The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 968: Talent skills are turned on... whoever is pregnant

Tokiwadai’s training playground.

In order to cope with the competition between the big star festival and the magic side, Aleister can be said to have laid down his blood this time. He invested a variety of valuable equipment in the training field, not only virtual projection arena and other equipment, but also rumored to be incomparable. A supercomputer inferior to the tree diagram designer.

Players can not only reproduce various battlefields and enemies through the projection arena, improve their own abilities and accumulate combat experience, but also through the supercomputer can quickly find their own weaknesses, and then get a greater improvement in the weaknesses.

At noon, Zuo Tian Leizi had just finished three virtual games and walked off the ring. Her opponent is a projected British knight who has a strong combat power. In previous battles, she has not won a victory, but this time she won three consecutive battles, not only won, but also very easy.

This made her feel quite strange. She couldn't help but come to the supercomputer and wanted to test her abilities. After a while, she was stunned when she saw a card of data displayed on the screen.

Ability evaluation: LV5. Superpowers.

"..." Zuo Tian Leizi had been staring at the row of data for a long time. She didn't react at all. As if she didn't believe it, she couldn't help but pinched her thigh until the pain came, and she was finally sure. This is not an illusion, let alone a dream!

"LV5! I turned out to be LV5! Early spring, come and see! I am LV5!" Zuo Tian Leizi returned to his senses, and immediately shouted to Chuchun Shili not far away, with excitement beyond words. table.

Her shouting not only evoked Chuchun Shili, but also called Shirai Kuroko and the five of them. When they looked at the row of data on the computer screen, they were completely stunned like Saten Tearko.

"No...impossible?!" Shirai Heizi rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief, but the facts were in front of them, and they could not tolerate their disbelief. This supercomputer is infallible.

Shirai Kuroko is happy for her friends, but she also feels a little unbalanced. She became LV5 during World War III, but she has experienced many life and death battles, and it was hard-won, but Saten...she turned out to be overnight. It's really unfair to become LV5.

"Then I will try it too." Chuchun Shili happily said hi to his friend, and couldn't help but want to test his strength on a whim, walked to the supercomputer and scanned for a while...

Ability evaluation: LV5. Superpowers.

"Ah!" At this time, the expressions of the girls were like eating a sweet potato but found that sweet potato can be as wonderful as magic. After a moment of stunned, Flanda said suddenly, "Is this broken machine broken? "

Others can't help but nod their heads after hearing this. The appearance of one superpower is understandable, but two consecutive appearances are abnormal. Most of this supercomputer is malfunctioning.

"Then Shirai-student can test it. If this computer can really show higher level data than the capable person itself, then Shirai-student may show LV6." Chuchun suggested.

"Alright." Bai Jing Heizi nodded and walked over to test it. As a result, her ability was also LV5, but there was an extra letter B at the back. I don't know what it means.

"Is it the size of the chest?" Takiju asked in a puzzled manner.

"I think it's super correct." Jian Qi's favorite glanced at Shirai Kuroko's chest and nodded.

Heizi's mouth twitched, but he couldn't help but replied, "I am B+, not B!"

"Don't worry about B+ or B, but from now on, this computer doesn't seem to display data exceeding LV5. Will it be displayed on LV5 no matter who tests it?" Jiebi Danxi wrinkled. Frowning, then took the initiative to walk up, "Forget it, let's test mine again."

Ability evaluation: LV5. Superpowers.

As a result, the result of Danxi's data was also LV5. Then, the remaining three favorites of the silk flag also tested it. Except for the LV4 and LV5 after Takiju, the other two all showed LV5.

"This is weird. Is the machine really malfunctioning?" After the test, everyone couldn't help but feel puzzled. Although they could feel that their strength had improved, it was too much to reach LV5 in just one day. It's strange, and the early spring was still LV4 yesterday. I have never heard of anyone who can cross two levels overnight. This is not a fantasy mistress!

Besides, even Fantasies cannot forcibly promote a person to LV5.

"Yeah, what are you doing with that expression of being abandoned by the beginning and end of chaos?" At this moment, a man's voice came from next to him. They looked at it reflexively, and saw Lin Luo coming over with a smile, mouth. Li also made ridiculous words, "Is it talking about who will be the first to sleep in? Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Even if you come together, I'm not afraid."

They are all used to Lin Luo's babble, and they don't bother to pay attention to his molesting at this time, Zuo Tian Leizi quickly said, "Senior, that..."

"Call me the instructor." Lin Luo corrected.

"Yes, instructor." Zuo Tian Leizi immediately changed his words and asked, "We just used this machine to test it and found that everyone can reach LV5. What is going on?"

"You have already upgraded LV5, it's amazing." Lin Luo answered the question.

"Why don't you seem surprised at all." Baijing Heizi frowned when she heard this, she instinctively felt that this accident was most likely caused by Lin Luo.

