The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 904: No matter black cat or white cat, the one who sells cute is a good cat

"It's a pity, the first opportunity was wasted. If you don't find a place of restraint within three times, you will be cursed to kill you!"

Lin Luo worked so hard to separate the Mingjie and the Red World in his mind, and finally found the place where he first met the second girl, but did not see the second girl, only a sentence that almost made him vomit blood.

"It's really hard to understand, the second form of thinking."

Lin Luo sighed again, but she had to act cautiously. If she missed three opportunities, she might not really curse herself, but it would be extremely difficult to win her favor and contract with her.

Since it's not the place of first encounter, then where is the place of restraint she said?

In the fourth battle of God, when she fought with the evil king clone, she was with herself, could it be that place? wrong! That's not enough to become a constraint. Since she is so solemnly going to that place of restraint, she can imagine that the place is of extraordinary significance to her, then... the place where she fought against the clone of destiny! She was taken about the place of the wheel of fortune!


That place is not far from the Sky City, he can see the panorama at a glance, if the other party is really there...wait!

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in Lin Luo's heart. He almost forgot what that person's ability was. If it were her strange and unpredictable ability, it would not be impossible to create a space that he could not see, such as the evil in the beginning. She had seen the space where the king fought against the dark king!

Lin Luo thought of this, and did not hesitate to come to the void when he was fighting against the clone of destiny. The power of the eyes and the field of perception were opened at the same time. After a while, he really felt that there was a very strange energy in this space. Between being and not being.

"Sure enough!" So far, Lin Luo no longer doubted that the other party had created a space invisible to the naked eye, and there was undoubtedly a place of restraint, but how to get in was a trouble.

"Hmm... I probably can't decipher her ability with my current strength, she should be able to think of this too, she shouldn't let me break through with strength, and won't shut me out, then... with that As far as the character of the second infinite middle school guy is concerned, the way she chooses is absolutely contrary to ordinary people. If so..."

Lin Luo touched his chin and muttered to himself while thinking. Then he opened his mouth and spread his voice in a rippled manner, "Falling holy black cat, I am invited by you to come to participate in the ascension ceremony of your **** cat, please Open the door to the land of restraint!"

That's right, the person who sent him the email was Wugeng Liuli, the black cat. After all, among the hosts of Sky City, only she, the evil eye radio wave girl who claims to be the black cat, could add meow after the closing remarks in one sentence. Onomatopoeia like Miao Miao, and the way of meeting people like sending him emails and restraints, also has a great sense of sight in memory.

Even though literature and art defeated the second, only the second one can get along with the second one. In order to see the black cat, Lin Luo might as well get the second one, but when his voice reverberated in mid-air nearly three times. For ten seconds, when there was still no change, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Did I use the wrong method? Should I be more literary here or as an ordinary teenager?"

Lin Luo frowned and muttered to himself.

However, at this moment, a wave-like pattern suddenly appeared in the void not far in front of him, and a hole alternated with black and white appeared there.

"It seems that the route is correct."

Lin Luo was overjoyed, and immediately flew towards the cave entrance, but after his figure submerged, the black and white cave entrance suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Fantasy reality?!" Lin Luo couldn't help being surprised when he saw the sight in front of him. He found himself standing in a city. The crowds on the street were bustling. Both sides of the street were full of animation shops or maid cafes. One after another, there seems to be an animation exhibition being held in a building not far away, and there are some signs of Akihabara.

Of course Lin Luo would not think that he had really arrived in Akihabara. Most of the cities were made by black cats, which had the same effect as the realization of fantasy.

Although the realization of fantasy is a very powerful ability, in terms of Lin Luo's insight, it is nothing. What really surprised him was the difference in the environment. He originally thought that the entrance of the cave would be a place filled with evil. Unexpectedly, it was so normal... For the middle house like the black cat, this city is too normal.

The people in this city are obviously lifeless, or just a bunch of virtual data. Lin Luo’s sudden rush into the city did not bring any chaos to the city. Even if he collides with someone, the other party seems like nothing happened. Ignore him completely.

Lin Luo was not interested in paying attention to these virtual people, wandering around on the street, looking for the figure of the black cat...This space is extremely strange, even if he runs with all his strength, there is only the footsteps of ordinary people, and the strength is infinitely close to the ground. It can't make it out at all, it's as if everything has disappeared!

