The Bored Immortal

Chapter 519 Where Did He Come From?

519 Where Did He Come From?

Hawk Demoness' eyes widened as she saw this heavy hammer shooting toward her like a comet despite being so heavy.

She managed to maneuver herself skillfully in the nick of time and successfully avoided getting directly hit.

But before she could smile, her expression froze when the heavy hammer suddenly took a U-turn in mid-air and shot toward her.

"Fuck this!" Hawk Demoness threw Blight towards the ground as she raised her huge mace and struck Aelita's hammer with a force strong enough to make the space around her tremble while the shockwaves blasted the trees around her.

The impact of the collision did send the heavy hammer crashing down, but Hawk Demoness was pushed back in the air by a few meters.

But right before she could regain her control in the air, Aelita jumped into the air and grabbed her wings together, "You are not going anywhere near our temple!"

"Foolish human! Let go!" Hawk Demoness began to lose her balance as Aelita made it impossible for her to use her wings to stay in the air.

Both began to fall through the air while Hawk Demoness tried to elbow Aelita's face. But she was dodging her blows while holding on to her wings and didn't seem that perturbed about crashing to the ground.

But right before both were about to crash on the ground, Aelita twisted Hawk Demoness' body around to make her crash to the ground first and use her as a cushion.

"You!" Hawk Demoness was infuriated, but she didn't have enough time to react and could only brace herself using her arms.


The earth cracked as she crashed with Aelita on top of her, who quickly jumped off right after.

"What a shame. The demoness with wings falling to the ground because of a human, haha," Blight laughed sarcastically as he revealed himself. He then looked at Aelita and licked his lips, "I shall take it from here. Come on, sweetie. Entertain this daddy," Blight said as he unsheathed his icy blue blade and licked it.

"I will turn your tongue into a paste first," Aelita said with a cold glare as she wielded the Void Hammer.

"Haha, with that infamous Void Hammer? I have heard stories about it, especially it being forged by the Nameless Knight himself as a gift to your people. But you are just a little girl who will never unleash its true strength," Blight laughed as he lunged at her with his longsword.

Aelita pulled up her heavy hammer to defend against his attack.


Dark blue and dark purple light flared in the air as the two weapons clashed together.

"You naive girl. This uncle is going to enjoy this," Blight laughed with a devious smile as the ice began to move out from under his feet and toward Aelita's feet. He was planning to have her feet trapped and easily incapacitate her. He didn't want to kill her right away and deprive himself of some fun.

But Aelita's expression remained firm, and just as Blight was about to mock her for falling for his trap so easily, his smile froze when he saw that his icy odic energy was staying away from her feet as if it was afraid of touching her.

"This…This…" Blight was at a loss for words as this was the first time he was witnessing something so strange.

"Ignorant fool!" Aelita coldly scoffed as she pushed him backward with her heavy hammer, making him stumble back by a foot.

"You idiot! Have you ever fought a Void user before? Your odic attacks are useless, but not unless you let her tire first. Void users can never fight for too long. Keep her occupied while I get the Void Ring," Hawk Demoness shouted at Blight before taking to the skies.

"No!" Aelita cried out as she tried to jump toward Hawk Demoness to stop her since, no matter what, she couldn't let her get to the temple.

"This daddy isn't done!" Blight shouted with a dark expression since he was made a fool of by her and even looked down upon by Hawk Demoness. He pointed his sword at the large tree in front of Aelita as a blast of dark blue ice struck the tree, making it fall right over Aelita, who was in mid-air.

"Ungh!" Aelita grimaced as it was not simply the weight of the huge tree falling over her that hurt her but the powerful force by which the tree was blasted toward her.

"Haha, just because I can't hurt you directly using my power doesn't mean I can't hurt you by using the things around you," Blight said, feeling proud of himself for his quick thinking while stepping on the tree to keep Aelita trapped under. Now that Hawk Demoness bitch can't act so arrogant around him.

Aelita gritted her teeth as Blight was putting pressure on her body by stepping on the trunk of the tree above her.

But what made her most anxious was seeing Hawk Demoness flying towards the mountain, realizing that she wouldn't be able to stop her in time now that she had gotten away.

"Now, shall we play a game, sweetie?" Blight asked as he licked his blade but suddenly frowned when a beam of bright white light struck where he was standing.

"Argh!" Blight was sent flying for dozens of meters before crashing on the ground.

"Don't worry about her. I got this," A man's confident voice echoed beside Aelita as she turned her neck around to see a strikingly tall, handsome man.

Aelita pushed away the tree that was lying on top of her as she mumbled in surprise, "V-Viktor?" Aelita was surprised to see him, but before she could say anything, Viktor pulled her up, "Are you alright?" He asked though he was surprised that she only suffered bruises despite getting struck down by such a large tree and almost getting crushed by Blight.

"Y-Yes…" She mumbled as she saw his crimson eyes looking at her, unable to believe that he was a vampire all along. This was unlike her expectations. How could this be possible?

"Who dares to attack me?!" Blight got up with a roar, feeling pissed off that he got attacked from behind. But he narrowed his eyes upon seeing a vampire talking to Aelita.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here? Go back and do your job!" Blight asked with an annoyed look upon seeing that his plan was foiled by some random vampire whom he thought belonged to the group of 100 vampires he had brought along.

But upon seeing his eyes and feeling the nature of the odic aura coming from his body, Blight realized this was no pseudo-vampire. This was a true vampire! But who was he, and where did he come from?

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