The Bored Immortal

Chapter 235: You Don't Know Restraint

Since he had no choice but to keep up appearances, Karn cleared his throat and forced a stiff smile as he said, "May the two of you have a bright future."

"Thank you, Chief Karn. May your future be bright as well," Viktor said with a smile, making Nyissa and Voroz feel confused while Karn's eyes coldly glinted, feeling that something was definitely suspicious with this guy.

He felt as if he had got trapped by a predator and that there was no way out. He then shook off those thoughts, thinking that he might be overthinking.

He could only nod and walk away while restlessly thinking about finding his son first and dealing with the mess he made.

"What was that about?" Nyissa curiously asked since what Viktor said just seemed a bit strange.

"Oh, I will tell you later. Ah, Brad, make sure you use all your quota of blessings to shower on us," Viktor chuckled as he saw Brad come up with an awkward smile.

Even if Brad was junior to these two, he was still like Viktor's family, and right now, only Brad was present from Viktor's side.

Brad walked up to them and touched their heads lightly as he said, "I wish you both eternal happiness and wealth…oh, I don't think you guys would need a blessing for wealth, ahem," Brad coughed in embarrassment as he realized that he was blessing two superpowered humans, especially with one of them being more than just a human.

He had only been to human engagement and wedding ceremonies and was not quite puzzled on how to bless a pair like them.

Nyissa slightly smiled, feeling amused by Brad's awkwardness but still bowed her head slightly to acknowledge Brad's blessings along with Viktor.

"That concludes the engagement ceremony," Voroz said with a smile and people began to line up near the compound where a feast had been prepared to celebrate the ceremony, and the clan members were having their mouth water at seeing such a sight.

Of course, Viktor and Nyissa only watched them eat happily, and after a while, they ate separately along with Voroz and Brad.

Voroz couldn't help but sigh inwardly, seeing that he had indeed got an impressive son-in-law who was not even afraid to go up against the upper-class clans. At the same time, he knew perfectly well that Viktor was probably the only man who did not have to fear death at all.

"So when are you leaving, Viktor?" Voroz asked casually.

"By tomorrow morning, I will be out of here. Even though I hate to leave, I just have so many things left to deal with at home. This was supposed to be a short trip but…" He looked at Nyissa and continued, "...things change. I guess life, as usual, threw another unexpected surprise at me."

Nyissa looked away with a pink flush in her cheeks though she felt a sort of emptiness in her chest, knowing that Viktor would be leaving tomorrow morning. Since they were not a married couple yet, they couldn't stay together under the same roof, at least in the Fujo Clan, and Nyissa couldn't yet leave Fujo Clan since she had some business left to take care of after everything that happened.

Viktor understood this, and this was why he had already told her to come to him when she was ready. He was always ready to receive her.

Voroz nodded and briefly glanced at his daughter's face before saying, "Hmm, I understand. But do come here whenever you feel like it. Our doors will always be open for you. One day you will be the young master of our clan, and by that time, I will prepare our people to know the real truth about you. But with the recent incidents, I guess it might take a bit more time. Do tell me if you need any help from our side," Voroz knew that Viktor probably woke up two sleeping dragons, and they would probably seek him out, most probably in a hostile way since he straight up lied certain things related to them.

"Don't worry, father. I will be there as well just in case they come searching," Nyissa reassured and felt that it was her responsibility as well since she felt that she was partly responsible for all this.

Viktor answered calmly as he patted Nyissa's hand gently, "Don't worry about it. I can handle them. It's not like they can get rid of me even if they wanted to."

Nyissa sighed, feeling that his immortality was the only thing that reassured her and at least knew there wouldn't be any danger to his life.

"I know, but there are things worse than death that a man can experience. I am sure you know about this as well. That's why you should not hold back if you really need help," Voroz was a wise and experienced man who knew about various things of society and the world.

Viktor understood Voroz's worries and said, "Don't worry, father-in-law. I wouldn't play with my life even with my condition."

Viktor purposefully used the names, Icemoon Kingdom and Hellborn Dynasty since he knew that it was the fastest and sureshot way of letting him get in touch with a vampire and werewolf civilization.

Since Nyissa told him that he wouldn't be able to find any vampire or werewolf clans without them wanting him to, he thought he could just pull them towards him if he couldn't find them.

He needed answers to his origins even more than before, and thus even if he appeared nonchalant on the outside, he was quite desperate inwardly. He felt as if a piece of his heart was missing, and only by remembering everything would he feel whole.

Soon, the feast was over, and everyone dispersed while Nyissa and Viktor spent the whole night walking through the meadows outside, enjoying the moonlight while talking about various things.

"You are really bad...k-kissing me like that...out of a sudden," Nyissa said in a peeved tone.

Viktor scratched his head and smiled as he held her hand, "I am sorry. Did you not like it?"

Nyissa's eyes fluttered as she said in a soft tone, "'s not that. I was just startled, and there were so many people around us..."

Viktor chuckled, "Well, I had no choice but to put that Sage back in his place. Also, your lips looked too irresistible at that time for me to hold back."

Nyissa felt her cheeks heat up as she looked down and subtly smiled, "You really don't know restraint."

"Says the one who kissed me back in front of the Sage," Viktor teased, earning himself a light slap on his hand from an abashed Nyissa.

Since Viktor would be leaving tomorrow, the two wanted to spend as much time as they could with each other and didn't even sleep while Brad had knocked himself out with two six glasses of ale and was snoring quite loudly in his quarters.

Hours passed quite fast, and before they knew it, the sun had begun to rise and illuminated their faces with its refreshing and radiant light.

This was also the cue that it was time for Viktor to leave, and so he held Nyissa's hand and looked at her breathtaking countenance as he cupped her face and leaned forward for a loving kiss.

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