The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 992: Do you like lollipops? It's decided it's you, M son!

"Wait, wait a minute! What the **** are you trying to do! Hey! Let me go!"

Yongjiang Yijiu is about to cry. As a dragon palace envoy, her task is to predict disasters. For example, when there is an earthquake, she will use special methods to inform humans. Of course, because she lives in the clouds and has a close relationship with a certain imperfect celestial being, she has also become the gatekeeper of the heaven for some reason... Simply put, if someone or a monster wants to have a heaven , You have to pass her level first.

So, when she saw Lin Luo and Paqiuli coming together and wanted to go to Youdingtian, she came forward to stop it. This is obviously a matter of course, but!

What Yongjiang Yijiu didn't expect was that she hadn't taken any action yet. The man who was very cute and hateful didn't know what tricks she had done. She was already in the hands of the other party, and she was able to use a little bit of strength. Does not come out.

Lin Luo didn't know that Yongjiang Yijiu gave herself a cute adjective. If she knew it, it would probably make her a little cute. Watching her under her crotch... Oh no, she kept struggling under her armpit. Dancing with his hands, he could not help but persuade: "Give up, if you can't even subdue you, my so long Dongfang Feixiangtian will be considered useless."

Yongjiang Yijiu gave up struggling, but with a bitter face, "Since you have defeated me, you are naturally qualified to have the heavens. Anyway, it doesn't matter what happens to me, but what are you doing while holding me?"

"Of course I want you to lead the way." Lin Luo said of course: "There is a heaven to say that the big is not big, and the small is not small. I want to find someone in the shortest time. Naturally, I need someone familiar with it. Show me the way, and you are obviously the most suitable candidate."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Your boss, my pet, the emperor." Lin Luo said with a smile, and then patted her on the head in Yongjiang Yijiu's dumbfounded expression, "Then, obediently be a tour guide for me."

Seeing that this strong Dragon Palace Envoy had no resistance at all in front of Lin Luo, and obediently leading the way, Pa Qiuli couldn't help shaking her head, silently mourning for her and herself at the same time.

"Hey, the manuscript hasn't been written yet..."


The heaven is a very strange place. It is not only above the clouds, but also above the underworld, but in the middle of the clouds and the heavens, you can see the ununderworld, and you can't reach the underworld. Only through a special entrance can you enter the underworld. In fact, this is a difference in realm.

The same is true in the heavens. If you fly upward without a clue, you will at most rush out of the earth and fly into the universe, but you will never reach the heavens. Even the powerful monsters will still be in the sky if you don’t find the "way to the heavens." Lost in the middle.

Of course, for Lin Luo and Gensokyo's gang of protagonists, there is no such problem. After a short while, the three of them arrived at Youdingtian...that is, the heaven.

In fact, to be correct, places like the heavens and the underworld do not belong to Gensokyo, but belong to the entire world. It’s just that, in addition to the heavens and the dead, which can reach these two places, only a group of Gensokyo can. To communicate freely, so under this habitual misunderstanding, the heavens seem to have faintly become a part of Gensokyo.

Even if Lin Luo knew that he had left Gensokyo's sphere of influence, he still had the illusion that he was still in Gensokyo.

The environment of the heavens is far from the world's. The birds and flowers are scented here, the atmosphere is quiet, filled with faint mist and the sound of ticking water, giving people a sense of paradise.

Although in terms of the beauty of the scenery, Lin Luo is confident that the city of the sky will not be inferior to this, and there are so many wonders here that it is not comparable, but the city of the sky has lost its true taste because of too many wonders and wonders. , And also lack a sense of refined and refined temperament.

To put it simply, there is more than singularity, but not enough immortality.

And this place, Lin Luo just stepped in, there was a feeling that he could relax his whole body and mind.

At this time, Lin Luo finally understood why Lily didn't choose the demon-yemon cultivation system, but instead came to have a peaceful meditation. The important thing is not that there are powerful heavenly people here, but because of the environment here.

In the past, Yakumo Zi pointed out Lily’s shortcomings, which is too sharp. If Lily is a powerhouse like Yuka and Tomoyo Sakagami who walks the domineering way, it is understandable, but in essence, Lily is mysterious, in terms of temperament. Domineering side leakage counter subordinates.

The so-called mystery system, so it is thoughtful, is to make the enemy unable to touch your depth, not see your existence, and not perceive your ability. If you shock the enemy with aura from the beginning, it is obviously not consistent. Mysterious mainstream, it is better to take the road of domineering.

