The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 957: Enter the magic forbidden again, hug the gun sister on the left and right

After returning to the Sky City, it is a pity that Lin Luo did not enjoy the pleasure of SM Spring, nor did he enjoy the pleasure of training Hatsune... These two quasi-celestial tiers who have become captives are now in trouble. After the Sky City, he was summoned by the Yaoyao, saying that he had to practice it.

The guy Hatsune probably knew Yao Yao. She was very arrogant and shut up immediately after seeing the Yao Yao. Lin Luo could still faintly see the shadow in her eyes. It is estimated that she was bullied by the Yao Yao before, and barely said a word. Then she obediently entered the practice room.

Heiyan entered the virtual world not long ago, which made Lin Luo a bit of a pity. If she could go there for a while, she would be able to meet Hatsune. He was still looking forward to the scene after the sisters met.

As for the great head of Haruhi Suzumiya, she is not afraid of everything, even if she sees a demon, she is still old-fashioned, but it doesn't matter, the first demon in history is currently the most powerful among these more than three million characters. Yao Yao pointed out her Ring of Heaven with one point, and raised all her status by 200%, and then the two faced off.


Needless to say, the leader saw the demon and arrogant aura, and wanted her to streak, but once the unfavorable miracle technique was used, the demon did not streak, and the leader’s head of state uniform was not clean. Jing...Lin Luo feasted his eyes. In fact, Chunri's figure is still very good, with large breasts, waist, thin buttocks, round and white skin.

Alas, my boyfriend, as the leader of the group, didn't even have a chance to have a shot with her. It's really Cannian.

Lin Luo felt sorry again.

But it's okay, there is still the gun sister after the head is gone. Although Pao Sister is still arrogant as always, her arrogant arrogance did not happen before there was a business matter, and now the matter is over, the grievance immediately turned into a world-killing thunder and let him have a good meal, but even so, it should be at night. Some sports still haven't fallen at all.

"The contract of the heart is activated, and the agreement mode is launched...The current contractor and the contractor have reached a walk, the current contractor has obtained the proof of restraint-the aurora of tranquility, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the restraint-the thunder of motion."

In a fierce kiss, the two completed the second heart contract. The endless thunder light entangled their bodies, but they felt no pain, only bursts of warmth and heat.

Contractor: Misaka Mikoto

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: quasi-sky

Proof of Constraint: Moving Thunder

Seal of the Guardian: Unicorn

The heart of the world: the heart of kindness (number seven, the form is the peak of the self, the heart is melted)


After the contract was signed, the two of them devoted themselves to the exercise. All night, the babbling moans and panting sounded endlessly, and even the passing maids felt blushing when they heard it.

After a night of replenishing demons, Lin Luo woke up in a spirited spirit the next day, and even the strength consumed in the previous battle had recovered seven or eighty-eight. But looking at the charming young woman lying naked next to him, he immediately moved his index finger and pressed it down again.

"Asshole!" Miqin was also awake, and she cursed shyly, and then let Lin Luo enter her body, let it be at her mercy, enjoying the thrill of morning exercises.

After the morning exercise was over, the two of them washed a little and went to the living room neatly. After eating the lunch carefully prepared by the maids, they went to the atrium.

Yesterday, they had already discussed, and then they are going to the Forbidden World to take a trip. After so long, it’s time to go back and take a look. By the way, all the sisters Misaka will be picked up. Come here, although this world is not absolutely safe, but at least here, Misaka sisters can truly live as a normal person. Secondly, the person Lin Luo wanted to find who could serve as the archbishop in Demon Capital was also in Demon Forbidden World, although she didn't know if the other party would accept it.

The third and most important point is that if Mikoto wants to reach the heavenly rank, the trip to the forbidden is essential.

Yesterday during the day, Lin Luo had arranged all the things necessary for the Ming Realm. Five people including the Sky City, the Dragon Race, the Citizens of the Red World, the Three Pillars, and Karin, who wandered around the world for special training, even went there. I took a trip to the world of weapon races. I was tired of the night and lived up to my expectations. I did it very successfully.

At the same time, because of the increase in his own strength, his "world after death" in the Hall of Valor finally reached a complete state, so Lin Luo moved it out and was located directly above the city in the sky, hidden in the clouds and mist. , People who have not reached the pinnacle of the tier are absolutely invisible.

But everything is relative. After all, the world after death is different from the real world. People here can’t see it, and people over there can’t see it either. Only Mami Iwasawa and Shiina can see and come out of the world after death. With You Ion these three higher heroes.