It is obviously not easy for an ordinary person to find someone in the city. If the other person is accompanied by an extremely mysterious existence, it will be even more difficult.

When Lin Luo came in, the time here was still morning, but he still couldn't find the black cat until the sun was slanting to the west.

"It's really troublesome, that's why I said this ability is too BUG!" Lin Luo ran for a whole day, and now he was panting for exhaustion. Not only did his strength disappear, but even his physique changed back to the level of an ordinary person... …The black cat's ability to manipulate existence and disappearance, he is completely powerless here.

"This is a dream of reality, an illusory space derived from reality." Just when Lin Luo was so tired to rest on a telephone pole, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear. He quickly turned his head to look, but only I saw a black skirt disappearing into the street not far away.

That voice... Lin Luo's heart moved, and immediately ran towards the street entrance, but unfortunately he found nothing. The street was empty, not to mention the black cat, there was not even a single figure.

"This is the reality of dreams, the real space created by dreams." Lin Luo was disappointed, and suddenly a girl's voice rang, and at the end of the street, a snow-white figure floated by.

Hey hey hey, this is too ridiculous!

Lin Luo ran forward again, but his heart was already full of surprises and doubts, because it was not just the voices of the two girls that made him familiar, and even what they said was unusually familiar. The exact same figure flashed across his mind, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the two voices seemed to be guiding him, and if he was a step slower, he might miss it.

Under the deliberate guidance of the two girls, Lin Luo crossed the streets. After a while, when he ran out of the last street, he finally saw the man sitting in the pavilion under the sky stretched by the sunset. The black, or it should be said that it is Wujing Liuli.

Because at the moment, she did not wear that signature gothic loli suit, but instead wore a pure white dress. Even her temperament seemed to have changed because of this. There was no trace of evil in the two, and more It is sunshine and purity, a vigorous and beautiful girl.

Wugeng Liuli obviously also noticed Lin Luo's arrival, and looked up at him with clear eyes, "You are finally here, I have been waiting for a long time."

Wugeng Liuli's soft tone was like that of the little sister next door, making Lin Luo feel a huge violation, but at the same time he didn't feel strange. After all, Wugeng Liuli is in the state of a white cat, and people will become very honest.

Lin Luo stepped forward, staring at her beautiful and flawless face at the moment, ignoring the doubts in her heart, but smilingly said, "After such a big battle, there should be a very important thing."

Not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence. He already knew the purpose of Wugeng Liuli.

"This matter..." Wugeng Liuli seemed to be very nervous. She pressed her chest with one hand, and pulled the black hair around her ear with the other, her eyes flickering, revealing a hint of anxiety.

Regardless of black cat or white cat, the one who sells cute is a good cat. Similarly, whether black cat or white cat, Wugeng Liuli is a kind of easily shy and awkward character. Under her strong character, she also has a cowardly side. The worst thing is to express your feelings.

And when she didn't know how to express, she was either angry, or despised, or used radio waves that normal people could not understand to alleviate the embarrassment in her heart, just like this moment.

"You hurt me..."

Lin Luo didn't remember when he hurt Wugeng Liuli, but if his death caused her trouble, it might also be a kind of injury.

"So, the purpose of calling you today is very simple, that is to retaliate against you."

"It seems so, then how are you going to retaliate against me?"

"I wanted to curse and kill you directly, but... for the sake of you being able to be here in time, I'll be a little bit more tolerant, and just... impose a curse on you."

"Curse?" The terrible word curse was uttered by Wu Geng Liuli with a taste of temptation. Lin Luo looked at her and asked knowingly.

"Well, yes... yes, curse."

Wu Geng Liuli nodded, but her face suddenly turned red.

This shy and weak appearance makes people feel very cute. Although Lin Luo wants to tease her a little bit, what he said is quite tacit understanding, "Then, what is the curse you want to impose on me?"

Hearing this question, Wugeng Liuli bit her red lips and glanced at him obliquely, but she couldn't see whether it was worry or resentment. She could only feel that she was working hard and desperately deciding something.

Finally, like a strong man rushing to the execution ground, she summoned the courage to look at the person in front of her, and said the most beautiful curse in the world.

"Please, be my lover."

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