The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 861: Once you get the plug-in, you can download the copy... the plug-in legion joins!

For the outside world, the time in the cracks of the world flows very fast, and for Lin Luo and the others, the time here is also not slow. In a blink of an eye, they spent a month here.

In this month, Lin Luo has never entered the cracks of the world once, and rarely communicated with the people around him, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the perception of himself... The walker of LV1 enhances his own power to human beings. Limit, let yourself become a superhuman existence. The walker of LV2 digs into the sleeping mystery inside the body, including the depths of consciousness, and expresses that mystery in a concrete form, so as to reach the border with the world. The walker of LV3 has truly reached the border with the world and influenced the law of the world to a certain extent through his own power, that is, the power of rules!

Lin Luo understood that the reason why he was able to directly understand the power of rules beyond his mind at the beginning was because he didn't dig into the mystery of himself enough, and directly bordered the world.

To connect with the world, one must use the power of the mind and eyes. Can he achieve this level without mind and eyes? Yes, because his mind and eye power was used once unconsciously...that was when Meiling and Fanwai were in a decisive battle, the mystery that blocked the two super-electromagnetic guns was his mind and eye power!

Originally, as long as you use the power of mind and eye, even if the experience value of LV2 is not full, you can slowly make up for it through the mind and eye in the future. But the problem is that Lin Luo didn’t know anything about his own mind-eye power, nor was he aware of the existence of the mind-eye, so when the mind-eye power ended, he would not feel it anymore, but as far as the outside world was concerned, he was already at that time. Made contact with the world.

But it was precisely because of that contact that Lin Luo could directly comprehend the power of the rules in LV2 and defeated Sieg, otherwise, if he only relied on the power of the heart and eyes, he would not be able to defeat the rule-level powerhouse. Of course, Lin Luo would lose to LV2's mind-eye users as a rule-level power in the first battle, but it was because his rule power at the time was only 5%, so low that he could no longer claim to be a rule-level powerhouse. In addition, coupled with the instability of the foundation, and the situation of group fights, there will be that kind of result is also natural.

In short, one loss and one gain seem to be accidental, but in fact, it may have been destined for a long time.

If he did not find Misaka Mirei, it would not trigger a decisive battle between Misaka Mirei and the extra-special entity. If it were not for the decisive battle between the two, he would not be able to unconsciously use his mind and eyes. If there was no such contact, he would It is impossible to comprehend the power of rules. If there is no power to comprehend the rules, everything behind will not exist... A series of accidents formed an inevitable, and one cause slowly converged into a huge result.

And today, it's time to pick that fruit!

Although a month’s time is not enough for Lin Luo to fully grasp the mind and eye, and even comprehend the power of the mind and eye, his heart has completely lifted the dark fog, and an extremely clear path has been presented before his eyes, as long as he is determined not to Moving on, the world... is within reach!

"It's really great to be able to have this year for me to feel it." Out of the house, Lin Luo stood on the prairie, feeling the breeze blowing, looking at the gap between the world shrouded in black mist, from Smile sincerely.

There is a saying that crises and opportunities coexist, because the reaction of the inverse causal line has caused him to suffer a huge dilemma, but it also brings him even greater opportunities...not only for himself, but also for other people. the same.

"Take it... the nine-headed dragon flashes!"

At this moment, a clear drink suddenly sounded from behind Lin Luo, the vague figure drifting like a breeze, and several sharp sword light lightning struck, like a storm that was unstoppable.

This is exactly one of Feitian Yujianliu's highest swordsmanship. It sends out nine swords at a superb speed, making the opponent unable to defend and evade. Only Gui Daisy can use this sword technique here.

Although theoretically speaking, as long as the speed of the attacked person is fast enough, they can resist the nine-headed dragon flash, but at this moment, Gui Daisy uses this trick, and its power has obviously surpassed the ancient masters of Feitian Yujianliu. The Kenshin of Himura must be strong by a few points, and he will be fast, accurate and ruthless to the limit.

In terms of speed, it is obviously impossible for Lin Luo to be faster than the Osmanthus daisy who has mastered the speed. In theory, he cannot escape this trick, but... When the nine sword lights fell, Lin Luo was not hurt. Standing there, not only had his clothes not been cut off, he hadn't even turned his body, as if the nine-headed dragon flash just now was an illusion at all.

"How is it possible?!" Gui Dai Dai's eyes widened, with an unbelievable look. She also felt that there was an illusion. Lin Luo in front of her was an illusion, otherwise how could she not be able to fight it?

