The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 850: For the world line, but also for the black and white princess

The woman in front of her had a long golden hair that was flowing, and as she walked, her long hair floated slightly, giving out a faint golden light. A woman has an angel-like face and a devil-like figure. A pure white and gorgeous evening dress is put on her body, making her look noble and elegant, like a princess. But as the smile on her face rose, she showed a unique charm and enchantment.

This woman may be slightly worse than Gurney Valle in terms of femininity, but she is better than Gurney Vale in other aspects, and she also has two different qualities of purity and seductiveness on her body, which not only inspires protection from men Desire can even arouse the most primitive instinct of a man. Even Lin Luo, the moment he saw her, instinctively a trace of desire to care for her and possess her.

Undoubtedly, this is a evil spirit that harms the country and the people.

However, if only this is the case, Lin Luo would be astonishing at best, but he would not be so gaffe. What really shocked him was that the woman in front of him looked exactly the same as the white vampire Alquette he knew, not only in appearance. The same, as well as the temperament and the breath of life.

However, El Quette is not born at all now, how could she appear here? The book of contract did not make any sense, and the woman in front of him was not the host. That would deny the possibility of Elquette coming across time and space. Then, the identity of the woman in front of him...

The woman came to Gaia with a smile, and suddenly heard Lin Luo's exclamation, she was taken aback, but then returned to normal, first bowed towards Gaia, then faced Lin Luo, raised her skirt with both hands. , Made an aristocratic meeting ceremony, and said with a polite smile, "My concubine's name is called Zhu Yue, the first time I meet, please give me your advice."

It really is Zhu Yue!

After denying that the other party was El Quette, Lin Luo knew that this woman was Zhu Yue. After all, only Zhu Yue could have such an amazing similarity with El Quette. The difference was that El Quette appeared purer because of ignorance. And Zhu Yue wisely, the thrilling seductiveness is not comparable to El Quette.

"It turns out to be Miss Zhu Yue, I'm really sorry. I just admitted the wrong person and was rude." Since the person in front of him was not El Quett, Lin Luo calmed down, smiled slightly, and sat back again.

"It turns out that being able to look like someone you know is really a blessing for your concubine, and your husband's way of approaching a conversation is also exceptionally advanced, which makes your concubine shine." Zhu Yue smiled softly, usually as a woman. Positively pointed out that when a man deliberately talked up to her with an excuse, normal men would be a little embarrassed, but Zhu Yue's remarks made people feel less embarrassed, on the contrary, they could feel good about her.

"Then I can only laugh without talking." Lin Luo chuckled. This method of approaching a conversation was used too much in the 21st century, and it can only be called outdated, but now in the Middle Ages, few people use it. However, he can be considered a pioneer, but he didn't mean to strike up a conversation just now.

Lin Luo smiled on her face, but she had doubts in her heart... It is not surprising that Zhu Yue can enter this hall. After all, she is the UO of the moon, and the recording belongs to the will of the moon. It is the most powerful life form on the moon and also the moon's substitute However, under one person and above all things, she of course can be regarded as a more special existence than the heroic spirit.

However, although Zhu Yue is unique on the moon, it has nothing to do with Gaia on the earth, and the will of the moon has also died out. It is reasonable to say that I Gaia’s nature does not have a Zhu Yue like a bird, and there is no Gaia’s. Allowed, Zhu Yue obviously couldn't get here. Zhu Yue came here this time, undoubtedly he got Gaia's permission, but why did Gaia do this?

Lin Luo was shocked and confused, but he didn't know that Zhu Yue's shock was even greater than that of him... As the first true ancestor, she originally lived on the moon, but the moon is too poor, even the planet consciousness already feels it No, in order to be able to continue to live, she had to abandon the empty moon and come to the earth.

However, there was no UO born on the earth at that time. Zhu Yue, who came to the earth only to survive at first, learned of this, and immediately gave birth to ambition...As long as she can become the UO of the earth, she will be able to have this one. Beautiful planet.

However, while seeing this hope, Zhu Yue also foresees the destruction of herself who neither belongs to Gaia nor from Alaya, so, in pursuit of eternity, she creates in the earth system that contains "self". The successor is the true ancestor.

At the same time, she also created an inherent barrier that "allows herself to infiltrate the true ancestor race". The birth of this inherent barrier will not disappear even if she dies, but is lurking in the deep consciousness of the true ancestors. That is the most essential existence of her Zhu Yue.

