The Bored Immortal

Chapter 481 The Impatient Talia

"So does this mean I can be at two places and experience whatever I see in those two places at the same time?" Viktor asked while thinking about how convenient this new ability of his was.

Yanna chuckled as she said, "Of course, since both are you only. Just think of it as having an extra body but with the same mind. This is the main reason any expert would kill for this special technique. But since you can't be killed, you don't have to be worried about anyone stealing this forbidden art from you."

Yannah herself was tempted to have this special technique for herself. But even if it was not impossible for her to steal it from him, she didn't want to dishonor the deal they had. Instead, she was now interested to see how far he could develop what he comprehended. Only in the hands of someone like him could such techniques be unleashed to their full potential.

"How fascinating…" Viktor mumbled as he could clearly remember the strange experience he had felt before when he accidentally used that ability. Even if he felt like he was getting split into halves, he felt like he had an extra pair of eyes and limbs.

"This also means I would have the advantage of 2 versus 1 if I were to battle someone, right?" Viktor thought that this ability would come in handy in duels, especially against people like Mevron. It was already impossible to kill him, so surely anybody would die from frustration from having to deal with two of him.

Yannah giggled as she put her arm over his shoulders, "Not only just boring battles but even for battles like the one we had just now," Yannah said with a seductive smile and then laughed, "I hate to admit this, but I doubt any woman would be able to take you on, let alone two of you."

Viktor scoffed as he shook his head, though he couldn't help but think about her words. If he split his mind into two bodies, then wouldn't he also feel twice the pleasure? He could only imagine how good that would feel.

"Okay, before you daydream any further, you have to understand the limits of this ability," Yannah said as she floated through the water.

Viktor sighed as he said, "I knew it. Good things always come with a catch. So what is it?"

Yannah tilted her head as she answered, "Obviously, you aren't used to splitting your soul like that as we saw before. I bet you felt like a boulder of iron was pressing down on your head, right?"

"Something like that," Viktor said with knitted brows.

"So about that, you should first train to split your soul temporarily and form a connection between the split halves without letting it be a burden on your mind. Since you literally gain double the senses, it will overload your mind if you aren't used to it. And only by training will you discover any other limits of this ability. For instance, you can't split your mind for too long. There must be a time limit beyond which the burden would be too much for you to handle. There also must be a distance limit beyond which you can't send your other half. But again, I am really not sure about this since you are the first to comprehend this art. It will be up to you to discover whatever it has to offer," Yannah said while feeling eager to see how much more powerful he could become, especially now that he got his hands on such a divine art.

"It seems I am going to get a lot busier for the first time in a long time," Viktor said with a smile. But then he remembered why he even received this forbidden art in the first place.

"I should get going now. Sera must have been waiting for a while," Viktor said with a glazed look as Yannah nodded with squinted eyes, "Oh? It seems you have feelings for her. Don't you?"

Viktor softly smiled as he said, "Yeah, but…I don't exactly know what she feels about me."

"Seriously, you don't know?" Yannah asked with a sarcastic look.

Viktor shook his head with a helpless smile as Yannah wafted towards him, "If you really want to make sure, then I will let you find out. Anyway, there is no need to delay this, and you can set her heart at ease."

Viktor chuckled as he saw Yannah dragging him towards the room where Seraphina was waiting for him.

He had to admit this woman knew how to motivate someone in the right way in these things. And remembering how good he felt while he was connected with her made him sigh, thinking that maybe he might not get to enjoy her company again unless…he drops in for a surprise visit, of course.

And even if Viktor never mentioned anything about it, he was very curious to know if Yannah would really bear his child. If, in the very rare chance she happens to bear his child, Viktor had no idea how he should handle it.

Even if Yannah said that he doesn't have to be responsible for it, Viktor felt that he might never be able to just leave it at that. Surely, this was food for thought.

Meanwhile, in the Sacred Spirit Realm, the lands and the creatures thriving on it were as peaceful as ever except for one person who had never felt so restless in her entire life.

She was barely clothed in a dark glowing amber-colored piece of fabric, and her beauty was charming enough to melt the soul of saints.

But right now, she was walking in circles on the top of a rocky cliff near a huge waterfall with a restless expression.

"My Viktor…where is he…where is he...Why is he taking so much time…" Talia was biting her nails as her eyes wandered around, trying to think of the possible reasons for Viktor being late.

She had almost tried to leave for the Darkstar Realm umpteen times, but each time her pixie sisters were stopping her from taking a reckless action.

"Ugh! I had enough. I am going!" Talia said with flames in her eyes since she felt like she might go crazy if she didn't get to smell Viktor's mind-numbing scent for a second longer.

"Please don't, Sister Talia! You are the princess of the Hellborn Realm. If you go there without announcing yourself, they will treat it as a hostile entry," Miri said as she tugged at Talia's arm with all her might. She had never seen Talia go this crazy by just waiting.

"Yes, Big Sis Talia. Please listen to our Big Sis Miri. Our Allmother will soon be back with your mate. Nothing bad will happen to them," Pina said with teary eyes. Even though she was trying to reassure Talia, she and her sisters were worried since those two were supposed to come back earlier if everything went right.

The only fact they could find relief in was that their Allmother was alive. Otherwise, the entire realm wouldn't be the same.

"No, no, NO! I am going, and I will just disguise myself just to be safe," Talia said with a harrumph as she jumped down the waterfall, much to the panic of Miri and her sisters.

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