"My surprise is hidden in the depths of my soul. Your superficial eyes can't see my deepness." Lin Luo's words made Bai Jingheizi roll his eyes madly, but he didn't wait for her to retort. Lin Luo already sat in front of the supercomputer and said while operating, “You found out that you became LV5 overnight. Although you can feel that you have become stronger, this kind of miraculous thing is still a bit bad. I believe, so I suspect that this machine is malfunctioning, right?"

Lin Luo explained the truth with a single word, and the girls nodded again and again.

"Then I tell you, it's a fact that you have become LV5." While speaking, Lin Luo turned around and let their eyes focus on the screen, "Look, this is your current state."

Everyone was stunned when they saw it, because what was displayed on the big screen was the information of all of them, including their age, birthplace, ability level, upgrade status, and the scope of application of the ability. Everything is different. Show up there.

And most importantly, there are two more words at the end of their literacy judgment-break!

Literacy judgment is a very important thing in the academy city. Originally, this was not something that could be easily leaked to ordinary people. Even LV5 superpowers have no right to know, but Misaka Miri is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the spiritual stage, far from it. Comparable to superpowers, plus she was a great hero in the Third World War. With her pressure, Aleister could only retreat and announce her literacy.

As soon as this thing was published, it was mixed. People who don't have the spirit of fighting, after knowing that they can only stop here, no longer have to work hard to practice, and those who yearn for my fate, I can't help but work harder, hoping to break the literacy judgment.

This is not impossible. For example, Baijing Kuroko, her literacy judgment at the beginning was stopped at LV4, but now she has also become LV5? It can be seen that the judgment of literacy is not absolute.

Of course, there are also some people who do not yearn to become stronger, what they used to be, what they are now.

Lin Luo looked at them with shocked expressions and said, "Congratulations, you have broken the shackles of literacy judgment and can move to a higher realm."

"This...what the **** is going on?" Although everyone knows that this is true after what he said, there is still some unreal feeling in his heart.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "You know, the more people are in their limits, the easier it is to break through. The battle yesterday was not just a test of your strength, I deliberately pushed you to the limit for this purpose. Those few The arena is all evolved from this computer. Everything about you is invisible to it. When you reach the limit, you unconsciously broke the literacy judgment, so you are now LV5."

His theory was not wrong, but in fact he also concealed something. The literacy judgment was not broken by them themselves, but by him with the destruction and killing sword in the battle yesterday. This is like a peerless master who forcibly opens up someone's two lines of benevolence and governor, and future cultivation will be a matter of course.

And the reason why he didn't say it was just to make them feel that it was not their own reason, but their own efforts. Only the things that I have worked hard will be more cherished and more confident.

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

But in addition to encouragement, Lin Luo did not forget to pour a pot of cold water, "Don’t be happy too early. Although the literacy judgment has been broken, according to the calculation of the school city, you have all become LV5, but according to me The calculation method here, except Heizi, everyone else is quasi-LV5."

"Quasi LV5?" Everyone was taken aback, what was that?

Lin Luo pointed to a column behind everyone's information and smiled, "Have you seen this thing?"

Everyone looked intently, and there was a bracket after the LV5 data. Except for Shirai Kuroko's B, everyone else had nothing.

Lin Luo explained: "This is the level of LV5 based on my side. The difference in ability to throw away, the level of combat effectiveness, and the calculation ability alone, among the seven of you, only Heizi has the calculation ability of B grade, and Others are not qualified for LV5, which is why Takiju will fluctuate between LV4 and LV5 after treatment."

" there any difference?" Chuchun Shili asked blankly.

"Nonsense, of course there are differences!" Lin Luo scolded unceremoniously, and then the screen turned, the seven people on the screen were removed, and the data of other people appeared, and those people were the first six LV5 superpowers. By.

Lin Luo pointed to the screen and said: "I divide the strength of mental power into eight levels, from low to high, respectively, from G to S. Among all the abilities, only one party has a passable mental power that reaches level S. Emperor Yuangen Supervisor is A+, Misaka Mikoto is A, and the other four are A-. In addition, this is their data two years ago. It's hard to say now."

Looking at the information, everyone couldn't help being shocked. Before, they only knew how strong the superpowers were, but they didn't know where they were strong, but now they really fully understand that the strength of computing power determines It depends on the strength of the capable person.

As a superpower of the Space System, Shiraiko has no doubts about her combat effectiveness, but compared to the previous superpowers, she is actually nothing compared to one. No matter how strong her ability is, but if her calculation power is too weak, she will still lose in the fight.

And the others don't even need to compare, they can't even rank in the lowest level.

Everyone couldn't help feeling lost, but at the same time there was a hint of excitement. They were all veteran LV5s when one side passed. They are not quite normal for newcomers, but now the quality judgment has been broken. As long as they work hard, they may not be able to catch up.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, Baijing Heizi found a problem and said to Lin Luo, "I remember that there was no such classification on this computer before, so why did this happen suddenly?"