How strong a person is, not only depends on the strength of the strength, but also whether the heart is strong or not. If an earth-shattering strength is matched with a cowardly heart, then this person is not surprising no matter how strong or weak it is to be despised by everyone. If a weak person without the power to bind a chicken is accompanied by a heart that never bows his head, then even if he is weak or small, in the eyes of the real strong, he is still strong and worthy of respect.

In many cases, people who show a strong temperament on the surface are often fragile in their hearts, and some people who are on the surface can't help but appear stronger at critical times... Such people, Lin Luo has seen too many.

Of course, this is not to say that Lily is a fragile person. If she was fragile, when she was in the Forbidden World, she would not exchange her life for strength to protect her companions. If she is fragile, she will not challenge the powerful King of Conqueror when she is in the Moon World. If she is fragile, it is impossible to become the king of perfection!

It's just that... she was too fragile, she lacked a bit of softness and a calm heart of Pose.

And this place is obviously the most suitable for her to cultivate her own state of mind.

Following Yongjiang Yijiu for a while, Lin Luo quickly saw Bi Na the emperor in a peach blossom forest. Of course, as he expected, there was also Lili... Lily came to the heaven with the emperor. Most people will stay together, which is why Lin Luo said to look for the emperor.

However, in this peach blossom forest, in addition to the two girls, there are more than a dozen old men and old ladies, some are powerful celestial beings with physical bodies, and some are soul-body celestial beings who become Buddhas and go to the heavens after death. Tianren...including Lily and Tianzi, all of them are doing one thing, which is fishing.

It was a pond with an area of ​​no more than ten square meters. Everyone sat in a circle on the edge of the pond, carrying fishing rods in their hands and closing their eyes, and they fished there. Even if Lin Luo and the others came in and heard the sound of footsteps, they didn't seem to notice, and they sat motionless.

Silence, extraordinary silence.

"What's going on?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking Yongjiang Yijiu, although he had known that the life of heaven and humans was very dreamy. Every day he only needs to listen to music, fish, and play chess... carefree and free. Comfortable, but he was also a little surprised to see this scene. Because the people by the pond don't seem to be fishing at all, but are trying to become fossils... If they are painted with a layer of gray, it will not be any different from the stone.

Pa Qiuli was obviously also a little surprised, looking at Yong Jiang Yijiu.

Yongjiang Yijiu said, "I'm not a deity, how can I know what they are doing? Besides, what deity likes to do most is to say meaningless things and do meaningless things, to guess that their intentions are simply asking for trouble. ."

"You make sense, but do you think she will be a fossil obediently?" Lin Luo pointed to the emperor who was sitting by the pond. He didn't understand the gods very well, and he didn't bother to guess. Fishing is also considered as a practice, but... the emperor who is notoriously active and always treats troubles as fun is so quiet, it is even more miraculous than a miracle.

"Well..." Yong Jiang Yijiu frowned. As the dragon palace envoy who served the house, she knew very well about the temperament of this lady in the greenhouse. She couldn't get off for a moment, and she was as quiet as she is now. , It is a weird and unusual thing.

"She seems to be asleep." Suddenly, Paqiuli said.

"Asleep?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

"Of course, no one knows better than me how to sit and sleep. Look at her gestures and the angle of the head offset, which is exactly the twelfth posture in which I sit and sleep. There is no doubt that she is asleep. ...It's amazing how this flawed deity has learned how to sit and sleep." Paqiuli said proudly.

"..." Lin Luo was embarrassed and speechless, this kind of thing seems to be nothing to be proud of, right?

But after what she said, Lin Luo did find that the emperor was a little different from the others. Upon closer inspection, he was asleep... No wonder it was so quiet.

Lin Luo was very curious about what they were doing fishing like this. Originally, he was afraid of ruining Lily’s practice and did not dare to disturb them. But now that he has such a special example as the emperor, he naturally doesn’t have to hesitate. He immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it. If you disturb anyone, catch the emperor in your hands.

Then, the soundproof barrier opened, Lin Luo patted her little cheek, "Oh, get up, my pet."

"Woo..." The emperor opened his eyes vaguely, tilted his head, showing an expression of not awake, and muttered, "Today's peaches are not delicious... I want to eat lollipops... ah~ ~Woo."

This girl probably thought it was a dream, with a silly smile in her eyes, then opened her mouth, bit on Lin Luo's finger, licking her tongue and sucking.

Seeing her cute look like a little loli, Lin Luo was almost killed by Meng.

Son of M, it is really suitable to be kept at home as a pet!

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