The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 937: Teach the goddess of light...or be trained by the goddess?

"Moving light waves... launch!"

With Chao Lingyin’s nonsensical cry, her fingers pressed down, and the beating symbols on the light screen were connected to form a circle. The five barrels fired out oblique straight beams, which were condensed to a point ten meters before the muzzle. , The middle barrel fired a beam again, and when it hits that point, it spreads forward and shoots two arcs at that point.

Finally, the two arcs meet again, and at a distance of ten meters from the muzzle, with Icarus as the center, a light circle with a radius of nearly three hundred meters is formed... This circle is the range of the law weapon. .

At the moment when the law weapon was activated, Lin Luo clearly felt that his "time" had become extremely slow, and even the surrounding space felt like if there was nothing, it seemed that it was difficult to move it together, only thinking. Can proceed normally. Although he knew that he was affected by the weapon of law, he still couldn't help being frightened.

But before he was shocked, the Ultraman armor on his body suddenly lit up, and then all the slow feeling disappeared without a trace.

"How? Teacher, are you surprised?" At this moment, Chao Lingyin turned his head and smiled triumphantly.

"You are really amazing." Lin Luo sincerely praised. Although the appearance of this protective suit is cheating, its ability is indeed very powerful, and even the interference ability of the law weapon can be shielded.

"Hey, to create a powerful weapon, you have to create an armor that can counter that weapon at the same time. This is my experience." Chao Lingyin said proudly.

Lin Luo understands her thoughts very well. In fact, it is not only scientists like her, but also many people. With the strongest spear, they will find ways to get the strongest shield and wait for the strongest shield. After doing it, I will think about making the strongest spear that can break through the strongest shield... Repeatedly, the final power will never end.

"So let's take a look now, how is our lovely Icarus sauce?" Chao Lingyin licked his lips, said excitedly, and clicked on the light screen again.

At this time, Lin Luo saw that Icarus, who was still moving slowly in the opposite aperture, stopped abruptly, as if he was immobilized, and he subconsciously extended his perception and energy, but it was Can't enter that aperture...No, although it can enter, it will be stopped as soon as it enters.

Regardless of time or space, the inside of the aperture and the outside of the aperture are already different, forming a world of its own, and it's still static!

"It seems that even your incomplete law weapon is enough to suppress the high-ranking powerhouses." Lin Luo said solemnly. Although the strength of Chao Ling Yin itself is not very good, as long as you rely on this thing, use it. If it's good, even if it is besieged by a number of ground-level powerhouses, there is no fear.

Weapons of law, although I don't know how to do it in the future, at this stage it is indeed very yellow and violent.

However, Chao Ling Yin shook his head, as if to mock Lin Luo's stupidity and innocence, "It's not that simple. If it is completely suppressed, the circle should be very standardized, but now..."

Lin Luo looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw that the circle in the light screen spread out in an irregular shape, as if some force was supporting it, and it could be broken at any time.

"She is resisting!" Chao Lingyin said in a deep voice.

She, without a doubt, refers to Icarus.

Time is also divided into realms, and even any thing has realms, even in darkness or light, and even "nothing" and "being" have realms.

For example, when Sakiya’s time stops, it’s difficult to compare to someone who is much stronger than her. The super ringtone’s law weapon, although it is much stronger than Sakiya, is still immature after all. The high-level Icarus obviously cannot be easily suppressed.

Icarus was trying to get out of the constraints of time, and the super-ring sound did not show any weakness. Ten fingers jumped quickly on the light screen, trying to completely suppress her.

"Oops, I didn't expect her power to be so strong!" In just a few minutes, Chao Lingyin's face was full of sweat, and her brows wrinkled tightly.

Although Lin Luo couldn't see what the beating characters on the light screen represented, from her tone and expression, it seemed that Icarus had the upper hand.

He looked towards Icarus, but he was still motionless over there.

Time passed bit by bit in such a weird confrontation, and nearly five minutes later, Lin Luo saw that the circle on the light screen suddenly shattered, and at this moment, Icarus, who was bound by time, Her eyes suddenly turned red, her two wings spread out with a crash, and her right hand rose up.

"Call! Goddess of Light!"

In that crisp shout, Icarus's back suddenly burst out with a holy light, which quickly condensed above her, but in an instant, a sacred figure appeared at her end.

It was a woman with eight white wings, golden hair that reached her thighs, three wings on each ear, a steel mask on her head, and the entire part above her mouth was covered by the mask, and Her arms are wrapped with a purple ribbon, which is slightly floating on her head in a semi-circular shape.