As long as the successor in the same domain as her is born, she will be attached to and become her container, and then when she awakens, she can become the Zhuyue of the earth system, and at the same time can become the UO of the earth!

In the future, the Zhuyue Rebellion will largely be caused by Zhu Yue’s fear of the Six Kingdoms of Diablo, which is gradually triggered. However, Zhu Yue wants to deal with the Six Kingdoms of Diablo because of the position of this UO. After all, on this earth, she can be with her. Only the Diablo Six Thrones are fighting for the UO throne.

However, although Zhu Yue created the most essential inherent barrier, she failed to create the most suitable container for her, because the true ancestors she created were only inferior copies, and even if she was attached to it, she could not receive her power. Not to let her become a UO on earth. To this end, she must create a replica that is exactly the same as herself, but this is not within the scope of her ability, and there is only one person who can do this-Gaia!

Therefore, in order to achieve this wish, Zhu Yue has asked Gaia many times. However, without the will of the planet as the backstage, even with the identity of UO, it is impossible for her to see Gaia. She has been in vain, but today she got a message from Gaia, which is simply flying fortune. .

Although Gaia appeared in front of her is just the image of a human girl, she would not despise it because of this. As a UO, she can clearly determine whether the girl in front of her is Gaia, but Lin Luo's appearance is completely beyond her. Budget too.

Lin Luo's strength seemed very weak to her. She could easily squeeze to death with just a touch of her finger, but even so, she did not dare to show any disrespect to Lin Luo, because... Lin Luo and Gaia were sitting there. The same table.

Gaia is one of the two highest beings on the earth. Except for Alaya, she doesn’t have to lose face at all. Whether it’s the twenty-seventh ancestor or the five great magicians, she is not qualified to sit with Gaia, but Lin Luo's ability to sit on an equal footing with Gaia is enough to show that his identity is extraordinary, and most of it is at the level of restraint.

But what makes Zhu Yue strange is that she can't feel Lin Luo's restraint, and the other party is not Alaya, so what is it?

Zhu Yue was at a loss and curiosity in her heart, but after all, she did not forget her purpose. She took a few steps forward, then knelt down on one knee, and looked at Gaia respectfully and said, "Lord Gaia, please give me hope. "

Zhu Yue is not a believer, but her expression at the moment seems to Lin Luo to be a believer even more than a believer in the church, but he can also understand that she is facing Gaia, one of the only two true gods on earth. Far from being comparable to those who believe in God, if the faith in God fails, there is a chance to become the hero of Gaia.

Gaia has always been an ignorant girl, but at this moment she finally showed restraining majesty, with a stern face, and said in a deep voice, "Zhu Yue, although I have rejected you many times, but this I will give you what you want once, and hope you will not let me down."

While speaking, Gaia stretched out her palm, and a white light spot flew out of her palm, and then penetrated into Zhu Yue's body with a beep.

"Thanks to Master Gaia for the gift!" Zhu Yue stroked her chest with her hand, as if feeling the power of that light spot, she was overjoyed.

"The matter is over, you can go, too."

"Yes, my concubine retires." Zhu Yue stood up, bowed to the two, and retired respectfully.

"That's it, it seems that she can make two very good daughters." Lin Luo's gaze was taken back from her back, and it was already quietly realized in her heart. What Gaia gave to Zhu Yue just now is exactly her origin. Although it is only a small part, it is enough for Zhu Yue to be used infinitely. As long as the copy is made with that silk origin, Zhu Yue can reach the ideal state of Zhu Yue, and at the same time. Explain why the black and white princess can borrow Gaia's power.

"It's not a daughter, it's a son." Gaia said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Luo was taken aback, "What did you say?"

Gaia curled up his mouth, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes, "Don't you know? Zhu Yue is the Aristotle of the moon. He was originally a male, but after he came to the earth, he wanted to adapt to the life of the earth better. , She became a female. Although she has become accustomed to the life of a woman, she still hopes that her copy can be a male subconsciously, so the copies she creates are all male... The perfect copy she wants to create next is of course Also male."

"What!" Lin Luo's expression changed immediately, how could this kind of, how could it!

Let alone how painful it would be for a black and white princess to become a black and white prince, the most important thing is...if the black and white princess is gone, the world line will be messed up!

"Zhu Yue hasn't left yet, you still have time to chase after."

"Wow!" Without a word, Lin Luo got up and chased in the direction where Zhu Yue had left.

Gaia looked at him from behind, but picked up a cup of coffee, with a little fox smile in his eyes, "Alaya, you have your method, and I have my method, but I won't lose to you, haha."

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