm was born immediately, and even the bandage on his body came off automatically.

"Thank you." Lin Luo thanked him, and then moved his left arm. It was no different from the original one. Alaya did not reattach his arm, but let his body regenerate.

"It's amazing, you can use your power so quickly." Gaia said he was surprised.

Looking at her expression, Lin Luo felt once again that this loli would really pretend that Alaya has all the human emotions. It is not too simple to master the human body. As Gaia, how could he not know this truth.

"What you do is okay," Alaya said calmly.

Lin Luo agreed with these words that it is not very difficult to master the use of the human body with Gaia's strength, she just doesn't have that interest.

"Well... in that case, let me try it too." Gaia tilted his head and thought for a while, and then stretched out his small hand to grab Lin Luo's left arm.

"What do you want to try? My arm is already healed." Lin Luoqi said.

"I know, I just want to crush it first, and then help you regenerate it." Gaia blinked a pair of big eyes and smiled innocently, like the little sister next door.


Lin Luo jumped away with fright, just want to say: Why don't you die once!

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