Lin Luo turned around and looked at Gui Daisy's dumbfounded expression, "I said, although I said before that you can attack me at any time, but I just happened to have a poem and want an arty poem. I still don't want anyone to interrupt."

Gui Daisy didn't care whether he wanted to be lewd or to be lewd, and asked: "Why didn't I hit you just now? Is this a clone? Or a phantom?"

"It's not a clone or a phantom. I obviously dodged it just now." Lin Luo said with a smile.

"Where is there to dodge?"

"My shoulder moved, don't you see it?"

Gui Daisy was taken aback for a moment, and he thought about it for a while, as if Lin Luo really moved his shoulders just now, but, "It's just such a subtle movement. If it weren't for someone with extreme dynamic vision, it wouldn't be discovered at all. How could it be hiding? After my nine-headed dragon flash?"

"But I actually avoided it by that action."

"...I don't understand exactly what happened." Gui Daisy was deeply shocked. Although the move just now was not her strongest secret, it was also one of the strongest moves, and it still took the advantage of sneak attacks. Even if Lin Luo could stop him, he would have to spend a lot of time. How could he think that the other party was so relaxed, it was too shocking.

Lin Luo was not afraid of damaging her enthusiasm, and said with a smile, "In fact, this is a very simple thing, as long as you think about it, you may be able to discover the mystery."

"Aren't you going to tell me?" The girl gave him a white look, her eyes flashing with faint depression.

Lin Luo ignored her depression and said with a serious face, "I tell you what is the point? Don't you also have minds, your minds are to see through, and the power of minds is to learn, wanting to understand what I did just now. It shouldn't be difficult."

"...Okay." Now that I have already talked about it, Gui Daisy is no longer reluctant, but has made up his mind to give Lin Luo's pretense.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, and said no more. Although Osmanthus Daisy opened her mind and eyes very early, and her mind and eyes strength was still extremely abnormal and almost copied the learning ability, but because she had not been exposed to her own "reality" before, she had not made any major breakthroughs until one month. Only after Qian Qian signed a contract with him, did she truly understand the mystery of the existence of Xinyan, and she also moved in a higher direction.

Xinyan allows her to see through any moves of the enemy and instantly grasp the method of cracking it, thus defeating the enemy more quickly. The power of the heart and eye can fully learn the opponent's abilities. For example, Lin Luo can perform a set of swordsmanship on her. As long as she activates the power of the heart and eye, she can copy this set of swordsmanship perfectly at the same time or even faster than Lin Luo.

Of course, this learning is not a panacea. If the enemy casts a forbidden spell, she can see through it, but it is impossible to learn it. After all, she does not have the necessary magic power to cast the forbidden spell. In the same way, if it is a very high-level swordsmanship, she can only get the form but not the gods, but even so, she already has a bug-like plug-in, which is far better than Lin Luo's original sword proficiency. Because her learning ability has no limit, even if it is the rules, as long as her realm is high enough, she can learn it. As for how much she masters, it is another matter.

In this month's time, Gui Daisy's strength has already improved a lot, faintly reaching the edge of a breakthrough. If Lin Luo hadn't grasped his mind initially, the nine-headed dragon flash would be enough for him.

However, although Gui Daisy's mind was abnormal, Lin Luo's mind was not inferior to her. It was a bit difficult for her to see the broken mind with her mind.

After the short contest with Gui Daisy was over, Lin Luo returned to the room on the second floor again and pulled Lihua Music out of the computer... She was playing the game "Upside Down Journey to the West" today. When she left, she His gaze was still reluctantly looking at the screen, the Guanyin on the screen displayed thousands of tentacles...No, it turned into a thousand-handed Guanyin.

Then, Lin Luo found Altria and Fujibayashi not far away, and they swung their swords and threw the dictionary at the same time. Although the systems were different, they did not hinder their passionate collision, and they fought with great enthusiasm.

However, with the arrival of Lin Luo, their battle had to be terminated.

"What do you mean? Didn't you see that we were playing as much fun as possible?" The two were a little bit upset about Lin Luo's midway penetration.

Lin Luo seemed very calm and smiled, "Well, that's it. I think everyone has worked very hard this month and has made great breakthroughs. So in order to check the results of this month, we will come to the scene. The actual combat is good."

"Oh, are you going to the world?" Everyone couldn't help being a little excited when they heard this. After all, they had been training for so long, but they were still very frustrated that they couldn't engage in actual combat. If it weren't for Lin Luo's serious warning at the beginning, they couldn't help but want to take risks alone.

"Yes, but for safety's sake, let's make a Warrior-level copy for now."

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