The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 995: Here and there together... are they all here?

Banquets are not popular in Gensokyo, they are just a daily life, but the life intertwined with countless bits and pieces of daily life is the most wonderful life, and it is also the origin and end of all dreams.

When the prosperity ends, when the war is over, everyone will return to daily life.

For this, the people and monsters of Gensokyo clearly understand better than anyone else. In fact, countless changes have occurred. What they pursue is just a daily routine that suits them, although in a certain city management that is extremely powerful. Under the prevention of, the mutation they created did not succeed, but the daily life they expected was success. Therefore, the banquet became the best way to express this kind of joy.

In order to welcome Lin Luo's arrival... in fact, 90% of the luxurious feast she decided to host was just to relieve her boring time. After the release of the fastest shooting star Maruben in Gensokyo, immediately It spread throughout Gensokyo.

Even the heavens, underworlds, hells, and even the underground world and demons that were not included in Gensokyo have received news. I have to say that few people can surpass Shemeimaruwen with the ability to spread news.

After receiving the news of the banquet, people who were interested in it naturally began to prepare with excitement, while those who did not participate in the idea would forget to read it and continue to live the previous life. As for the pseudo-protagonist of the banquet, Lin Luo...he is still immersed in I don't know anything about the outside world in the insight that is made out of nothing.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, it was the day when the banquet was held.

"Mom, why haven't I seen Dad for a long time? He abandoned us again?" Early in the morning, Xiao Mingmeng ran around the place where the banquet was held, and asked Reimeng, who was in a daze with a cup of tea, while flapping butterflies. Tao.

"As a two-year-old child, I can come and ask this question quietly and freely. I really don't know whether I should be happy or sigh... Well, I really don't understand, kid." Reimeng shook his head and sighed.

Xiao Mingmeng said: "Because Dad is going to save the world, Mingmeng is not sad. Just like the story I saw last time, Dayu was a hero who controlled the water for the people and did not enter the house for three times. Ah... Ah, it seems that Dayu's wife gave him a child thirteen years later. Mom, can you be pregnant for thirteen years?"

Listening to the real voice of Ming Meng that day, Ling Meng didn't even think about it, and said directly: "How is it possible that Nezha's mother has been pregnant for three years is a strange flower, what kind of monsters and ghosts are pregnant for thirteen years!"

"Really, it's impossible to be pregnant for thirteen years..." Ming Meng held her chin, as if thinking about something. After a while, her excitement suddenly cooled down, squatting on the ground and drawing circles, muttering "It turns out that it’s not easy to be a hero, so it’s better not to be a hero. Although I also want to have a younger sibling, I still hope to be able to be born within a year, but thirteen years would be bad."

"What are you whispering?" Lingmeng turned her head and asked, because she didn't hear clearly, otherwise, even if she had a good temper, she would have to beat Mingmeng, and then flew to the Red Devil Mansion and copied Paqiuli Library.

"The relationship between your mother and daughter is really as good as ever, and the ghost is also envious." At this moment, a drunken voice rang, and then the thick mist gathered in the air and turned into a petite head. The girl with long horns swayed when she fell on the ground, as if she was about to fall down at any time.

Reimu was obviously used to this, and said lightly, "Cuixiang, you came really early, and you are still drunk...Hey, don't blush on my body!"

Before she could finish her words, Yi Chui Cuixiang fell down next to her body, smelling the heavy alcohol, Reimu suddenly became angry, and stretched out his hand to tear it off.

"What does it matter if you lean on it... huh, we slept together before... huh!" Cuixiang hiccuped while talking drunkenly, her body pressed tighter.

"You drunk!" Reimu couldn't help cursing.

"Oh, it's really time to come... Kaka Kaka!" Just as Reimu and Suixiang were entangled in their bodies, Gensokyo's first paparazzi suddenly arrived. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity made her unable to control the desire to control the shutter at all. After taking a dozen of them, he put the camera away, and smiled happily, "In this way, tomorrow's headlines will be decided, "On the maiden's extramarital affairs" and "That year, the ghost was still living in the shrine." ', what do you think?"

"How're so big!" Reimu showed great power, and finally pushed the drunk Cuixiang out, and the latter suddenly fell asleep on the ground. Reimu stood up and glared at Shemeimaruwen, "If this important news comes out tomorrow, I will let you know what kind of realm'the realm of photography can never be reached by ordinary people with eyes'!"

"What you said is really circumstantial... Forget it, then I won't report it." Under the threat of Reimu, Sameimaruwen had no professional ethics regression. Of course, the actual situation is today. More important news, it is not guilty to annoy the witches with things that are widely known to the public.

