The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 955: Continue your way of killing, but please don’t forget the warmth

Without the girl’s knowledge, Lin Luo accompanied her through the twelve years, and lived through her short but tortuous life from birth to now. All the bitterness and bitterness of the enemy, they tasted together, all the joys and sorrows, They endured together, all the pain and suffering, they shared the aftertaste!

Twelve years of life, very slow, very slow, very bitter and bitter, but that has all passed.

When Lin Luo withdrew from "Enlightenment", his body was finally able to act again. In "Enlightenment" for twelve years, the reality was only a second, he was very clear.

Turning around, he looked at the girl in front of him, and he no longer had the will to fight in his heart, because...he spent twelve years with her and stayed together all the time.

The girl didn't attack either, but looked at Lin Luo with a complex expression. There was fear and anxiety in her eyes, but there were more things Lin Luo couldn't understand.

"That's it, we don't have to fight anymore. I have been with you for twelve years, and you should have been with me for more than twenty years." Lin Luo looked at the girl and said mildly.

Although he didn't know why that happened just now, the girl was still at the same time as him. Since he can see everything about the girl, then in theory, she is also the same.

The girl didn't speak, she still looked at him blankly, as if she was already stupid.

The fact is indeed the case, the evil, or should be called Cui Xin now, she has seen all the experiences of Lin Luo, from life to death, from death to life, without any secrets.

Looking at her expression, Lin Luo knew that he had guessed it correctly. Although it was an accident, there was no saying that the two of them exchanged their life experiences and who would lose and who would gain advantage, but he still couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, after all. There are many beeps and beeps in his life, all of which were seen by a twelve-year-old girl... What makes him feel so embarrassing for him! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Of course, this thought only passed away in a flash in his heart. After living with the girl for twelve years, he knew her inner thoughts very well, and his shy things would only make him blush at best, which was harmless. But the girl’s sorrowful past was her own secret. She didn’t want anyone to know, she didn’t want to be mentioned, and she didn’t even want to think about it.

She would not let anyone touch the most painful scar in any case!

But at this moment, I know everything about her, how should she deal with herself?

"Are you... okay?" Lin Luo couldn't help but stretch out his hand after finding that the girl hadn't recovered yet.

"No!" The girl was like a frightened rabbit, her face panicked, she took a step backwards, and slapped Lin Luo's hand.

With a snap, Lin Luo's hand was opened.

"Uh!" Because of the resistance of consciousness, the body instinctively reacted, but seeing the hand go away, the girl's eyes clearly showed a trace of reluctance.

Once, during those miserable days, she prayed countless times that someone could come to help her, rescue herself from the fire pit, and give herself care, and there was no moment when he didn't expect a hero to fall from the sky.

But the expectation again and again was the disappointment again and again. In the end and even despair, the existence of such a dazzling hero was not something she could have hoped for, let alone an inconspicuous little role like her.

Therefore, she suffered all kinds of bullying and suffered from human suffering.

This desperate mood gradually turned into anger, making her extremely disdainful of the hero.

However, after seeing all Lin Luo's experience, she knew that if there was this person around her at the time, this person who could pay her life for the one she loved, did not hesitate, and had no complaints... if she could be earlier If you meet him, maybe it won't be what it is now.

No, it's not right! It's not like this, it's an evil way, so you don't have to expect warmth!

However, this person saw everything about himself, and in front of him, he didn't have any secrets...

kill him! kill him! As long as you kill him, you can become your true self!

No, no! I can't get my hands off, walked together for so many years, laughed with him, wept with him, stared at hope with him, and faced despair with him... You can't kill, you can't kill!

No, I want to kill! Must be killed! I have stepped on the evil way, and I can't look back!


Killing, and not killing... The two choices collided violently in the girl's heart, like a balance, leaning left and right. Whenever one of them was biased, the other would violently resist, but they could not be suppressed.

Sway from side to side and never stop.

This is the contradiction in the girl's heart.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." This kind of contradictory mood hit her soul, making her unable to calm down anymore, suddenly yelled and slapped Lin Luo with a palm.


In the crisp sound, Lin Luo grabbed her wrist.

"Is this?" The girl's face changed slightly. I don't know since when, her soul body has changed back to the physical body? But it was the person on the opposite side that surprised her even more.

