The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 913: The side quest is open... cuteness is justice!

The world of Ys became a world of snacks, Lin Luo could understand, after all, after the world was cleaned up, everything had undergone earth-shaking changes, whether it was civilization or map tiles. But after being cleansed, the world of snack food became an empty track world, and Lin Luo said that he couldn't understand it.

After all, when he left at that time, there was no change in the map plate, and life had gradually bred out. No matter from which way, the nature of the new world was similar to that of snacks, at least it should also have the plate of the earth... and The air-track world is fundamentally different.

The time the world runs can be ignored, but this essence cannot be ignored. Then it will cause the current result... Is someone deliberately doing it? Or is it a change made by the world itself?

This is really a big prize!

Lin Luo was a little excited for a moment. Originally, he didn't have much expectations for this world. He felt that it was nothing more than a world with a little mystery in daily life, and it might even be in a very backward stage, but according to the current situation, it seems. …In the development of the world, something has affected or changed it, causing a complete change in the world plate and world outlook!

Whether it is an influence or a change, this has something to do with the heavenly rank!

"Hey, are you guys listening to me? Are you new guerrillas?" Lin Luo was thinking about other things. Huang Quan and others were completely new to this place, and they didn't know how to respond to the urge to greet them. Pretending to be a girl, this made the young girl think that she was ignored, and couldn't help running over.

"Ah! You don't have badges, aren't you guerrillas?" The young girl ran up to several people, and suddenly saw that they didn't have the same badge on their chests, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed.

Lin Luo recovered, shrugged and smiled, "We never said that we were guerrillas, Miss guerrillas."

In this world, guerrillas are a special profession with the primary purpose of protecting the people’s safety and maintaining regional peace. They are engaged in tasks such as eradicating warcraft and preventing criminals. They are similar to the world police, but they do not belong to state power, but are civilians. Non-governmental organizations whose interests are the highest interests. It is precisely because of this that the existence of guerrillas has been supported by countless people, and there are branches of guerrilla associations in all countries in the world.

There are two types of guerrillas, regular guerrillas and quasi-guerrillas. The young girl in front of me with short orange shoulder-length hair and a yellow headband is no stranger to Lin Luo. She is a kendo and a man. Yani Lasi, a positive guerrilla who has a refreshing and non-trivial character, but a little confused, who likes all cute things.

The principle she pursues: cuteness is justice!

Of course, she herself is also a very cute girl.

"Oh, looking at you all holding swords, I thought you were here to help my guerrillas and said... I'm really disappointed." Knowing that Lin Luo and the others are not guerrillas, Yanilas sighed suddenly.

Lin Luo moved in his heart and asked, "Is your Guerrilla Association very short of people now?"

"It's not a shortage of people. It's just that this time there is a mission. The only one who can dispatch the Perth branch is me, but the enemy is very strong, so I sent a request for assistance to other branches... Ah, it seems that this is not your civilian Something you should know." Yani Lasi covered her mouth halfway.

Lin Luo was speechless, this guy was really confused.

"Yanilas!" At this moment, a young man suddenly walked out of the Guerrilla Association, looking around, and finally found Yanilasi here, and immediately beckoned, "Come here."

"Oh, okay." Yani Lasi responded, and then turned around and bowed slightly to Lin Luo and the others, "That...I'm sorry to disturb you just now, there is still something in the association, I will leave first."

After speaking, Yanilas turned and ran into the association.

Lin Luo watched her back disappear into the association, and after a moment, said to Huang Quan and others, "Let's go over and take a look."

"Do you want to help her?" Huang Quan glanced at him, but there was a little sourness in his tone. Although she and Lin Luo didn't get along for a long time, they knew his character to some extent. As long as it was not a hostile beauty, he would probably not die. As for the girl named Yanilasi just now, it was obvious that there was something difficult, so Lin Luo's heart of Sima Zhao was known to everyone.

Lin Luoto held his chin and said with a serious face: "The changes that have taken place in this world have made me feel a little bit. If I can travel around the world for a week, it should have a lot of benefits. And the Guerrilla Association has a very wide distribution in this world. Having a good relationship with them will be more beneficial to our actions...helping Yanilas is just a matter of course."

Huang Quan didn't speak, but just looked at him with a look of "Will I believe you?"

Lin Luo was stressed for an instant, and finally raised his hand to surrender under Huang Quan's sharp gaze, and said with a smile, "You know, helping others is the foundation of happiness."

"Hmph, I knew it." Huang Quan snorted coldly, but even though she said so, she didn't reject Lin Luo's proposal. Instead, she walked towards the Guerrilla Association first.

