The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 203: Autistic brother with baby daily (40)

   Chapter 203 Autistic Brother's Daily Life (40)

   Yun Chu touched the sword at his waist, thinking about how to get out of the crowd.

   She suddenly remembered that not long ago, after the system was updated, she sent an upgrade package.

  The reward is also random, Yun Chu is about to open it and take a look.

  Suddenly remembered my unfortunate luck, and there was no hope for a moment.

   lowered his head and opened the gift bag. Inside was a black egg.

   reached out and touched it, and the system gave a prompt.

  【Crow Egg: After hatching, it can be domesticated into a mount】

  Yunchu:  …

   Sure enough, it was not so reliable, Yun Chu abruptly stuffed the egg back and put it in the backpack.

   She weighed the sword in her hand. This game has the function of flying with the sword.

   It’s just that Yun Chu hasn’t tried it, and it may be a little rusty for the first time.

  Yun Chu threw his sword on the ground, and with a bang, a crisp sound came out.

   raised his foot and stood on the sword, Yun Chu looked down.

   When taking over the company, the secretary handed her a detailed gameplay and manual.

   is marked with various copy locations, trigger conditions and other information.

The acquisition and use of    skills are also listed in detail above.

   It's just that the amount of information is too large, and Yun Chu didn't remember the page about Yujian's flight for a while.

   I still vaguely remember something, Yun Chu tried it according to his ambiguous memory.

   Finally, Jian Kankan flew up and flew above the crowd.

  Yunchu is a novice on the road, and the flight is not stable.

   She suddenly flew up, and the people around her raised their heads in unison.

   eyes widened in surprise.

  The residents of the city are living in the copy, and they are all ordinary human beings.

   The first time I saw someone who could fly, I couldn't help feeling full of freshness.

   Especially the woman in purple who just talked to Yun Chu.

   She was stunned, her round eyes widened.

   Even... can fly?

   After being stunned, she realized that she waved to Yun Chu, her eyes lit up.

   "Girl, take me with you!"

   Yun Chu didn't hear it, and flew away with his sword.

  The girl in purple covered her chest in pain.


  If she had known earlier, this out-of-town girl could fly...

   Maybe she still has a chance to grab a hydrangea.

the other side.

   Yun Chufei gradually stabilized.

   Overlooking the bottom from above, there are many people underneath.

The brightly lit place in front of    should be the River God House.

   Yunchu flew towards the bright light with his sword.

   The closer you are to the River God Palace, the more people around you.

   was almost full of people, and there was no gap between people.

  Yun Chu looked around, but there was no place to stay.

   She settled in the air and looked at the attic surrounded by people.

   On the second floor, there are lights and a circle of red lanterns.

   At present, the hydrangea has not started to be thrown.

  Yunchu controlled the sword and flew lower.

   When you look up again, you can clearly see the scene in the attic.

   A row of guards stood on the second floor, and in the center of the guards sat a man in a red wedding dress.

  He lowered his head and sat in a wheelchair.

   holds a delicate red hydrangea in his hand.

   Yun Chu couldn't see the man's face clearly, but he was certain that he was the son of the River God who threw the hydrangea and married tonight.

   Yun Chu did not intend to participate in the process of throwing the hydrangea. He raised his head and glanced at the majestic and cold River God Mansion behind the attic. Yun Chu planned to mix in and explore the situation.

   said, he manipulated his sword, bypassed the crowd and the attic, and flew to the River God Palace.

  The guards are mostly gathered near the attic to prevent people from breaking in.

   This directly led to the weakness of the guards in the house, and Yun Chu didn't have much effort to get in.

   (end of this chapter)

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