The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 950: Seven women and one man, a couple and three pairs of Ji

Whatever you want, this is really God's help!

Seeing Lin Xiaoke and Meiqin both coming, Lin Luo was pleasantly surprised, because in every respect, neither of these two would be enemies of him, and their strengths have reached the quasi-heaven rank... Things are like a god-like urine, the two of them will enter the battlefield at this time, and they will never be separated from her. Even the previous chaos of Yakumo Zi might be her doing hands and feet.

"Mikoto, this guy is handing over to you!" Lin Luo and Mikoto were not very far away. Seeing her eyes cast, he immediately flicked and forced the slightly surprised Hatsune back for a short time, and then took this opportunity to quickly retreat from Mikoto. Passing by, rushed towards the battlefield between the Dark King and the Evil King.

His idea is very simple. Although Hatsune is strong and has many treasures, if he takes full action, the chances of defeating Hatsune are still very high. But then, it is inevitable that there will be injuries in the battle. If you accidentally cut your face and scratch your face In the chest, Hatsune, who was already very angry, would definitely jump into thunder.

Obviously, this kind of uneconomical business is too much to lose.

Mikoto came at the right time and left Hatsune to her to deal with, and let the two hosts to engage in Ji, so that she could stay out of the matter and avoid being inhumane inside and outside.

"Eat the smelly man, don't run!" Because Mikoto and Lin Xiaoke's sudden chaos made Hatsune a little dazed and wary, but as soon as she saw Lin Luo about to run, she immediately put this thought aside. Mysterious Ark was ruthless. Rushed towards Lin Luo.


A bright thunder light flashed from the side, and Mikoto came to Lin Luo's retreat in an instant. The long brown hair was dancing, and the dazzling electric light shot out from her body, just stretched out her hand and pointed forward, a huge The power grid suddenly fell from the sky, and the ark, which was more than 100 kilometers long, was wrapped up forcibly.

"Sorry, this road doesn't seem to be easy."

Mikoto said indifferently, a silver coin flashed in front of her eyes with a ding, and then stretched out her hands, holding her left hand on the right palm, and bending her right thumb. The coin fell from the sky, just on her thumb.

The electric current wrapped in her body was concentrated on her right thumb at this moment. With the sound of hundreds of millions of phoenixes, the coin popped out, and an orange-red beam was drawn through the air, which instantly penetrated the Ark from Hatsune’s Shot by the cheek, drew a dazzling trajectory like a meteor in the void.

In the star field thousands of kilometers away, this light beam shot through five inanimate planets one after another, causing a violent explosion, which was able to stop.

Hatsune wiped his left face, feeling some traces of scorching heat. He immediately retracted his gaze from Lin Luo's figure and turned to Mikoto. His eyes became a little more solemn, "It seems that this is indeed the case, this road is really It's getting harder and harder to go, but...I will finish it."

The Dark King and the Evil King were fighting with all their strength. The concentrated attention of them did not perceive Lin Xiaoke's sudden arrival. For a while, she was sprinkled by her light and rain, and the entire body began to turn into dim light and dissipated. Surprised them.

But after all, they are super powers who stepped into the heavens with one foot. Although they were surprised in their hearts, they were not panicked at all, and their respective rules were unfolded, repelling the power of the light and rain.

When Lin Luo rushed towards them, their bodies just recovered. They glanced around, and finally rushed towards the evil king decisively... Xixi was too persistent. It could be seen that her idea of ​​revenge for the first dark king was already there. It was deeply ingrained in his heart and it was difficult to get rid of it. For this kind of person, Lin Luo couldn't say that there was no way to persuade him, but it was too troublesome, and it was not something that could be explained clearly in a short while.

On the contrary, although the evil king was arrogant, but from the battle just now, he had already seen some secrets of the other party, and he could only defeat them. In the end, it showed that she gave up and had great hope.

As for the Dark King, just leave it to Lin Xiaoke, Lin Luo faintly felt that the two of them were of the same type.

Although Lin Luo didn't speak to Lin Xiaoke, he didn't even give a look in his eyes, but seeing his behavior, Lin Xiao was neither stupid nor stupid. He naturally understood his intentions, and his figure was blocked in the blink of an eye. In front of the Dark King.

"Unexpectedly you are here too, you want to stop me too?" The Dark King stared at Lin Xiaoke, his face was not as calm as before, but a vague anger, and from her tone, they both heard People seem to know?

"It's been a long time, Xixi." Lin Xiaokewei closed his eyes, his tone was soft, as if facing an old friend, there was no sign of war.

However, Xixi, who had had a brief exchange with her, could see that her hidden fighting intent was like a tsunami, and she said in a deep voice, "If you still treat me as a friend, step away from me, this It's the last disc, and the only disc!"

