The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 910: A different seal of protection, an eternal bond

"The contract of the heart is activated, and the agreement mode is launched...The current contractor and the contractor have reached the same line, the current contractor has obtained the proof of restraint-the state of water stop, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the restriction-the momentum of flowing water.

When this voice fell, the two of them split their lips, and before Lin Luo could check the status, Mu Naoxiang gently pushed it in front of Shi Na, and laughed, "Teacher, please contact Xiao Sha next. Kiss it."

"Huh?" Lin Luo was stunned on the spot. He knew that Mu Naoxiang was very generous. As long as she could continue to stay with Setsuna, he didn't mind the messy relationship between himself and other women. Of course, including Setsuna... Not that she was right. She has no feelings, but for her, she and Setsuna have the same weight.

What he doesn't understand is, what is kissing Setsuna at this time? Even if you want to play Shuangfei, you have to wait until the evening. Looking at Shina again, he found that the other party had changed his calmness just now, twisted his fingers, lowered his head, his face was red, and he looked very shy.

"Oh, teacher, don't hesitate anymore, please show your masculinity." Seeing Lin Luo standing there in a daze, Mu Naoxiang urged.

Lin Luo was just thinking about why he was so wronged by Mu Naoxiang as having no masculinity. In that case, he didn't want to think about it anymore. In order to redeem his masculinity, he took the opportunity of halving his shyness and impatience. He hugged her slender waist directly, and kissed her fragrant lips.

The moment his lips were violated, he immediately lost his ability to react, and his whole person was petrified.

"Oh yeah!" At the same time, Mu Naoxiang let out a cry of excitement, two beautiful paper fans suddenly appeared in her hands, just waving left and right, a water force visible to the naked eye was like a sky curtain. Everything is shrouded, shaped like clouds and rain.

Immediately afterwards, the paper fan turned in the opposite direction, and the momentum of the water flowed by Lin Luo and Setsuna, and she was taken back again, and she said softly, "Guardian is established!"

When covered by the water, Lin Luo felt that he could not move anymore. Only then did he finally move freely, and immediately turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Teacher, this is my seal of protection." Mu Naoxiang smiled.

"The Seal of Guardian?"

Lin Luo was taken aback, instinctively looking at the book of contract, only to see:

Contractor: Kanae Mu Nao Xiang

Body strength: S

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: Intermediate level

Proof of Constraint: The Power of Flowing Water

Seal of Protection: Sakura Sakura

The Heart of the World: The Heart of Zeshui (No. 33, the form is as good as water, melting the heart)

"This..." Seeing this message, Lin Luo was immediately speechless. The black and white lotus became the seal of protection of the five-geng Liuli. He could also understand that it was the reason why their attributes fit well enough, but the moment turned out to be Mu Naoxiang. The seal of guardianship, this is too cheating!

By the way, just now, Mu Naoxiang asked herself to kiss Moss. Is that just for this?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but look at Mu Naoxiang. The girl heard the strings and laughed, and said with a smile, "Although Xiaosha is my servant, the connection to become my guardian seal is still too weak. At this time, it must be passed. It’s only when the teacher comes to strengthen contact."

"Why pass me? Can't you do it yourself?" It's okay for Mu Naoxiang not to explain. As soon as she explained to Lin Luo, he was even more at a loss. He really didn't understand. It was just a kiss. How could he strengthen the contact?

"Tsk tusk, teacher, you still don't understand the value of your kiss." Mu Nao Xiang ran to him, grinning, pretending to be mysterious.

My kiss has fart value, isn't it just taking advantage of girls... Lin Luo secretly complained, even if the object of the complaint was himself, he was not polite.

But after that, after an explanation by Mu Naoxiang, he understood: The contract of heart needs to be completed by kissing. The meaning of this kiss is naturally very important. He and Shisana kissed, and the two were connected at that moment, and The relationship between him and Mu Nao Xiang is also a peer, and indirectly, the relationship between Mu Nao Xiang and Setsuna is even higher, and finally meets the requirements of becoming the seal of protection.

To put it simply, Lin Luo acts as a magpie bridge relationship here, allowing the Cowherd and Weaver Girl who originally stood on both sides of the strait to come together.

"That's the case, but why do you want to become your seal of protection in an instant?"

"Of course I want to get closer to Xiaosha."

Although Mu Naoxiang's answer made people speechless, it did not surprise Lin Luo. She could have had a seal of protection with water attributes, probably fish, river, crab or something. Although she did not reject it, she was already used to "serving" by Setsuna, and wanted to make Setsuna a seal of protection. , Of course, she didn't want other things to **** her baby position of'Miss the Guardian'.

