The Bored Immortal

Chapter 393: Serves You Right

Even though Taya was feeling as if all the strength in her body was zapped away, she was able to move her arm to insert her hand into her pocket to take out something…a syringe with a dark red liquid.

She flipped the cap of the needle, and without any hesitation, she injected it into one of her thighs.

"Hnnnhhh…" Taya let out a soft grunt as she suddenly felt a powerful wave of cold energy spreading through every bone, nerve, and muscle in her body, making her feel as if she was freezing to death.

But on the contrary, her internal injuries were mending themselves while her bone structure and muscles were being fortified as if with steel.

Her blood cells were uncontrollably shivering as if they were excited to absorb this cold wave of energy. Within milliseconds, her eyes were turning into a darker shade of red while sharp fangs were slowly extending themselves from her teeth.

Even her nails were extending themselves into sharp white nails that seemed as if they could even cut through the trunk of a tree.

But most of all, she felt an intense surge of bloodlust overwhelming her mind, which was immediately suppressed, thanks to how she designed her drug. But she gained an ability, allowing her to even sense or, to be precise, smell the blood around her. She could smell even the fresh blood flowing through Lana's body and especially the two pseudo vampires before her, who quickly tried to stomp her down upon realizing that something suspicious was going on with her.

They were pseudo vampires, after all. So it wasn't a surprise that they were able to sense that this woman was suddenly showing signs of turning into them but very rapidly.

Taya sensed their movements and quickly rolled to the side as she got up, feeling a surge of power flowing through her body, making her feel as if she was high and that nothing was impossible to do in this state.

This was not the first time she was feeling these sensations since she had taken this drug once in the past to test herself. After all, she disliked using people for human trials for drugs like these, but she was confident in her biology, and thus she went ahead with testing it on herself.

But she took careful measures to make sure that the drug didn't trigger any bloodthirsty instincts but suppress them so that she wouldn't go out of control. The last thing she wanted was to hurt anybody close to her instead of saving them.

Taya let out a feral hiss from the back of her throat while facing the two pseudo vampires. Her aura became even colder and ferocious to the point the two pseudo vampires unconsciously gulped since they felt as if they were not looking at the same person.

They were shocked that this woman suddenly turned into one of them so fast. They did see the syringe she was using to inject something similar to the Rebirth drug they took, but it took them at least a day to achieve a stable condition. And even then, they struggled a lot to come to terms with the changes in their bodies.

But this woman just transformed as if it was natural and was giving off an unsettling aura. So far, they only had to deal with humans but never someone like them. This only made them more nervous about handling her. She already got one of them before she turned, and now she had to be at least five times more dangerous.

Lana unconsciously covered her mouth in shock, unable to believe that her savior had suddenly turned into one of those monsters, especially after seeing the sharp nails that cut out of her suit and the faint dark red glimmer coming off from under her hood.

'No! She can't be a monster like them. She can't be…' Lana had only traumatic memories of these blood-sucking monsters, and thus when she saw her savior suddenly turning into one of them just left her in a state of shock and confusion, not knowing what to think.

This time Taya rushed forward, her body moving at a speed that only made Lana even more astonished since not even the fastest human in the world could move like that.

The two pseudo vampires reacted, their reactions quite fast compared to a human, but…



The two of them howled in pain as five bloody marks landed on their arms, blood trickling down their skin.

The two men had shocked expressions since even they were unable to react fast enough to her speed. Taya's feet slid on the floor as she came to a stop, her nails dripping with blood after using both her hands to tear off their skin.

Still, she was disappointed that she missed and instead only got their arms. She felt that she had to move faster to quickly take them down before the drug she took could run out and the side effects settled in.

"Kill that bitch!" One of the men shouted in an enraged tone, feeling angry that a woman who had just turned a few seconds ago injured him.

The two men charged at her again while Taya also dashed towards them and jumped into the air before grabbing onto the neck of one of the men, her body still raised up in the air.

The man who was under Taya didn't expect her to suddenly jump and grab onto his neck like an acrobat. Her movement was so fast and fluid that he wasn't even able to push her away in time.

Still, he thought that he could just grab her arms and smash her down on the floor. But right before he could do that, Taya plunged her nails into his neck and tore out his throat, much to the horror of the other pseudo vampire, who momentarily froze upon seeing his fellow henchman fall down with a petrified look.

Taya snorted as she threw away his throat in disgust before jumping toward the other pseudo vampire. The man came out of his stupor as he tried to dash to the side, but Taya came in too fast and smashed him down to the floor by kicking his head.

The floor cracked as one side of the man's face struck the ground violently while some of his teeth flew out, blood dripping out of his mouth.

He felt as if his brain got rattled by such an impact, but before he could think of retaliating, he felt a cold boot pressing against his nape, and before he knew it, that boot crushed his neck.

"Serves you right," Taya mumbled coldly as she looked at the dead man under her feet.

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