"Of course I added it, aren't you nonsense!" Lin Luo gave her a white look.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't say, he said so, everyone is dumbfounded.

Kuroko Shirai could not help exclaiming, "No! This computer is a supercomputer comparable to the tree diagram designer, and it also has a protective wall that I can't unlock in early spring. No one can deal with it. During the update, how could you add information to it? And since you went back yesterday evening, you probably haven't been here at all, right? When did you do it?"

Lin Luo spread his hands and said, "Your eyes are ornaments. When you were fighting yesterday, didn't I sit here for five minutes?"

"The five minutes..."

"Well, analysis, cracking, modification and addition will be completed in five minutes." Lin Luo nodded.

"How is it possible!" Bai Jing Heizi's face changed again, "Don't talk about modifying the information, just cracking the protective wall, even if it is a hacker of the early spring level, ten add up, no three days and three nights are absolutely impossible to crack, you In five minutes..."

Not only was she shocked, but the others also felt cold.

Facing their unbelievable expressions, Lin Luo seemed calm, patted the dust on his shoulders, and said, "Genius, no explanation is needed."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"Well, this kind of thing is no big deal, it's not worth talking about." Lin Luo waved his hand, motioning them to calm down, and then said sternly, "Before I came, you were only LV4s, but when I came, you would Becoming LV5, it can be seen that my instructor is indispensable, so..."

"Then, don't we have to thank you so much!" Jian Qi couldn't help but say.

Lin Luo was interrupted, there was no dissatisfaction, just a big thankful expression on his face, "Thanks are unnecessary, but if you agree with each other, I don't mind."

"Instructor, can you be a little bit red!" Bai Jing Heizi gritted his teeth.

"Be problem." Lin Luo nodded and sat back in front of the computer again, with one hand operating on it, and the other pointing at the ring, "Now I have modified the environment function of the ring, and it will present a brand new one. On the battlefield of, and your opponent is still my battle puppet, of course the combat power is different from yesterday...The LV5 superpower with the electric shock ability is the same as the Misaka Mikoto of two years ago."

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that one of the arenas had become a world of scrap steel mixed with sand and soil. There were scrap copper, iron, and sand dunes everywhere. In the sky, dark clouds layered up from time to time. There was a flash of thunder, and a small figure stood in the terrifying world, it was Misaka Mikoto.

Of course, this Misaka Mikoto is not the real Misaka Mikoto, but Lin Luo's avatar of the mist. With his current state, it is really easy to change his appearance and body shape.

Lin Luo sat there without looking at them, just saying: "I don't need to elaborate on how strong Mikoto is, but you don't seem to have seen her fully open, then at this moment, the seven of you Just go and challenge, the gun sister back then."

As soon as Lin Luo finished speaking, the "Misaka Mikoto" in the scrap world suddenly stretched his hand upwards. In an instant, there was a thunder and rumbling, and countless thick lightning fell down, and the world was full of thunder.

The seven people headed by Shirai Kuroko suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Seven LV5s against one LV5, as long as it is not the kind of defensive abnormality that one side is passing through, theoretically, more people will definitely win, but Shirai Kuroko and the others feel the heavy pressure, even if they haven’t beaten it, just look at it like this , They do not have the confidence to win.

Regardless of the terrain or the climate, that world is completely the home ground of those with the electric shock ability, allowing the power of LV5 to be fully manifested, and the most powerful force erupted. Those big thunders, they have every reason to believe that as long as they hit the top, they will be finished.

"This is too messy, we will hang up as soon as we enter, right?" Zuo Tian Leizi couldn't help but vomit.

Indeed, there are hundreds of thunderbolts in that scrap steel world, and the positions change from time to time, and the safe space is almost zero. If they enter, they may be recruited without waiting for an attack. Even those with spatial ability may not be able to avoid it.

"Don't go in? Then I will take you in myself." Seeing them hesitate, Lin Luo said, "But I told you in advance that I have a talent skill. Who is pregnant and who is pregnant? Who of you want to try?"


No one wants to try that kind of talent skills, so they have to bite the bullet and enter the world of scrap.

"We are also LV5 superpowers, there is nothing to be afraid of!" The girls cheered themselves up as they entered, and then, as soon as they stepped into the world of scrap, hundreds of lightning fell from the sky.

Boom! ! !

Everyone immediately changed color, looking at the figure wrapped in thunder and lightning, as if seeing the coming of Thor.

Suddenly, there was a feeling in their hearts, what space is moving, what temperature is constant, what storm force, what nitrogen armor, what bomb, what ability to interfere, there is no meaning in front of the power of thunder on this day!

Can't win!

This is an indelible thought in their hearts.

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