The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 545: He has a dual personality (46)

   Chapter 545 He has a dual personality (46)

  From the moment the writer stepped onto the stage, everyone was wondering what he would perform.

   But from beginning to end, the writer did not say a word.

  On the stage, the writer knew what he knew, his expression was at ease, and he was not in a hurry.

   He does not plan to announce the content of his performance before the performance.

   Painter No. 1 told everyone what to perform next before performing.

   This link is not written in the rules of the game, but No. 1 did it.

   So, he had an accompaniment as the background music, and the stage changes followed.

   Next, since No. 1 first announced the content of his performance before the performance, the guests who were going to perform next subconsciously imitated No. 1's behavior pattern.

   Next, No. 2, No. 3...

   Informing the performance in advance, starting the accompaniment, and starting the performance has become a fixed template for the guests to perform on stage.

The person behind    unconsciously follows the performance pattern of the previous person.

   Writers call this the first-person effect.

   This effect directly led to the following people, copying, imitating, and taking it for granted.

   But the system never said that the curtain should be announced before the performance.

   did not say, the system will automatically provide background music.

   So the writer speculates that the background music is the reason for triggering the stage barrier, and of course, the culprit is the early announcement of the original performer.

  The writer thought, if there is no announcement before the performance, will the system know what background music to match?

  Unless the system can read the inner thoughts of each guest, the answer must be no.

   Writers are also betting that there will be no stage obstacles if the bet is not reported.

   is like a game dungeon. If certain conditions are not met, the player cannot enter, and the dungeon can only be opened if certain conditions are met.

   This is the same thing.

   The guests under the stage did not wait until the writer said the content of the performance.

   After a minute of silence.

   The writer opened his lips and sang indifferently and calmly:

   "I found a penny on the side of the road."

   "Give it to the police uncle."

   "Uncle took the money and nodded to me."

   "I said happily, goodbye uncle."

   After the song was over, the writer bent the corner of his lower lip and said lightly: "After singing, thank you for your support."

  The other guests were dumbfounded and looked at the writer on the stage with wide eyes.

   Before they could react, they only heard the man on the stage sing a popular and specialized children's song, and then it was over.


   The point is, the stage didn't respond at all, as if it had a malfunction and was being repaired.

   Everyone looked weird.

   A question mark slowly appeared in my mind.


   The president squinted: "Didn't you realize that he doesn't have background music?"

  Painter's head crashed, "Is it because of a system failure?"

   After the words were finished, the president rolled his eyes at the painter.

   Doctor No. 2 said: "If we had to find something different, it would probably be that No. 7 didn't tell us what program he was going to perform before the performance."

   "No, to be precise, he didn't tell the system that he was going to perform." The actor added.

  No. 4 anchor Daigo gave initiation, "So, the problem is that we called the curtain before the performance, so that the system knew what we were going to perform, so it set up corresponding obstacles and prepared the background music in advance."

   At this time, everyone looked at Painter No. 1 in unison.

  The painter was stared at for no apparent reason, and some of his scalp was numb.

   "Why are you staring at me?"

President    said faintly: "If you weren't the first to take the lead, the people behind would not follow suit."

   The painter was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he sorted out the cause and effect.

   He was immediately dissatisfied, "Is it my fault? I didn't force you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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