The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 983: Although I am cute and charming, but I will bring death

"The contract of the heart is launched, and the contract mode is launched."

Although the premise of signing this time is a bit weird, but sometimes the process is not important, the important thing is the result, right? On the other hand, it was a very glorious thing to be a permanent meal ticket for a girl, so Lin Luo accepted it decisively.

Then, amidst the frivolous and graceful laughter (Are these two phrases strange together? I am also strange), You Yuko took the initiative to kiss him, and his sofa was no less decisive than Lin Luo.

It was the first time that Lin Luo kissed the undead. When starting the contract of heart, he instinctively wanted to feel what it was like. But after kissing for a long time, Lin Luo finally realized that kissing Youyouzi is no different from kissing other girls. The only difference is probably...Kissing Youyou does not require strength, because she has no weight.

At this time Lin Luo suddenly felt happy, and a problem that had plagued him for many years was suddenly solved.

Why does the love between humans and ghosts continue to flourish in the world? The reason lies in the weight advantage and time advantage of the female ghost.

Imagine that a woman and a female ghost with the same appearance feel the same during sex, but no matter how weak and boneless a living woman is, she must have weight. Then this change in posture consumes a man’s physical strength. On the other hand, a female ghost with no weight can pose to +10086.

And more importantly, the beauty of beauty is easy to grow old, no matter how beautiful a woman, even if it is Xi Shi, two or three decades will pass. On the other hand, female ghosts, even in the past one hundred and eighty years, are still youthful and beautiful, and the beauty is still there. It is difficult for a man to face such a wife if he is not old and strong.

Which one wins and which one is inferior, at a glance.

Ever since, the love between humans and ghosts has become an eternal classic in the world.

Therefore, a real man must marry a female ghost as his wife!

Lin Luo was thinking about it in an unconstrained manner, and it did not hinder the signing of the contract. I saw bursts of terrifying death breath from Youyouzi's body, turning into visible energy to envelop the two people, and then, with those energies Returning to Yuyuko's body, the contract facilitated this completion.

"The agreement is completed, the current contractor and the contractor have reached a walk together, the current contractor has obtained the proof of restraint-the grievance of death, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the binding-energy bite."

Contractor Lin Luo: The Walker (LV4)

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: quasi-sky

Level increase: 13 more appointments need to be completed.


Contractor: You Yuko of Xixing Temple

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: the pinnacle of the tier

Proof of Constraint: Bite of Energy

Seal of the Guardian: Death Knight-King Wu Meow

The Heart of the World: The Heart of Death (No. 27, unity of all things in form and heart)


As the second host, You Youzi's bond with herself is not very high. It is not surprising that Lin Luo can reach the second stage of fusion in such a short period of time.

Because after reaching the quasi-celestial rank, he knew that the greater key to the opening degree of the world heart lies in the fit and realm of the host itself, and in terms of Yu Yuzi's strength, it is normal to have this rank, after all, even if it is Now, there are still many first hosts that are weaker than her.

In addition, the form of the unity of all things is also easy to understand, that is, everything can be turned into food, this is the preservation skill of food...but!

What's the matter with that king woof? !

Just as Lin Luo thought about it, suddenly, a biting chill floated from the side, and at the same time there was a cold voice, "Although I am cute and charming, I will invite death... Meow!"

Lin Luo was like a rabbit caught by its tail. She was pitying and turned her head like a machine. Not far from her side, she saw a young girl sitting in the top position.

This girl has short, snow-white hair, and a handful of dull hair stands on top of her head. The protruding hair on both sides of her head forms the shape of a pair of cat ears. If you don't look carefully, you will think she is a catwoman. The face of this catwoman-like girl was cold and pale, in sharp contrast with her red eyes. She was wrapped in a terrifying black armor full of spikes and skulls.

The girl was sitting there like a king, with a black helmet on the table in front of her, and on the ground in her right hand stood a peculiarly shaped long sword, also engraved with skulls.

The chill Lin Luo felt was released from this young girl.

Lin Luo stared at her, her eyes were awkward, and it took a long time to come back to her senses, "You..."

"Although I am cute and charming, I will provoke death... Meow!" the girl said again.

Hey, you have said this sentence just now, and the role is wrong, right?

Lin Luo couldn't help but slander, and at this time, the girl had already stood up from her seat, and slowly walked one meter away in front of him with the sword in her arms, and then pressed her sword hilt with her hands on the ground with a loud bang. Domineering, "I need to say the important lines twice, this is my rule."

