The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 899: Emperor Wu, when did he go to the Tian Dynasty to study?

"Lin Luo, what do you think of Xia?"

"Xia? Very good, what's the matter?"

"I want to take her over and live with her."

"Received the Sky City?"

"Well, although she is free and comfortable in the Ediro Garden, she is only one person after all. I want her to live a happier life." After undergoing many transformations, Lei probably realized that "everyone’s happiness is the truth." The truth of "happiness" has strong expectations in my eyes when I speak.

It is not difficult for Lin Luo to hear what she meant. To put it bluntly, Lei is pulling the harem for herself. This may be very contradictory, but it makes sense to think about it. After all, Lei and Xia’s fetters lasted for five hundred years. Although time is not the most important factor in determining the strength of the relationship, Xia’s position in Lei’s heart It is also irreplaceable. What's more, Xia still has the sadness that made her heartache. She feels that she is having a very happy life, so it is possible that she wants to share this happiness with Xia.

The background of the holy war angel is different from that of ordinary people, and the way of thinking is also different from that of ordinary people. After Lei understands her own background, she obviously has changed, and can't be regarded as ordinary people.

For the harem, Lin Luo subconsciously does not refuse to come, but after listening to Lei’s words, he is still a little stressed. After all, he has not yet settled the host, and the heroic spirits around him have not yet comforted, and the sisters of the magic city. He didn't establish a good relationship either... But Lei's kindness could not be denied.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Luo had no choice but to say, "You can take care of this by yourself. You can do it as you please."

"Yeah." Lei smiled sweetly, contented, "Then I'll leave first."

Lin Luo nodded until her back disappeared in the sixth floor exercise room, and then left. The lowest goal Yaoyao set for them is the first person under the heavenly rank. Lei now only has a high-level tier. Whether it is Yaoyao or herself, it is impossible for Yaoyao or herself to be willing to stop there...with the previous weapon race world The trip, coupled with re-signing the contract of the heart, obviously gave her greater confidence.

After leaving the main hall, Lin Luo found Sakagami Tomohiro who had been waiting for a long time in the atrium. This time the two were going to the world where Tomohiro was. After all, it has been nearly two years since Tomohiro’s first crossing. It has been for his family all the time. Missed. There was no chance to go back before, but now with Lin Luo's Avenue of Stars, she can finally see her family again, of course she can't miss it.

And Lin Luo is also looking forward to this trip. When entering the magic cannon world before, Lady Onion Hatsune chaotically joined multiple worlds together. I don’t know what the result will be at this moment...the three magic cannons are probably also long. Is it big?

Has the former loli become a royal sister? Or is it still wandering between loli and the girl? Or between the girl and the royal sister? All this is imaginative.

Lin Luo's thoughts gradually drifted away, but when he took the hand of Sakagami Tomohiro, the thoughts that had gone away came back again, and found that the girl was also looking forward with a nervous expression, and couldn't help but smile, "I'm ready." ?"

"No problem!" Tomoyo said categorically. She emphasized her tone not to show domineering, but to conceal her inner tension. The closeness to the hometown is even more timid, as long as it is a person who has strong feelings.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, and the next moment, he directly activated the Avenue of Stars.

On a certain floor of the main hall of the Sky City, Yaoyao is wearing extremely revealing clothes sitting on the window, swinging a pair of slender legs, drinking red wine, and smiling amorously, "This time the solution is not bad, but the next one The host is also quite troublesome... Well, I probably won't be able to see her without a five-shift today."


The Avenue of Stars is located on the hillside of the small town. Looking over from here, the whole town has a panoramic view. Lin Luo's gaze only glanced to the right, and he saw the biggest stage of the small town-Kosaka High School.

It's still spring here, and the pink cherry blossoms form a unique landscape, which is magnificent.

As soon as he arrived, Lin Luo felt that there was no magic wave in this world, nor any power aura that exceeded the limit of ordinary people. This is an absolutely everyday world...except for Guangyu!

In other words, this world has not been included in the plane of magic cannon.

However, when Fujibayashi was not the host, she did appear in the Magic Cannon World. No matter what Hatsune did at the time, the town was indeed moved to the Magic Cannon World. Now, the two worlds have lost the intersection again. Because of what?

For the time being, there was no possibility to meet the Big Three of Magic Cannons, Lin Luo somewhat regretted, but he did not force too much, and instantly focused his attention on the matter in front of him.

