The Bored Immortal

Chapter 149: Swarmed By Ranars

Meanwhile, with the help of Ayana, Viktor and the others finally found Nyissa on one of the barren hills where there weren't even remains of trees visible, making it easy for anyone to spot her.

But Viktor was amazed to find her literally fighting off an army of Ranars on her own by swinging her spear around, which was blazing with the same black flames he saw on Ayana's sword though the ones on Nyissa's seemed far more powerful and ferocious.

He saw how Nyissa was skillfully moving like a dancer with poetic finesse while beheading the Ranars, her blade cutting through their heads like butter, making her look like a war goddess.

Each time she killed a Ranar, they immediately disintegrated into dust before disappearing away into nothingness. So he could only wonder how many she had totally killed, considering the frightening speed at which she was killing them off.

Her expression looked quite serious and focused, fully concentrated in slaughtering the Ranars before her.

There was not even a single scratch on her despite fending off more than a hundred Ranars, and the most astonishing thing Viktor saw was a large five feet long black raven made out of pure black flames circling her, keeping the Ranars from attacking her.

Still, he could see her expression seemed a bit difficult since more and more Ranars were joining in from the hills.

"We have to help her!" Ayana shouted the moment she saw her Master and ran towards her along with her friends.

Viktor shook his head as he took out the dragger Ayana gave him and rushed towards Nyissa to join the fray.

Whilst fighting off the Ranars, Nyissa raised her brows upon seeing her people and, most of all, the civilian who tried to cause problems for them by refusing to leave.

Still, she was too preoccupied to think too much about it and was instead worried if Ayana and her friends could handle this terrifying number of Ranars.

"Hey! Come over here! You want me, right?" Viktor loudly shouted with a smile.

Nyissa widened her eyes and looked at him for a second as if she was looking at a fool who didn't fear death and wondered if he went mad by staying in this place for too long.

By now, she already knew that he was no ordinary person considering how his eyes were red and the fact that he was a vampire.

She didn't seem that surprised, but that didn't mean she was confident about the fact that he could take on all these Ranars after attracting their aggression.

She first doubted whether these Ranars would even divert their aggression since she was already fighting them.

But she was surprised when she saw all the Ranars like clockwork turning around and charging towards him like a frenzied pack of rabid dogs that couldn't wait to tear him apart.

She also saw how the air of resentment and hatred around them increased the moment he attracted their aggression and wondered why these Ranars were behaving like this.

"Come, let's help that fool!" Nyissa instructed her disciple, Ayana, and her friends as they followed behind the Ranars and easily began to kill them from behind.

For some reason, the Ranars weren't even paying attention to Nyissa and the others despite getting killed off one by one by them.

Instead, they were still charging towards Viktor, who was astonished to see the amount of killing intent and hatred directed towards him and was sure by now that these Ranars were previously men who he had slaughtered in the Battle of the Frozen Lakes.

"Be careful, Viktor!" Nyissa called out a warning since she by now learned that he helped out Ayana and her friends from dying and didn't want to see him die a vain death.

"Thank you for your concern, princess," Viktor smirked as he zoomed past the Ranars while letting his dagger cut through their throats like butter, especially because of his momentum.

Ayana and the others were shocked to hear the way Viktor addressed her casually though Nyissa only let out a subtle scoff.

Nyissa was astonished at the speed Viktor was moving and also his combat skills, the way he was beheading these Ranars so perfectly since it seemed like he was a seasoned warrior or assassin.

She knew just because one had speed didn't mean they could behead these Ranars like how Viktor was doing it but needed precision and skill, especially to avoid the counter attacks from the Ranars who were swinging their weapons with rage to kill Viktor.

Nyissa and the others weren't simply standing still but were trying to ease Viktor's burden of killing so many by slaughtering their way in through the back, and apparently, it was easier for them since the Ranars seemed too dedicated and determined to pour all their efforts into attacking only Viktor.

Still, their expression became grave when they saw of Ranars rushing towards them with weapons in their hands. And all of them didn't even pay a single glance to Nyissa and her people but instead rushed towards Viktor to hack him down.

'Jeez, give me a rest, you ugly bastards,' Viktor inwardly sighed, seeing the frightening number of Ranars rushing towards him.

Nyissa had a difficult expression as if she was hesitating to make a decision or not. She knew she could leave with Ayana and the others and let Viktor fight on his own, especially since the Ranars weren't paying any attention to them.

She was already upset by the fact that she lost two of her people, and if she continued to fight here, she might be risking Ayana and the other's lives.

Ayana didn't seem to be having any hesitation in fighting off other than worrying whether they would be able to get out of this alive. She had no thoughts about abandoning Viktor since he saved her and her friends.

Nyissa then inwardly sighed, seeing how determined Ayana and the others were in helping this vampire, and decided to repay his efforts and see how it goes.

"How old is this vampire?" Nyissa asked as she continued to sever the Ranar's heads.

"He claims he is more than 1000 years old. Does Master believe it even though he had never heard of the term Prime Vampires?"

Nyissa also found it surprising since someone so old shouldn't be ignorant of such things unless….

"He might very well be...see the way he is fighting and his speed...young vampires don't fight like that. Only with a lot of experience can they develop such skills and abilities. But let's deal with it later. First, let's focus on our present situation."

By the time he got rid of over a thousand Ranars, Viktor was unable to keep up his speed continuously for long and had to catch his breath and decided to face them directly.

Since these Ranars were not as weak as ordinary humans but strong as a dozen elephants, he had no choice but to be continuously in his vampiric form while fighting them off.

If they were simply humans, he could have just taken care of them in his human form while alternating between his vampiric form in between to preserve his energy.

But now, it had been more than a day since he fed, and after continuously using his abilities to kill over a thousand Ranars, he was finding it taxing.

Of course, during the Battle of the Frozen Lakes, he had a potentially unlimited supply of blood to rejuvenate himself whenever he was about to feel exhausted, and that was how he kept himself going till he massacred all 500,000.

But these evil spirits didn't bleed, and that was a dismaying fact for him. If he was fighting against even a million humans, he wouldn't be worried, but against evil beings like Ranars, he had to rethink his concerns.

"Hey, Nyissa, any way to get away from here? Teleport us or something? I am not really a fan of killing evil spirits," Viktor asked while he continued to slash away at the Ranars.

Ayana frowned, hearing him addressing Nyissa by just her first name, but Nyissa answered, "Even if I had a way to teleport us, we have no idea where to go or which place is safe."

"Damn it!" Viktor was taking attacks from different angles since he was trying to conserve his energy by not moving too fast. So he was unable to defend against the attacks of all these Ranar's trying to gang up on him and was literally using his own body to push them from trying to drown him with their numbers.

He was bleeding from here and there, but they were all superficial wounds since the Ranar's were unable to do much damage to him even with their full strength. Their blades hardly even went past an inch beyond his skin, and he was healing as well continuously, so it didn't bother him much.

But that worried him, too, since his healing process also took a toll on him, draining him of his energy bit by bit.

"Tell them to follow my instructions!" At such a tense time, Little Ghost's voice sounded inside his head.

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