"Ha...Well, can you introduce yourself first?" Lin Luo didn't know how to complain. Although he had already guessed which uncle this girl was, he still wanted to confirm it.

The girl raised her head upright, and answered happily, "My name is Arthas, and I am the princess of Lordaeron. From the time I was born, I was destined to be the one who saves the world. But now I am not a princess much. Years, but a bad guy’s meow. You can call me the death knight or the king’s meow. Then this is my partner Frostmourne. I call it the meow of Shuangtanchan."

Although I know you really want to show your domineering, but do you know that your few words have wiped out your domineering.

The dignified Lich King turned out to be the King Wu Meow, and Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears.

After King Wu Meow introduced himself, You Yuzi also flew over, rubbing against King Wu Meow’s head and smiled to Lin Luo: "Well, isn’t that cute? It’s fluffy, fragrant, and so on. Come, my emergency food reserve has one more food besides Yaomeng’s pillow spirit, ha ha ha."


Lin Luo suddenly took a bite of old blood, watching You Youzi rubbing against King Meow’s face, he thought she had been transferred to Catgirl, but in the end he realized that he was too sweet. You Yuzi is simply a country with a changeable nature and it is hard to change. Apart from eating, there will be no other things in her mind.

Moreover, in front of Wu Miao, she said so grandly that she was storing food, is it really okay? Also, you really have always used Yaomeng’s pillow spirit as food? Will cry, Yaomeng will definitely cry!

Compared with Lin Luo's snarling horses, Wang Meow looked calm. She pointed her finger at the dining table, looked at Lin Luo and asked calmly, "Excuse me, is there any more grilled fish? I want to eat it. Meow...I want to eat the grilled fish. The important lines need to be said twice."


Well, Lin Luo is speechless. The two guys do get along very well. They are both dead and foodies!

It took more than an hour, after feeding Youyouzi and King Wumiao, Lin Luo finally activated the plane channel and headed to Gensokyo with the two foodies.

A few minutes later, the three of them came out of the plane channel, but unexpectedly they did not enter Gensokyo directly this time, instead they appeared in the world outside Gensokyo.

"Ahhh, how could this be?" Youyouzi looked surprised.

"Probably it was the interference of the quasi-celestial rank, or... other reasons." Lin Luo was not very surprised. There is the quasi-celestial existence of Yaunzi in Gensokyo, plus the problem of inverse causality, no matter what happens. Everything is normal, and there is no common sense in this world anyway.

"If that's the case, I'll just take this opportunity to play here for a while. I have never had a chance to come to the outside world before." Youyouzi's mood is more fickle than the weather, and she soon became interested in this place.

Lin Luo looked at her eagerly look, knowing that dissuasion is probably useless, but still couldn't help asking, "Is that okay?"

You Yuko blinked and showed a cute expression, "Don't worry, although I am cute and charming, I will invite death."

At the same time, King Woo Meow also reached out and typed a V, "No problem, Meow, I will make this world the domain of King Woo Meow!"

"..." Lin Luo didn't want to complain anymore. Sure enough, the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked, and the lower beam was crooked and the upper beam would certainly not be exactly where it was. These two people were very suitable to go to the crooked building.

Seeing the two flying happily into the distance, Lin Luo could only sigh. Youyouzi's guardian seal turned out to be King Wumeow. The status of Yaomeng is greatly threatened, and it is estimated that it may develop in the future. It’s a favorite plot of the Monster Dream and the King Wu Meow fighting each other...Of course, it is more likely that it is a practical discussion board on which one of the Monster Dream and King Wu Meow is more delicious.

"Forget it, don't expect this kind of novelty plot. It is more important to dive into Gensokyo next." Lin Luo shook his head, and after a while he came to the great enchantment that surrounded Gensokyo, looking for the most Weak place. Although there is nothing wrong with going in dignifiedly, it is a man's romance to sneak into Gensokyo secretly, such as into the land of no one!

After a few minutes, Lin Luo finally found the best place to dive and stretched out his hand.

"Let's get started, although I am cute and charming, I will provoke death...Ahhh! Why am I also infected?!"

Lin Luo cursed loudly, and then disappeared in place.


Shortly before Lin Luo came to Gensokyo, a little girl in Hakuri Shrine in a shrine costume pushed open the door of the shrine, sang a song, and ran outside.

"Xiao Mingmeng, carrying a bottle of soy sauce, is not afraid of the sun, nor the wind and rain, I am afraid that my mother is too lazy, there is no braised pork without soy sauce..."

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