But the most noticeable thing is her dress, which is more revealing than Heiyan...No, or it should be said that she doesn't wear any clothes at all, except for the white gloves on the left hand, the shoes on the right foot, and the connection between the left foot and the chest. Shoes and trousers cover a few important parts, and all other places are exposed.

But even this dress does not make people think that she is very lascivious, and even exudes a holy breath like a saint, which makes people not think of filthy thoughts in their hearts.

The goddess of the Holy Light is just like the name.

Lin Luo felt the sacred breath that she exudes at first, and her heart became much purer, but when she looked at it, she suddenly felt a strong sense of sight, which seemed to be very similar to the one in her impression. After thinking about it carefully, he almost sprayed... Nima! This celestial lady is not the celestial beast in Digimon!

Before Lin Luo recovered from this shocking discovery, the goddess of light on the opposite side entered a fighting state. The white glove on her left hand turned into a wing bow in an instant, and then her right foot stood empty in the air. Knee bent and stood up, right hand pulled the bowstring, a white arrow suddenly appeared.

When the bowstring was pulled to the limit, her slender body was slightly tilted into the void, revealing an unparalleled beauty and exuding a more sacred atmosphere. At the same time, "Tianzhu!"

Even the attack method is exactly the same as that of the celestial beast!

With the clear voice of the Goddess of Light, the light arrows on the bowstring suddenly roared out.

In the sound of the air that smashed through the air, the light arrow hit the aperture released by the law weapon. It was just a stalemate for a moment, and the aperture shattered...The time pause field was broken!


Almost at the same time, Icarus and the Goddess of Light rushed up, their bows and arrows pointed at Chao Ling Yin and Lin Luo, and confided softly, "You lost."

Chao Lingyin and Lin Luo instinctively raised their hands...The arrow was so terrible, it must not be shot out!

"Oh, it's amazing. I didn't expect Icarus sauce to be so strong. It seems that my law weapon is far from home." Chao Lingyin accompanied the smiling face, and she didn't expect it at first. I originally thought that at least it could be a good match.

"No, nothing." Icarus retracted his bow and arrow, said modestly, and then fell back to the ground.

The Goddess of Light also closed her bow and landed at the same time, standing quietly beside Icarus.

"Now, Icarus sauce, how did you break my law domain? Tell me." As soon as the combat state was lifted, Chao Ling Yin immediately became active, pulling Icarus to ask.

Lin Luo got out of the bulky Ultraman equipment, watched the goddess of light standing motionless, and looked at Icarus who was chatting with Chao Lingyin, his heart became active and hesitated. In a moment, he walked towards the goddess of light.

When watching Digimon before, Lin Luo was very interested in the appearance of the celestial beast, but the celestial beast never took off its mask, but it made him never see it. The holy light goddess in front of him is exactly the same as the celestial beast. The Seal of Icarus's Guardian is a great opportunity!

Although the Goddess of Light stood on the spot like a statue, she knew everything around her. When Lin Luo got close to her, she suddenly turned her head and said vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

"Uh!" Lin Luo was taken aback, and then sneered, "That...goddess, I want to ask, can you take off your mask?"

"..." In such a direct word, probably even the Holy Light Goddess felt speechless. After a while, she went directly into an armed state, and the arrow pointed at Lin Luo, "The filthy person, I want to punish you!"

Nani? !

Just asking if you can take off the mask is filthy? Cheating!

Lin Luo felt pain, but he couldn't ignore the words of the goddess of light, because the other party had already opened the bow and arrow, "Hey, are you serious?"

"Take it! Tenchu!"

Huh, the light arrow shoots.

Lin Luo moved in an instant and dodged dangerously. Fortunately, the goddess of light did not use the powerful attack just now, otherwise he would hang it, but it is not the time to be happy, because the other party has turned into a light arrow. .

Seeing the light arrow full of sacred aura shot again, Lin Luo's face turned blue, hiding and shouting, "Your sister, don't shoot!"

"I won't stop attacking until I wash away your filth!" The Holy Light Lady began to pursue.

The two chased and fled for a while, and Icarus finally noticed the situation there, tilted his head and looked at it for a while, and said, "Master and Goddess of Light have a great time."

Chao Lingyin nodded, "Yeah, they are so happy, so let's not bother...Come on, let's continue the topic."

"Yeah." Icaruston looked back at him.

...On the other side, the Goddess of Light chased behind Lin Luo, shooting arrows.

"God, I like you! Don't shoot anymore!"

Lin Luo was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

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