The Bored Immortal

Chapter 7: Land Of Eternal Peace

"Aaargh!" Brad immediately lost the strength in his legs and fell down, his legs limp.

"What is the meaning of this!!" Dina raged as she rushed towards Brad to check his leg. Not only her, but even Brad was also confused, shocked, and angry after realizing that Rick shot him.

Brad looked at Rick with an inflamed expression and asked, "Rick...what the fuck!"

Rick's lips curved into an evil smile as he said, "Oh my poor Brad. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this. Dina, move away from him unless you want me to shoot him in the head."

Dina, who still was trying to suppress Rick's bleeding, was shocked to hear Rick's words.

She wrinkled her nose and said, "No fucking way! Rick, you better put that gun down or else—


Another gunshot echoed, and Dina closed her eyes shut, feeling frightened, and quickly opened her eyes to check on Brad with a worried expression, wondering if Rick shot him again.

But she saw that Brad wasn't shot at again, and the bullet Rick had shot had hit the ground next to Brad.

"That was just a warning! Now be a good girl and come to me unless you want a bullet between his brows," Rick said in a severe tone.


"What do you want with her?" Brad asked in an apprehensive voice.

Rick grinned, "Oh...I just want to fuck her in front of you. That's all."

Dina's eyes became wide, not expecting Rick to be so depraved and bold in such a situation while Brad's eyes became bloodshot hearing him.

Rick continued as he waved his revolver, "You know, I have been waiting to bang her for years, but heck, you stole her first. Nevermind. Now no one else is here, and I can take my own sweet time fucking your girl and stealing all the treasures from here, especially the coffin that dead freak was sleeping in, hahaha. Heck, I will take his corpse as well, and some scientists can go crazy over him, doing their experiments while I get paid in millions, hahaha."

"You can go to hell, you lowly bastard! Ptoo!" Dina fumed and spat at Rick.

Rick's grin froze when some of Dina's spit landed on his face. He wiped it off and looked at Dina with a derisive look.

"Come here, you bitch!" Rick grabbed Dina's hair and pulled her towards him. Brad tried his best to get up and charge at Rick.

"Hey! Stay down! Or else I will blow her brains out!" Rick threatened as he pointed at Dina's head, making Brad retreat and sit down with clenched fists.

"And you, better fucking listen to me unless you want his brains blown out!" Rick threatened her as well, because of which Dina started weeping, feeling shame, despair, and anger she couldn't take out.

Rick forced Dina to crouch, facing his crotch. He curled his lips and said, "Now you know what to do."

Rick's crazed expression didn't relax one bit. After going through a near-death experience, he stopped suppressing the craziness and inner desires he had always dreamed of acting upon.

He felt that this was the most opportune time to take advantage of his dream woman in front of her man. He had always had a crush on her right from the moment he saw her, but Brad stole her away before he could lay his hands on her.

From then on, his bitterness and anger towards Brad had only increased as time passed.

"Don't do it, Dina! He won't let us go anyway!" Brad said with gritted teeth, his anger seething.

Rick turned a deaf ear to Brad's protests and looked at Dina's beautiful countenance as he unzipped his zipper, "You know what to do. You got ten seconds to suck my little Ricky down there. Otherwise, a hole is gonna appear on your husband's head, hehe."

Dina wrinkled her nose with disgust, her eyes glaring at Rick like a pair of sharp daggers.

She bit her lips, feeling despair and helplessness. Even if Brad told her not to listen to Rick, she couldn't risk her husband's life due to how much she loved him. But at the same time, following Rick's orders would mean she would be betraying and causing heartbreak to her husband.

She finally decided to listen to her husband and said with a death glare, "I won't! Go ahead and kill us!"

She knew even if she did what Rick said to do. He wasn't going to spare her or Brad, especially when he was planning to take all the loot here.

Rick frowned, not expecting Dina to be so unyielding. He decided to shoot Brad again to motivate her. But his eyes showed a confused light when he saw Dina and Brad gaping at him as if they saw something unbelievable.

"What the fuck you two looking at? Is there something on my face?" Rick asked with a sneer as he aimed the revolver at Brad, who still had a stupefied expression.

Rick suddenly felt as if something was not alright and had a feeling that someone was breathing behind him.

He then felt someone tapping his shoulder, which startled him.

He quickly turned his neck around to see the face of the mysterious man he had just killed looking at him with a disdainful look.

The man also had a smirk on his face as if he was looking at a dead person.

The man's head no longer had a burst skull or bleeding anywhere. He looked completely normal, just like a healthy person without even a scratch.

Brad and Dina were shocked to see someone who had just died, getting up again, alive and well.

Also, they noticed his human-like expression, which was absent before when he only had a stone-cold feral expression.

Rick's eyes were wide as a pan as he mouthed in horror, "Y-You motherfucker!" He quickly raised his revolver to fire at the man's head again, but the man effortlessly caught Rick's wrist.

The man finally opened his mouth to speak, "No matter the times, humans are inherently the same, I guess. I wonder how long I slept this time...seems like a lot considering the strange toy in your hand. Still, how did you guys find this place, hmm."

The other three were surprised to hear him speak, but they didn't understand what he said at all.

The man noticed their confused yet surprised expressions and mumbled, "Oh, you guys don't understand me, huh. I guess I have to learn a new language, fiuhh. Hope it's interesting at least."

Rick was feeling more terrified by the minute, especially after the man started speaking, thinking that he was uttering his death sentence. But he was unable to move his hand at all. It was as if his wrist was clasped by an iron hand.


He then stopped struggling as his face turned ashen from fear. His lips and chin trembled as he struggled to put up a shaky smile," P-Please let me go. I-I am sorry for shooting you..."

Rick knew that the man before him was a monster beyond his imagination, and the last thing he wanted was to get his neck torn apart.

His mind could barely process the fact that the man he killed came back to life.

"Oh, sorry to keep you waiting. Let me send you off to the land of eternal peace," The man said with a smiling face.

Rick didn't understand what the man said, but suddenly he coughed out a mouthful of blood. When he looked down, he was horrified to see his chest was torn open, and his heart was in the man's palm.

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