The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 319: She is school grass (51)

   Chapter 319 She is a school grass (51)

  The school attaches great importance to this matter. The principal named and praised the teacher of the physics group and the head teacher of the two classes at the meeting.

   Taking advantage of the heat, the school also seized the opportunity to publicize it.

  The teacher also contacted two students. Because of their situation, they should have received an invitation from the college. The school wants to confirm with the two students.

   Learned that both colleges and universities had sent out invitations to send a recommendation, and the first high school was overjoyed, and the big red letter of the good news began to roll on the big screen of the school.

  The hot search hung for two days before being suppressed by other content.

   During this period, in addition to receiving olive branches from various colleges and universities, Yun Chu and Yin Chen were also favored by many film and television companies and sent them debut invitations.

  The little girls on Weibo shouted and asked my brother to make his debut.

   This is very hot, and it has been keenly captured by the capitalists.

   Yunchu refused, she just wanted to have a serious relationship with Xiaoxiaomo.

  Yin Chen also refused. He has to study hard and change his destiny with knowledge.

   Yin Chen's parents passed away early, leaving only his elderly grandmother at home.

   In addition to working odd jobs to earn tuition fees, he also earns enough living expenses to take care of his grandma.

  Yun Chu once suggested that she would solve the money issue, not enough for her.

  Because of this, Yun Chu was kissed by Yin Chen for a long time, and he was also educated in a positive way.

——"In the beginning, I don't want to eat soft rice, and I don't want to depend on you for everything. I want to rely on my own efforts to make grandma live a happy life. It also makes you feel safe enough with me. Make you feel that I am It's someone worthy of trust. It also makes my father-in-law and mother-in-law feel that I can take good care of their daughter."

  What can Yunchu say? I can only watch a certain down-and-out teenager work hard to earn tuition fees.

  After the college entrance examination, Yin Chen was as busy as a spinning top.

  Yunchu could only watch and couldn't help anything.

   does not interfere, which is also respect for him.


   Qingtong Street.

  Yunchu has lived in S City for a long time, and this is the first time he discovered that there is such a residential area with a strong quaint atmosphere.

  The buildings here are very old, probably built in the 90s or even older.

   Black tiles and white walls, many of which have fallen off, revealing mottled cement.

  The houses on this street seem to be separated from this bizarre city, and are beautiful alone in the corner of the times.

   This is where Yin Chen lived since he was a child.

  Yunchu was walking on the bluestone-paved path with a basket of fruits.

  The environment here is extremely quiet, there are no crowds, and there is no busy traffic.

   She checked the address repeatedly, and finally stopped in front of an old house.

  The vermilion-painted wooden door was locked with a latch, and through the gap, you could see the wide courtyard inside.

   Yun Chu raised his hand and knocked on the door.

   "Come on." A kind and old voice came from inside, followed by slightly heavy footsteps, "Is Xiaochen back?"

  The girl was dressed in a well-behaved and dignified dress, and she wore a wig.

   At this moment, she was a little nervous.


   The door opened.

   The white-haired old man leaning on a cane stared intently at the strange guest.

   "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

   The girl's expression was cold, and the emotions in her black and white eyes were not obvious.

   She pulled out a serious smile, very beautiful, against the blue sky and white clouds, black tiles and white walls.

   "Grandma, I'm looking for you."

   She held the fruit basket in her hand, and her cold eyes gradually warmed.

  The old man was stunned for a while, then showed a friendly smile: "Are you looking for me? Then...then come and sit first."

   Yun Chu entered the courtyard under the guidance of the old man.

   (end of this chapter)

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