Lin Luo looked at her calmly, with no emotions, sorrows, sorrows and joy in her eyes, but she had an understanding, "You don’t have to fight anymore. Even if you ask me to fight, I will never fight you again. Since neither party can give up , There is no way to make a decision, why not find a balance between the two?"

Lin Luo lived with the girl for twelve years, and she knew exactly what she was thinking.

"..." The girl was speechless, she was taking an extremely evil way. Will there be a balance?

"There is a balance, because what you are walking is not an evil way." Lin Luo said again, but this time he didn't use the same questioning tone as before, more like an enlightenment, "the real evil It’s evil from the bottom of my heart, and if you know it’s wrong, then do it. That’s evil. But you are different, whether it’s killing or destroying the world, none of these can be described as simple evil... No! Evil is complicated. , It is not pure, but what you are taking is a purer way of killing."

"The way to kill...?" The girl was stunned.

"Isn't it?" Lin Luo asked, and then said affirmatively, "Knowing the evil in the world, knowing the injustice of the way of heaven, the kind people cannot be redeemed, but the evil people are becoming more prosperous. It’s your essence. You didn’t give up kindness, you just presented it in another form."

"No! I..."

The girl wanted to refute, but she couldn't say anything with a mouth, because she couldn't find anything to refute, because she couldn't lie in front of this person at all, he could deceive himself, even the whole world, but... she is Can't fool this person!

She knew from the beginning, her own way of killing.

"In the way of killing, you can be ruthless, cruel, or bloodthirsty, but that does not mean that there is no warmth in your heart. On the contrary, those who step into the way of killing will treat their enemies as cold as winter, but they treat friends and themselves. People who cherish, they will be more affectionate than ordinary people, you...isn’t that?"

Lin Luo reached out and touched the girl's chest, where there was a fierce heartbeat.

The girl stood still, motionless, also unable to say a word.

Silence, followed by a moment of silence, like dead silence.

Not knowing how long it took, the girl suddenly turned around, as if she was saying to herself, "I'm going back."

She only said these four words.

Lin Luo nodded, "Continue your way of killing, but please don't forget the warmth in your heart."

The girl's body shook, but she said nothing, her body disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the girl disappear before his eyes, Lin Luomo sighed, but when he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed.

what happened! My spiritual seed?

Lin Luo was shocked to find that one piece of his spiritual seed was missing. Although it was very subtle, it was indeed missing, and the missing part was supplemented by another trace of spiritual imprint, familiar or unfamiliar... that was evil. The spiritual mark of Wang Cuixin!

Is it just now?

Lin Luo suddenly remembered the moment when their mental bodies passed through each other. It is very likely that at that time, a small part of the mental bodies remained in each other's body.

But why does this happen? In addition, neither he nor Cui Xin were exhausted. Why did they suddenly lose all their strength when they were fighting to such a fierce moment?

At this time Lin Luo had the opportunity to think about the key to the problem, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't get a trace of the reason. There was a feeling that the answer was right in front of him, but he couldn't grasp it.

In desperation, he had to give up thinking and flew towards the original star field.

In fact, the reason why that kind of thing happened just now was not an accident, but an instinctive protection. This instinct did not come from themselves, but from the heavenly mood.

If they fight to exhaustion in the form of life before, so as to fix the spirits, they will always be presented in this way. Without the powerhouses of the 9th-tier heaven to reshape the spirits for them, they will never be able to reach the heavens. .

In this case, the heavenly mood is not allowed.

Therefore, in order to protect them from entering the heavens normally, that kind of thing would happen.

Of course, this kind of self-protection is only once. If the two continue to fight after that, they won't be disturbed anymore. Similarly, it will be difficult for them to reach the top rank again.

Lin Luo didn't understand these protection mechanisms, because he was only a quasi-celestial rank. If he could truly understand the importance of the physical body, that means... he had reached the first stage of the heavenly rank!

The physical body jumps into the world, this is the most important thing!

The self-protection of the heavenly mood is only once in a lifetime. If it is used up this time, the heavenly mood will no longer protect them in the future, but if there is a loss, there will be a gain.

At that moment, Lin Luo and Cui Xin completed the fusion of spirits and souls, and even left a trace of spiritual seeds in each other's body, which is equivalent to splitting into two. The spiritual seeds remaining in each other's body will get all the experience and experience of the other party. Experience, but I will not lose any.

In other words, Lin Luo and Cui Xin entered the same world at the same time to get a complete insight, and each of them can get two insights.

The road to heaven is twice as fast!

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