The Bored Immortal

Chapter 471 Time Always Takes It All

The Spirit Guardian froze his steps as he turned around upon her, asking him to wait.

Nulai looked at him with a fixed gaze as she asked, "Master…can you please stay this time? I haven't seen you for a very long time. Let me show you how much things have changed since you left."

Mevron, who was hanging on the cross with a depressed look, still was conscious enough to hear her words.

What did this Spirit Guardian mean to her for her to ask him to stay in such a way as if she was longing for it? Could it be that…NO! Nobody can win the heart of a goddess like her.

"Nulai…you know I can't do that. As I promised once, I will be watching over you even if I am not here. But now I must leave," The Spirit Guardian said in an emotionless voice.

"Then can I at least see your face, Master? Just one glimpse, and I won't ever ask for anything more. Please…" Nulai asked, her voice still cold, yet one could notice the yearning in her voice.

The Spirit Guardian remained silent for a few moments before slowly removing his heavy helmet, revealing a devilishly handsome face graced by a full medium-length beard. His shoulder-length white hair was smooth and pure as starlight as it moved fluidly in the wind. Even though his face looked very youthful, one could feel that he had been through countless vicissitudes of life.

There was no doubt that his cold, emotionless eyes could see through any soul, no matter who.

Mevron, who was groaning in pain, had his eyes widened upon seeing the face of this ruthless deity.

No…no…IT CANNOT BE! How is this possible??...Mevron coughed out blood in shock and anger as he passed out, unable to process or believe what he just saw. In fact, he never would have expected this in his worst nightmare.

He had somehow digested the fact about what happened to his pretty wife. But now, he can't come to terms with whatever was going on with his 'goddess' and the Spirit Guardian. It was more than what his heart could bear.

However, Nulai didn't even flinch after seeing Mevron pass out. Instead, her eyes were fixed on the Spirit Guardian's face as she mumbled with a nostalgic look, "You still haven't changed a bit even after 8000 years, Master. It seems time will be my only enemy," As she said this, her lips arched into a soft yet sad smile. Even if it was just a subtle smile, nobody in this realm was ever fortunate enough to witness such a poetic smile.

However, she felt glad to see his face after such a long time. Who knows, maybe this might be the last time she could see his face.

The Spirit Guardian put his helmet back on as he said, "Time always takes it all, Nulai, whether we want it or not, just like how it took everything from me. But at least you will get to decide how much it can take from you. Live on…and forget about things that don't matter."

Nulai's eyes shook when he told her to 'forget'. But how could she? How could she do that when she had been unable to forget for dozens of centuries? Not a day had gone by where she had been unable to forget the only thing that mattered in her heart.

"Goodbye, disciple," The Spirit Guardian said as dark golden lightning struck where he was standing, and the next moment he was gone. The dark clouds began to clear up, and the blizzard started to continue its assault in this region.

Every other person in this realm also had their lives resumed, though none of them felt any different, nor did they have any idea about the deity who entered their mortal realm.

"Goodbye, Master…" Nulai mumbled as an icy cold tear trickled down her left eye as she blankly stared at the empty sky.

Nulai had never felt so happy yet sad at the same time. When she first saw him, she thought it was a dream she thought might never come true. But after he left, she could only ask why this dream was so short.

With a heavy heart, she finally lowered her gaze and took a deep breath to put the feelings back into her heart, just like how she had locked them up all these years.

"Y-Your Majesty…" A nervous yet heavy voice from behind called out to Nulai as her expression became as expressionless as usual.

She turned around to see that it was Prince Vadric who was standing before her with shivering hands. His gaze would occasionally land on his son, who was hanging on the giant icy cross, making his heart fill up with pain and guilt.

"I told you, Vadric. Your son signed his own death warrant. Now, you know I don't have to remind you what to do when the time comes. Do I?" Nulai asked without the slightest pity in her voice.

Vadric knew she was talking about the orders that the Spirit Guardian had passed. But thinking about killing his own son after making him suffer under excruciating pain for a lifetime made him feel like he would be the worst father in the entire universe.

But he did realize he was not the father Mevron needed. Otherwise, Mevron wouldn't have ended up in such a pitiful state.

Still, seeing the Blade of Hatred in Nulai's hand, Vadric swallowed his saliva as he asked feebly, "I will do what I have to do when the time comes, Your Majesty. But…as a father…may I request if you could have some mercy on—"

"Mercy? Haven't you learned your lesson yet? Disobeying the orders of my Master will seal our fate for sure next time. You and your son forced us into this situation. Of course, as his king, I also admit my mistake for not keeping a closer eye on my subjects like Mevron. I even gave him the honor of being my 'grandson' out of consideration for you and even the title of a 'Champion'. I thought maybe he would use it to become even better and bring prosperity to not only our race but the entire realm," She let out a tired sigh as she continued, "Little did I know how mistaken I was. Your parents entrusted me to look after not only our royal family but this entire realm. That is what it means to be a King, and as a king, I can't dare show any partiality or compromise punishments to those who deserve it, even if it is someone from our own blood."

Vadric's lips quivered as he understood what his king was trying to say. Tears filled his eyes as he nodded, "I understand…Your Majesty. Forgive me. I won't impede you anymore."

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