Lin Luo knew her knife-mouthed tofu heart, and didn't take it seriously. In fact, what he said just now was not casual. Although their strength can run wild in this world, they are unfamiliar in life, and many things will be unfamiliar. If there are guerrillas Obviously, with the help of the taxi, it will be much easier.

Besides, they have to stay in this world for a month, so they can't do nothing every day.

"Brother, you seem to know the world well, isn't it your first time here?" Tugong Kagura suddenly asked curiously when several people went to the association.

Lin Luo smiled and patted her head, "This is the first time I have come, but I have other sources of information. You will know about it in the future."

"Oh." Hearing what he said, Kagura didn't ask any more.

As for Fina and Leia, they have been quiet, but quietly followed a few people behind them.

"Oh! Isn't it? The other associations can't send people over? Do you really want me to go alone?!" As soon as a few people pushed the door in, they heard Yanilasi's disappointed voice.

"It seems that you are really in trouble. Is there anything you need help?" Lin Luo smiled at the front. Two people stood at the counter in front of him, one of them was Yanilas, and the other was It is an old man, if he remembers correctly, it should be Lugrand, the head of this association branch.

"Ah, why are you here?" Yanilasi was surprised.

Old Lugran looked at them a few times, turned his head and asked, "Yani Lass, do you know them?"

"Well, how do you say this... It's a misunderstanding." Yanilas stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed, and said the previous thing.

After a brief introduction of ourselves, everyone is considered to know each other. Lin Luo said at the right time, “We are ronin who travels around the world. We have been helped by guerrillas before. Anyway, there is nothing wrong at the moment. If you have any inconvenience. If we do, we might be able to help...I think you should also be able to see that we are quite capable."

Seeing Lin Luo opening his eyes and talking nonsense, Kagura couldn't help but complain, "My brother's level of lying is getting higher and higher."

Huang Quan nodded in agreement, "Well, it's just like the real thing."

The conversation between the two was very soft, and others could hardly hear it. Neither Elder Lugran nor Yanilas could see that Lin Luo was talking nonsense. First they thanked Lin Luo, and then they shook their heads, "Mr. Lin’s kindness, we thank you first. It’s just that this matter is a bit dangerous, and it’s not appropriate to involve civilians."

"If you can, you might as well tell us that if it's really dangerous, we won't make trouble."

Lin Luo spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and the other party could feel his sincerity. After hesitating for a while, he finally said the matter: in fact, the matter is very simple, that is, a strange beast suddenly appeared in the Amber Tower in the mountain road near Perth. Not only is it powerful, but also extremely violent. Although it has not yet come out of the tower, it has caused casualties. Naturally, the Guerrilla Association cannot ignore it. However, most of the guerrillas in the branch have tasks and can’t spare time, and the strength of a few quasi-guerrillas cannot cope with this task. Only Yanilas, who has just returned to his hometown in the past two days, is qualified to do it. , But the problem is that she is only one person. According to the information of those monsters, the danger is too great, so she has the current troubles.

The Amber Tower is one of the four-wheeled towers. It is said to be a legacy of the ancient times. Lin Luo is no stranger to this. If his first guess is correct, it is indeed someone or something that made this world. Change, then the Tower of Four Wheels is the existence that must be investigated.

If that's the case, he must help even more if he is busy... It's just a little monster, it's all right.

But even if he promised eagerly, Old Lugrand and Yanilas still did not agree. After all, their guerrillas were very principled and would not involve civilians because of their mission.

"Okay, let's just do it. I entrust your Guerrilla Association to **** me to visit the Amber Tower, so it's okay." Seeing that it didn't make sense, Lin Luo had to give them a mission, and at the same time reached out and took out one The palm-sized doll was placed in front of Yanilas, "This is the reward."

It is a Q version of Hatsune figure, with original sound simulation and action system, while shaking green onions while singing the song of green onions...Ah la li li la...

"Wow! So cute!" Yani Lasi was still waiting to refuse, but when she saw Hatsune figure, she immediately forgot the two words of rejection and snatched Hatsune figure from Lin Luo. He held it in his arms, his eyes were full of stars, "This... can it really be paid to me?"

"Of course." Lin Luo categorically.

Yanilas suddenly turned her head, with a look of righteousness, "Grandpa Lugeland, leave this task to me, I will finish it with all my might!"

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Looking at her like this, Lin Luo decided to withdraw the preface: The guerrillas are indeed very principled, but Yanilas is a special case. Her principle is always only one-cuteness is justice!

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