The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 852: Concubine will give birth to a perfect daughter for you

Lin Luo said that the black and white princess was dead once before he was born. If they appeared in the future, they would probably want to punch him with a bruised nose and a swollen face. But Lin Luo also wanted to say, I let you die once to save you, you know, even if you are not grateful, you still have to agree.

This story is short but not precise. There are many loopholes in it. Even Zhu Yue can find several, but she does not doubt the authenticity of this story. She only expresses when Lin Luo is a restraining force and has human feelings. It is not perfect, and the identity of the opponent's restraining force really does not allow her to doubt, plus the impact of the story itself.

When the three were added together, Zhu Yue immediately believed that it was true, and at the same time she understood Lin Luo's intention to come to find her...Since she has such an amazing similarity with El Quette, even the characteristics of life are the same, then she should be opposite to Lin Luo. In other words, oneself is the most suitable for accepting the existence of El Quett's ability and memory.

Then she thought that Gaia had ignored herself for a long time, but now she suddenly summoned herself, most of which had something to do with the person in front of her. Perhaps the two restraining forces had already formed an alliance, or there might be other things, but there was no doubt about it. ... I have a huge opportunity!

The strength of a surrogate can tell the strength of a planet. There are two alternate surrogates on Lin Luo’s planet that surpass the Mercury spider. Then the strength and resources of the planet can be imagined. Zhu Yue can't help but be tempted, but the problem It is because she has accepted Gaia's power, if she transfers to another planet, this...Zhu Yue feels very embarrassed.

Lin Luo looked at her expression and knew that she had already moved her heart, but she was struggling between herself and Gaia, so she said, "This is what happened, and I won't go around in circles anymore. Maybe you should see it too. Now, my strength is very weak."

Seeing Zhu Yue nodding, Lin Luo continued, "Since the sisters died, I have been wandering around various planets, looking for replacements for the sisters, but there are too few who can meet the conditions. Not only did I not find them. Even the power has gradually faded because of leaving for too long. The earth is my last stop. If I still cannot find it, then I can only return to the mainland and give up the hope of resurrecting the sisters. I originally thought that there was no chance. But when I saw Miss Zhu Yue, I finally saw hope...Miss Zhu Yue, you are undoubtedly one of the most suitable inheritors."

"Mr. praised, but..." Zhu Yue has fully understood the ins and outs, but this kind of thing really makes it difficult for her to make a decision, and she can't help but look embarrassed.

"Miss Zhu Yue, don't worry, listen to me to finish." Lin Luo smiled slightly and signaled her peace of mind, "I know that there is an agreement between you and Gaia, and you are also making a perfect copy that can be integrated into the earth. To become a substitute for the earth, Gaia is my friend, of course I will not dig her corners..." Lin Luo couldn't help blushing when he said that, because he had already digged many corners of Gaia.

"What does that sir mean?"

"I also said before that there can only be one surrogate for a planet. My planet has two alternates, so that's why things like that happen. Until now, I didn't plan to resurrect the sisters together. As long as I can Resurrecting one is satisfied and let the resurrected become a substitute. As for the other, I will find a way in the future, then there will be no fighting between them."

After a short pause, Lin Luo continued, “Miss Zhu Yue’s perfect copy is of course the best inheritor of Elquite, but if another hybrid copy can be made, there will be a chance to accept Elt. The inheritance of Lucky, does Miss Zhu Yue understand what I mean?"

"That's the case." Zhu Yue's eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized that as long as she creates two copies, one can become the UO of the earth, and the other may become the UO of the more powerful planet Lin Luo, as long as this kind of thing is not No fool will refuse.

"It seems that Miss Zhu Yue has already planned to accept my proposal."

"Of course, it's a concubine's blessing to be able to share the worries for her husband." Zhu Yue smiled, but then she frowned. "The perfect copy of the concubine body can accept the inheritance of Elquite, but Elte How should Luqi's hybrid inheritors make it?"

"It's very simple. As long as the mixed blood of the true ancestor and the dead person meets this characteristic, there is a 90% chance of accepting the inheritance. As for the other details, it is not that important."

"My concubine understands." Zhu Yue nodded, taking advantage of the opportunity of questioning, leaning forward, her smile was full of affection, full of temptation, "Just to make the copy more perfect, I wonder if Mr. Go with your concubine?"

Zhu Yue obviously has her own plans. She wants to keep Lin Luo, on the one hand, it is indeed for the consideration of the replica. With the presence of Lin Luo, who is familiar with the sisters, her replica will be more perfect.