"Well, I haven't seen her for a while, the witch has become more domineering."

"Because I became a mother."

They were talking about two young girls next to Sheming Maruwen. One was a brown-haired girl with a dual ponytail mobile phone, and the other was a white-haired girl with a dog-eared sword and a monster from the Tengu clan, Ji Haitang and Inu Zouzhen.

Seeing Reimu’s indifferent expression, Shemingwan chuckled and said, "Hey, you are too cold, no matter how you say, today you are considered a host. You should also greet people you know, or let Haitang and Jun How embarrassing it is."

"Oh, is it?" Reimu said hello to them, "Paparazzi's Jiyou, Paparazzi's mistress, how are you."

"..." Ji Haitangji.

"..." The dog walked around.

The two of them were dumbfounded, which is worse than Reimu ignoring them!

Sheming Maruwen was also embarrassed for a while, but fortunately, five people from the Crimson Devil Hall team arrived at this time except Sakiya. While Reimu was talking to them, they quickly pulled her two friends and ran to Mingmeng. "Don't worry about that unscrupulous witch. Let's play with the cute little Mingmeng for a while. By the way, we need to take a few photos. It's okay if we don't leave the memories of childhood."

While she was talking, she picked up the camera and slapped Ming Meng wildly.

"Do you want to take **** photos?" Ji Haitang asked, holding his cell phone very much, not knowing whether he really had this idea, or to take revenge on Reimu.

"Hey, a few over there, this is not a flower ceremony, please pay attention to me!"

Before Ji Haitang could really implement the thoughts in her heart, Reimu's voice came from behind, and her plan was immediately dead.

After that, as time gradually passed, by 7:30 in the morning, more people came to Hakurei Shrine one after another. Among them, one of the initiators, Marisa, Moriya Shrine and the family, and then there will never be quiet. The one who came down was the emperor.

Then there is the combination of a fairy and an idiot headed by Cirno, the brain of the lake, then a half-human half-soul demon dream and sister Sao Ling from the underworld, and then Kami Shirasawa Huiyin from the world and forced to be pulled. Fujiwara Meihong who came to exchange feelings.

Later, the fox fairy and catwoman of the Yakumo family were late, but Yakumozi did not arrive. At the same time, in addition to Penglai Mountain Huiye, the Forever Pavilion group rushed to the scene.

Finally, there is a group of Di Ling Temple headed by Gu Ming Dijue, and a group of people in the Star Lotus Boat headed by Saint White Lotus. In addition, it is autumn. Of course, the gods and elves of autumn that only appear in this season must be added.

"Well, the guys who have attended the banquet before have almost all arrived. As the host, I'm very happy, but there seem to be a few familiar figures that I haven't seen. Then...the ones who didn't arrive, please give their names." Sit down. On the Grand Master's chair brought out from the Red Devil Hall, Remilia said majesticly, showing her white and rich temperament.

"How do I think her IQ is at the same level as Cirno?"

"Yeah, what a stupid question."

"Also, she seems to regard herself as the boss, what's the matter?"

"Forget it, she provided all the materials for this banquet, and she initiated it, so let her be the boss once... Well, no one tells her that she is usually innocent at home."

The monsters talked a lot.

"Um... Excuse me, have you seen Lord Youyouzi?" But soon, this discussion was interrupted by another voice, and I saw Yaomeng running around among the crowd. ask.

When Yakumolan saw her looking to her, she spread her hand and said, "It's useless if you ask me. I still want to ask someone to ask, where did Master Zi go?"

"But Lord Youyouzi was called out by Master Zi?" Yao Meng suddenly cried her face.

Remilia looked at all kinds of people looking for people below, and they were immediately recorded. Not long after, she got a list. "Then the main characters are... the lazy idler Yakumo Zi, the game The dead house Kaguyahime, the food-eater Yuyuko, the woman who grows flowers Feng Jian Yuxiang, and of course the maid of my house, and a few outsiders temporarily living in Gensokyo... Strange, these guys have something in common. point."

"Wait a minute, Alice is not here either." Marisa couldn't help but reminded.

"I'm already here." As soon as her words fell, Alice's voice sounded not far away.

Everyone looked at it subconsciously, and saw three figures walking from the shadows. One of the beautiful blonde girls was Alice. On her left was a little girl with silver hair and black clothes who was less than one meter tall. Finally, there were two girls. In the middle, stood a mature woman with long silver-white hair in a red dress.

"I just want to know, will the hero in this chapter appear?" The mature woman stepped forward and said.

Marisa suddenly changed her face, "Ah, that woman?!"

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