These three have not only become complete heroes, but even because of Lin Luo's heavenly mood, they have a huge insight. Lin Luo has already given them to the demon to practice, which is better than letting them be in the hall of heroes. It's better to fumble too much alone.

As for the other heroic spirits, although they are far from reaching their level, they are already in the "evolution" process. Over time, they may not be able to become higher heroic spirits.

Everything has been arranged in order, at least for the time being, there is nothing to reveal, so Lin Luo and Mikoto also picked up their hearts and prepared to go to the forbidden world. However, the moment they opened the plane channel, they were behind them. There was a voice of dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you two, are you planning to leave us like this?"

Lin Luo turned around conditionedly, and saw two **** come turbulently. It was Maiye Shenli and Bee Eater Fuck, who had only played double-flying with him two days ago, and it was the latter who had just spoken.

Lin Luo couldn't help but froze, "Why are you still here?"

"What the hell! Where can we go if we are not here?" The bee-eater gave him a stern look.

Mai Ye glanced over Lin Luo and Mikoto, but smiled pointedly, "Are you deliberately leaving us to enjoy the world of the two?"

Mikoto's face is red, and the electric light on her body is beeping, but it doesn't happen well.

Lin Luo smiled awkwardly, "I didn't see you yesterday, don't I think you have gone back to the practice room to practice... But since you are all here, let's take a trip together. How can I say that it is also you? Must go to his hometown."

"It's pretty much the same." The bee-eater turned angrily into joy, leaning forward and holding his arm.

"Well, too, we can't open the plane channel, then please." Mai Ye saw the needle, climbed onto Lin Luo's other arm, and directly squeezed Mikoto out.


The electric light exploded more violently, and the corners of Mikoto's mouth twitched, staring at him, "I said you two... shouldn't you also learn how to respect yourself!"

She said the word “self-respect” very lowly. Of course, the whole sentence of her sentence was very low. At least in Lin Luo, there was a smell of Hedong lion roar, which made him feel empty.

Fortunately, Mikoto's targets were only bee-eaters and Maiye, and they were not enough to burn him immediately.

The bee-eater smiled slightly, "What are you talking about? I have always been very self-respectful, but it seems normal to hug and hug the man I like. Besides, we have no ability to go home by ourselves and not hug. Do you still have to pull a rope?"

Mai Ye also said, "You are much stronger than us, and it's okay to go home alone, but we can't, alas, who makes us so weak."

The two obviously joined forces to deal with Mikoto. Although Mikoto is better than them by several grades in terms of strength, but in terms of cunning, one is born in the dark part, the other is in control, and the two together are obviously better than Mikoto. After saying this, she just had no room for refutation.


Who is Sister Pao? How could she be tripped by a few mouths, she has always been rampant, just talk about it, and let it go when there is electricity, but it doesn't matter what it says, just hit it right away!

Of course, although the two people in front of her are her opponents, they are still partners after all. It would be a little too much to shoot at them.

Mikoto calmed down and smiled indifferently. Two flashes of lightning suddenly shot out from her fingers, binding the bee-eater and Mai Ye's slender waist, holding one in one hand, "Since you want to go home, I will take you home. Now, rest assured, I will seriously protect your safety along the way."

Although the bee-eater and the Maiye are intermediate-level, no matter where they go to any world, they are at least one of the strong, but the quasi-heavy-level powerhouse has no ability to resist at all, let alone struggle, under the shackles of that electric light, Even a trace of strength can't make it out.

"Misaka Mikoto, you bastard! I can't eat it myself, and don't let us eat it, it's too despicable..." Halfway through the words of the bee-eater, his voice was cut off, and the Maiye next to him opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

Obviously, they were not only restricted by Mikoto's mobility, but even their voice was restricted.

Bee-eater and Mai Ye couldn't speak, so they could only demonstrate with their eyes, staring at Mikoto fiercely.

However, Mikoto didn't care at all about it, with a smile on his face, looking at Lin Luo, "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up, maybe you can catch up with the Da Domineering Star Festival soon."

"..." Lin Luo was completely speechless, looking at sister Pao's happy expression, he once again confirmed that every woman has a black belly, the difference lies in whether you have a pair of eyes to discover.

Fortunately, he has these eyes!

The next moment, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and stroked the void, the plane channel opened, he entered first, and then Mikoto hugged the bee-eater and Mai Ye and walked in. As soon as they entered, a flash of electric light enveloped the bodies of the two of them.

The plane channel is no better than the Avenue of Stars. People who have not reached the quasi-celestial rank will be dangerous to enter, but with her layer of electro-optical protection, it is completely disobedient.

Although Mikoto cares a little about trivial matters, she is not at all ambiguous in the face of business matters.

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