The second is for the sake of his own safety. Although Lin Luo is not strong, it is a restraining force after all. He must have an ability that ordinary life does not possess. If he stays by his side, the danger will naturally be greatly reduced.

Then there is the third point. Lin Luo has the restraining power of human feelings, so he should also have human desires. If he can have a little relationship with himself during this period of time and create friction in some way, then even if the copy of the body If the inheritance fails, she will not lose a big backer.

Zhu Yue has absolute confidence in her physical capital, but she also has too many troubles as a woman, such as the emptiness and loneliness at night, if she wants a man, of course she can find it, but this planet is not stronger than her. He won't waste his body in vain, and Lin Luo is different.

And she also faintly felt that when Lin Luo mentioned the sisters, it was not like the feelings of inhibition for the walker, maybe there was some unknown factor hidden, and she and El Quett had a strong relationship. It's exactly the same, it's just an opportunity.

Zhu Yue’s idea is very good. If Lin Luo doesn’t have to worry about the world line, maybe he will really go with her, but now it’s not possible. In case he and Zhu Yue have **** with Zhu Yue and give birth to a daughter, then the world line But it was completely messed up.

Lin Luo shook his head and said regretfully, "Ms. Zhu Yue's invitation made me very happy, but my strength has been lost too much, and I can't stand still for too long on the earth, and the birth of a replica is not It can be done in a short time, but it is useless if you go."

"That's really a pity." Zhu Yue did not conceal the regret in her heart, and said in a sense of loss, "The concubine really wants to spend more time with her husband."

Zhu Yue deserves to be an enchanting evildoer. This lost expression is as heartbreaking as Xizi's heart-wrenching. Although Lin Luo knows that she is deliberately contrived, she still can't help feeling a touch of heart, but she smiles." Don’t worry about this. Once I return to my own star, my power will recover, and I will come to Earth again at that time. It’s not that there is no chance to talk.

"So, my concubine will feel at ease." With Lin Luo's answer, Zhu Yue immediately turned from worry to joy.

Soon after, the two had already arrived at the exit.

Lin Luo stopped here, "It seems that it's time for us to break up, Miss Zhu Yue is going all the way."

Zhu Yue looked at him strangely, and Lin Luo was a little bit sour when he was mad, "It's enough for your husband to call his concubine Zhu Yue." She didn't dare to be so explicit at first, but after making an agreement with Lin Luo , The relationship has improved greatly, and she will naturally not give up the opportunity to get closer.

"Okay, Zhu Yue." Lin Luo was naturally so happy, and he kept dragging on those aristocratic language, and he didn't feel good either.

Lin Luo faintly called Zhu Yue, he was just for relaxation, but to Zhu Yue they were undoubtedly two concepts. Although Ms. Zhu Yue is a respectful word, it also means that the distance between the two is very good, and calling her Zhu Yue directly is not synonymous with closeness.

Although Zhu Yue is not a pure girl, she was shocked at this moment, her face rose with a blush, and she gritted her teeth secretly, she leaned forward violently, took the initiative to give her a hug, and kissed Lin Luo's face, Jiao Said, "Sir, please rest assured, my concubine will definitely give birth to the most perfect daughter for my husband."

"Uh..." Lin Luo was a little dazed by this sudden scene. Looking at Zhu Yue's expression, it didn't seem to be pretentious, and subconsciously said, "Then everything is up to you."

"Mr. take care, my concubine walks away." Zhu Yue cast a faint look at Lin Luo, and then left his embrace and went away gracefully.

"Hey, how come I feel a little sorry for her." Lin Luo touched the place where Zhu Yue had kissed her face, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. If Zhu Yue gave birth to a son, he didn't know what would happen in the future, but if Zhu Yue gave birth to Black and White Ji, she would only have a dead end.

In the current situation, it is obvious that I dug her tomb by myself.

Regardless of whether Zhu Yue treats herself sincerely or falsely, but in the end she whispers softly, facing such a woman who has a good impression of herself, but sending her to death, Lin Luo feels somewhat uncomfortable.

Although Zhu Yue’s death has little to do with Black and White Ji, the most important reason is to make her weaker. The most important reason is that she despised the magician so much that she was finally killed by Jewel Weng, but... Although Lin Luo was in contact with Zhu Yue It’s not a long time, but I can see that she is a very cautious person. It is really impossible to say that she will despise the enemy. Then the biggest reason may be...Because she and Gaia are her backers, Zhu Zhu Yue has become pretentious, which brings her tragedy to an end.

"It seems that the original sin is still on me... Well, forget it, for now, maintaining the world line is the most important thing. I will talk about Zhu Yue later."

At the very end, Lin Luo sighed helplessly and turned to Gaia's palace.

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