The Bored Immortal

Chapter 503 A Special Gift

"Hey…You know you don't have to request my help. I would have helped anyway, even if you didn't ask. But I am glad you told me instead of dealing with this all on your own like before. I had no idea things were this bad. I just saw how normal life was outside but who knew these things were happening in the darkness," Viktor said as he gave her a warm hug while realizing how bad Taya must be feeling right now.

He knew he couldn't get rid of the guilt she must be feeling right away, but he thought of something that might cheer her up, "Listen…I have something special to give you as a gift that would make you feel very happy. I didn't return empty-handed after such an exciting journey."

Umila squinted her eyes, wondering what it was. But she felt it must be something good for Viktor to tell her like this.

And just as Viktor expected, Taya's mind momentarily got pulled away from her heavy thoughts as she looked at him with wet eyes, "A-A gift? Wha…What is it?"

Viktor smiled as he brought his hand behind his back and asked, "You wanna guess?"

Taya let out a soft burst of laughter as she tugged at his shirt playfully, "Just tell me already. You are killing me with all this suspense."

As a woman who wouldn't feel excited to hear that their love brought a special gift for them when she was least expecting it.

Her spirits were already up before she knew it.

Viktor slowly brought forward a rainbow-colored fruit that was glowing with an ethereal light, pulling Taya's gaze immediately as she felt entranced by simply looking at such an otherworldly fruit.

Even Umilia had her eyes glued to it since this was the first time she saw such a beautiful fruit that in no way seemed ordinary.

"What kind of fruit is this…Did you bring this from the—"

"Yes…From the mythical Sacred Spirit Realm. Come on now. Don't be shy and take it," Viktor nudged Taya as she awkwardly took it from his hands very carefully as if she was handling an expensive vase.

Even though it was just a fruit, for someone like Taya, this was more precious than the most expensive collection she had.

"Don't look at it as if you plan to keep it enclosed in a glass box for centuries. I gave it to you so that you can eat it," Viktor said with a light laugh after feeling amused by how careful she was being with it.

"You want me to eat this? But…but…" Taya felt it a pity that he wanted her to eat such a beautiful fruit.

Viktor subtly smiled as he added, "What if I told you that this fruit may extend your lifespan by a hundred years!"

Taya's eyes widened as quick as a cat who found milk.

"Oh…that is good. Taya, you should definitely eat it," Umilia didn't expect this fruit to have such an amazing benefit. She felt Viktor gave her the best gift in her entire life so far, especially after knowing how much Taya wanted to live longer with Viktor.

It was the main reason she even dedicated a big part of her life to researching immortality. She knew anything from the realm of fairies could definitely be beneficial for any living thing.

Taya felt overwhelmed at the thought that her potential lifespan of 100 had just increased to 200. Even though she knew a human's lifespan might go beyond 100, she didn't expect to live beyond 100 without becoming too weak and riddled with diseases.

But now that her expectations were surpassed beyond her belief, her hands were trembling as she held this beautiful rainbow fruit.

Within just seconds, she had envisioned how she would be spending those extra 100 years and looked at Viktor with a moved smile, "I…I don't know how to…"

"Repay me? You know you don't have to, but if you insist…" Viktor continued with a smirk as he whispered in her ear, "...I can always take your body as payment."

Umilia covered her mouth as she silently giggled, hearing his words and was happy for Taya.

Taya's cheeks were painted with a beautiful red hue as she buried her face into his chest. Viktor hadn't seen her this happy for a long time, and this only made him realize even more how much she was worried about her lifespan.

Taya stood straight as she looked at him endearingly, "I will treasure the rest of my life, including these precious extra 100 years with you and our family," Taya said as she briefly glanced at Umilia since she considered her as her family as well.

Saying so, she took a bite from the fruit as Viktor slowly nodded and watched her expression melt in bliss and happiness as the sweetness of the fruit enveloped her senses.

Taya had her eyes closed as she relished the mind-numbing sweet taste of this fruit, unable to believe such a tasty fruit could exist. She was already feeling regret that she couldn't taste such a sweet fruit again after this.

For Viktor, 100 years was just like a day's worth of sleep to him, but he knew how important it was for a human-like Taya.

And to both Umilia and Viktor's surprise, they saw Taya's already beautiful smooth skin gaining a subtle glow while shedding any signs of aging, making her skin seem tighter and unblemished. It was like her body was aging backward while retaining all her beauty and mature figure.

Her beautiful red lips looked even more kiss-worthy, while her silky hair appeared even shinier. Now without any doubt, anybody would mistake her for a young college girl instead of an almost 40-year-old woman.

Viktor was sure Taya must be thrilled to see how her beauty went to the next level. He then looked at Umilia and,

"I have a gift for you too, my sweet Umi," Viktor said as he handed over a small silver box to her, making Umilia wonder how he was pulling things out of thin air.

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