The two hit it off, so Mu Naoxiang deliberately suppressed the growth of the seal of protection, until this moment, she took the initiative to set Mossina as the seal of protection...Of course, this does not mean that the original seal of protection has disappeared, just that power It's just moved to Mossana, which is similar in nature to the black and white lotus. In other words, the current set is the Shenming Ryu Swordsman with the three attributes of water thunder wing, that is, the three armies of the sea, land and air.

With her own strength plus the power of the Seal of Guardian, her overall strength is no longer above that of Minoxiang. If it is purely a combat power, she will be far better than Minoxiang... This is of course natural. After all, even the current Minoxiang has attack methods. , But her magic system is still mainly based on auxiliary treatment, and Shina, as a guard, only needs pure attack power.

"So, I don't know how strong our current Miss Swordsman has become... Uh!" Lin Luo can see the strength level of the host, but he can't see the strength of the Seal of Guardian, and it also has the current level of Shi Sui. With a hint of curiosity, he just couldn't help but stunned when his gaze turned towards Mossana...because Mossana had passed out, just the moment he was kissed.


Leaving Mu Naoxiang to take care of the moment she passed out due to shyness and nervousness, Lin Luo left the main hall and headed to the sky garden based on some induction. Finally, he found Huangquan and Kagura in the never-ending snow.

Although Kagura had been awkward for a while, it was not a big deal after all. This meeting had already had a snowball fight with Huang Quan in the snow, Yingsheng laughed, and it seemed that the two had a good time.

Two black figures slid back and forth on the white snow, which was undoubtedly a beautiful landscape.

"Brother, do you want to play snowball together?" Seeing Lin Luo's figure, Kagura immediately ran over and asked with a smile on his arm.

"Okay." Lin Luo patted her head with a smile, and looked at the girl opposite, "Then I will be with Huang Quan."

"Ah! Why does my brother want to be with Sister Huang Quan?" Kagura's eyes widened, and a look of disappointment appeared on her face. Although she wanted to match Huang Quan and Lin Luo, she also hoped that Lin Luo could love her more, like a real His brother is the same as his sister.

"Yeah, why do you want to be with me?" Huang Quan's heroic figure walked over from the snow, and asked in surprise. The relationship between her and Lin Luo is actually not much, just a little higher than ordinary friends, not even a confidante.

This is of course, after all, her childhood experience determines that she is not the kind of innocent girl with fantasy, and it is impossible to like a man because of kindness or fate. At that time, signing with Lin Luo was forced by the situation. Although she got along well afterwards, she did not have any further opportunities. In addition, she considered Kagura and did not take the initiative to approach. But after coming to the Sky City, Lin Luo first entered Gensokyo, then the magic cannon, and finally died directly in the battle of the gods. During this period, there was so little time to communicate, and there was no chance to increase the relationship.

So at this moment, even if she was just playing a snowball fight with her, she was a little uncomfortable.

As for Kagura's ability to be very close to Lin Luo, it was her age advantage. After all, Kagura was only thirteen years old at the time. The relationship with Lin Luo did not carry the love of men and women. It was just a sister who respected her brother and got along. Naturally it is much easier.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Your strength must be higher than mine. If you are paired with you, wouldn't I be a loser."

"I know this too, so why don't you and Kagura..."

"Ah, forget it." Huang Quan wanted to say more, but Kagura had already waved his hand, and said while running to the snow, "Sister Huang Quan, you should be with your brother. I will definitely defeat you. Humph."

Seeing her running out with anger, Lin Luo smiled, but he was relieved... The Kagura in front of him was not the same as the Kagura in his memory. In the original trajectory of Kagura, she killed herself. After passing through the most important turning point in his life, he has become a spiritual eliminator who can really stand on his own after passing through the most important turning point in his life. However, with such a heavy burden on his back, even though he possesses great power, he also loses the innocence and happiness that a girl should have at the same time, which makes people feel sorry for it.

The Kagura in front of her has never experienced such a heavy event. With the person she loves most by her side, her life is undoubtedly joyful and happy.

Similarly, Huang Quan's trajectory of life has been changed. Originally, she would rather give up herself in order to protect Kagura, let Kagura kill her, and become an evil spirit that everyone can punish, even if she later resurrected because of the killing stone. , But was hurt again...Her human nature is great, but her destiny is sadder than anyone else.

But now, she no longer has to walk on that tragic path. Although there is still sorrow that is difficult to erase in her life, the most important thing of her has not left. She loves her with the brilliance of a mother. When she was a younger sister, she was also cute.


Suddenly, a snowball hit Lin Luo's face, making him feel a little cool, and the broken snowflakes also splashed on Huang Quan's body.

The two looked forward. On the snow tens of meters away, the girl waved her hands cheerfully, "Brother, Sister Huang Quan, it's already started, the snowball battle..."

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