The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 511: He has a dual personality (12)

   Chapter 511 He has a dual personality (12)

   Stair entrance on the second floor.

  The actor glanced at Yun Chu again: "Girl, you don't have to come and take risks."

  Yun Chu shook his head and said nothing.

  The actor sighed, she never thought about pulling someone to die with her.

   But this girl doesn't have enough oil and salt, and her temperament looks cold, and it's hard to speak.

  The actor no longer persuades him.

   They had reached the third floor at this time.

  The master's room, the door is gilded gold, refracting a faint tiny arc of light.

  The actor stepped forward and blocked the girl behind him.

   She lowered her heart and reached out and knocked on the door three times.

Every sound of    is like a drum beat in the heart. At this time, even those who are determined to die, their heartbeats will accelerate for no reason.

   There was still no movement inside the door, and the actor broke the silence first.

   "Girl, if you are afraid, take advantage of the moment and run back quickly."

   Yun Chu paused, stretched out his hand, and held the woman's wrist.

   At that moment, the woman was slightly stunned, but a faint sense of security flooded her heart.

   Actually, she was very grateful that the little girl could accompany her.

   Really facing death, no one is not afraid, not afraid.

   But there is one person to accompany, but there is more peace of mind.


   There was a faint sound of footsteps inside the door, very light.

  The small sound is amplified in the eardrum, and the heartbeat is also accelerating.


   The door opened.

   There are no scary monsters or strange villains inside the gate.

   A young man stood behind him.

  The youth was wearing a black sweater and dark trousers.

  Under the jet-black broken hair, there are a pair of clear and clean eyes.

   He is tall, tall and handsome.

   When you don't speak, you will feel inexplicably good.

  The actor was stunned, and Yun Chu was also stunned.

   Unexpectedly, behind the gate of death is such a lovely and beautiful young man.

the other side.

   Yun Chu didn't know how to describe his mood.

   Castle Master = Beware of the devil.

   Plane Quest = Survive under the hands of the careful devil.

   She drooped her eyelids and didn't look in front of her in order to see the outrageous young man.

   The youth did not speak, nor did he move.

After the    actor was surprised, he calmed down and took the initiative to talk: "Hello, we are guests at the castle."

   The young man blinked his long eyelashes, and his voice was like a spring: "Hello."

   His gaze was on the girl behind the actor.

  The actor didn't pay attention to these details, and was still thinking about what to do next.

   After a pause, the actor said in a panic, "Will we come here rashly, will it bother you?"

   The young man paused for a moment, his dark pupils shone with fine light, indifferent and elegant.


   He took a slight step back and raised his eyes, "Please come in."

  The actor beat drums in his heart.

   The script she knew was not written like this.

   Doctor No. 2 just knocked on the door when a shrill scream came.

  But now, it is a completely different plot development.

  The actor was still hesitating, and the little girl behind him had already stepped into the room.

   So she had to follow.


  The door closed.


   Painter: "Why is there no movement at all?"

  The writer stared: "Just now, there was a voice of dialogue."

   The president has only one question: "What's the situation now, is this game over?"

   "Not clear."

   The president tried to draw cards, but there was no twitch.

   If it is not your turn, guests cannot draw cards without authorization.

   So that means, the big adventure continues.

   The anchor's expression changed slightly.

   This is not as expected, the situation has changed.


  The third floor, the master room.

   Yun Chu and the actor were invited to sit on the sofa in the living room.

  The room is warm, with wall lamps lit, and a beautiful crystal lamp hanging in the center.

  The main color is warm color, which is very warm and easy to relieve inner tension.

   In the beginning of this book, I really wanted to write about cookie love, but later, it became the current Yazi QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

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