From the previous exchanges with Chiyo, Lin Luo learned that Chiyo had already transferred to Mitsusaka High School, but she had been forced to cross it before she stayed for a few days, and she did not experience enough high school life in Misaka High School. It is not a pity that even Chunyuan Hinata has not kicked a few kicks.

At this moment, looking at this familiar town, Chiyo's heart, which had calmed down, became agitated again. There was no extravagant hope that she would really be able to come back one day.

"You know? I used to be very good at fighting, and I often got involved in the disputes between the bad boys in the town. I was frightened by them. In order to say goodbye to that period of darkness and live the life of an ordinary girl, I turned Enter Mitsusaka High School..." Chiyo looked at everything in front of her, like memories and explanations, her faint tone revealed her infinite thoughts, "but now, I still don't have the daily life I long for."

Lin Luo found a trace of sadness in her eyes, and couldn't help sighing, then patted her shoulder to comfort him, "It's not your fault."

"Whose fault is that?"

"...It's the queen's fault."

Under the consciousness of infinity, Tomoshiro ignored his words and continued, "I have never had any grudges about it. The matter has reached this point. Before the endless road is over, I did not expect to be able to Live the life of an ordinary girl you yearn for, but... While we are in this world, can you live an ordinary life with me?"

The bright gaze of the girl was full of longing and expectation. Lin Luo gently held her hands, "I also yearn for a peaceful life, and no one has to fight anymore. Although that goal is still far away, it is rare to have such a chance. Of course I will not object, what you want to do is what I want to do."

"Well, thank you."

Under this common tacit understanding, the two slowly walked down the hill without using any strength or speeding up. They only walked towards Chidai's family with the strength of ordinary people's feet and with an excited and flat mood.

Lin Luo has never been to the small town. Of course he doesn't know where Chiyo's home is. He doesn't even know where the Sanae Bakery is... Uh, is it Furukawa Bakery?

So he can only follow behind Tomohiro, as if going to see the son-in-law of his father-in-law's mother-in-law, feeling nervous.

"Should we bring some gifts?" Lin Luo suddenly suggested when passing by a supermarket.

"What do you bring a gift for?" Tomoyo asked knowingly.

Of course it is to increase the degree of her mother-in-law’s affection for herself... Lin Luo thinks this way, but he doesn’t say that, "You are a daughter going home, of course you don’t need to give gifts, but for the time being, I can only count as an outsider. , To visit your house, it seems a bit stingy if you don't give gifts."

"My parents won't let you sleep in the warehouse just because you didn't bring a gift. You don't have to worry about that." Tomoyo gave him a blank look, and then hurriedly said, "By the way, when you meet my family later, don't be messy. speak."

"Okay." Hearing what she said, Lin Luo had to give up the idea of ​​using gifts to close relationships. Anyway, if there is a need, there are still a lot of good things in his storage space, although many of them are surreal things. , But it is also used by ordinary people.

Soon after, the two came to an ordinary two-story residential building. The row on the doorway was written with the word Sakagami. There is no doubt that this is Chiyo's home.

"Ding Dong!"

"Come on, who?"

When Chiyo rang the doorbell, a woman's voice soon came from inside, and then the door opened with a bang. A woman who was three to five points similar to Chiyo stood at the entrance and blinked, "Hey, Chiyo, Why are you back? And you rang the doorbell. Don't you have the key?"

This woman is undoubtedly Chiyo's mother. Why did Chiyo ring the doorbell and not go in? Chiyo understands, and Lin Luo understands, but what they don't understand is why Chiyo's mother's tone is so normal?

Just now on the way back, they had already conducted a survey of the time in this world, and it was just half a year since Chiyo passed through. In other words, Chiyo had been missing for half a year, and the missing daughter suddenly came back after half a year. , As a mother, there is not a hint of surprise and joy, which is really abnormal.

Tomoyoki resisted the excitement and doubts in his heart, and suppressed the urge to rush to cry in his mother's arms, pretending to ask naturally, "That...Mom, do you know where I have been this six months?"

Tomoyo's mother was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "Really, it turns out that my family's Tomoyo has been studying in the Heavenly Dynasty for half a year and has also learned to joke, or is she deliberately testing her mother?"

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Chidai heard these words and it was nothing, but Lin Luo almost sprayed it. In order to avoid being rude and patient, he didn't mention it, and coughed again and again.

"Ah, you are..." At this time, Chidai's mother finally noticed Lin Luo, pointed her finger at him, and looked at her daughter's face for a while, then Lin Luo's face, and finally realized it suddenly. He laughed happily, "Ah, my Tomohiro has grown up, and he even has a boyfriend."

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