"Because I treat you as a friend, I won't retreat." Lin Xiaoke opened his eyes and fixed his clear gaze on the other person, with an unshakable firmness. "Sixi, I met as early as the first time. As I said, you and I are the same kind of people, but you are too persistent. If you stick to that meaningless thing, no one will be happy. If the person in your heart knows you like this, you think he will be grateful to you. Xixi, let it go."

"Perhaps it is indeed as you said, what I insist on is meaningless, but!" Xixi's bright eyes also showed her inner determination, "but, this is the only motivation that can support me to live. Now that you know you I am a kind of person, and you should know that it is impossible to convince me with words!"

"So, it is feasible to defeat you with strength?"

"Of course, as long as you have that strength!"

"Okay." Lin Xiaoxing didn't mess around with things. The moment the good word fell, large swaths of light and rain had already piled up in front of her, surging toward the west like a wave.

"Roar!" Xixi did not show weakness, and the eight heavenly dragons let out a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

On the other side, when Xixi confronted Lin Xiaoke, Lin Luo had already rushed to the front of the evil king, without saying anything, the Destruction Killing Sword slashed towards the girl in an unstoppable force.

"Humph!" The evil king snorted coldly, using the power of disorder to reverse the laws of the stars, forming a nebula turbulence. This invisible force turned into a terrifying tornado in an instant under her deliberate change, facing the destruction and killing sword.


Amid the earth-shattering explosion, the tornado was immediately destroyed, but the Destruction Killing Sword was also forced to disintegrate, and Lin Luo took this opportunity to bully him and slammed his fist wrapped in Heiyan towards the evil king.

Turned out to be close combat? !

The face of the evil king changed slightly. Although the strength reached their level, no matter what kind of fighting style, they could burst out unimaginable power, but relative, because each of them has special abilities. Everyone in the field except Hatsune In the mid-to-long-distance battle, Lin Luo would even choose to fight in close hands...This not only puts himself in danger and gives up the greatest advantage, but also despises her!

"You bastard!" Thinking of this, the evil king gritted his teeth and shot a raging rage in his eyes. She can bear the insults and even slander from others. She can also bear the hostility of the world towards her. She is destined to go down alone, so she can also endure eternal loneliness, but... she can't bear this kind of contempt, that kind of look, that kind of attitude, she has had enough!

Absolutely... I definitely don't want to see it again!

"Since you choose to fight in close quarters, then I will use this to kill you!" At this moment, the evil king put away all the props, and the power of disorder was condensed in his flesh, and he rushed forward.


The two fists slammed into each other, and the forces of destruction and disorder collided with each other without backing down.

I won the prize perfectly... Lin Luo felt the huge pressure from across his fist, looking at the girl's fierce and pretty face, he finally concluded at this moment that his previous guess was correct.

The girl in front of her is very similar to the first evil king, that is, the kind of arrogant air, which does not put the world in his eyes, and is ruthless, but there is an essential difference between the two.

The arrogance of the first evil king was only based on strong strength. It was because of his unmatched power that he regarded everyone as ants, but once the power was not as good as the opponent, he would become cowardly, such as in the fourth battle of the gods. Middle, so he only has the shape of a bully.

The girl in front of her was different. From her eyes, she could tell that she was not only arrogant on the surface, but she had even carved that arrogance deeply into her bones. This arrogance has nothing to do with strength, but the essence reflected in the soul, not because the enemy is weak and arrogant, nor because the enemy is strong and cowardly, even the stronger the enemy, this arrogance will be more obvious.

Between her words and actions, there is one thing that will never exist-fear!

Knowing this, Lin Luo also knew what to do next. He smiled and said leisurely, "After all, you are still too tender. If you continue to fight with me in the same way, you may be able to hold on for a while. , But...hehe, it's nothing more than embarking on the evil way!"

As he spoke, Lin Luo changed his fist. From fist to claw, he slammed the girl's fist, and at the same time lightning struck out with his left hand, pinching her neck.

"Dog eyes look down on people!" The anger erupted in the girl's eyes, and she also clasped Lin Luo's neck.



Almost at the same time, the necks of the two of them were already tightly locked. If they were a slightly weaker person, they would be crushed directly.

In this way, the two stalemate with each other, but Lin Luo's attributes have natural divine power, purely in terms of strength, above the girl, the girl is pushed backwards under his force. Fly out.

The speed is as fast as a meteor, and even sparks are drawn in the void, flying directly to somewhere in the distant star field, and finally...Boom!

An inanimate planet was hit hard, and Lin Luo just pinched the girl's neck and pressed it to the ground.

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