The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 595: The top brother is a little mermaid (23)

   Chapter 595 The top brother is a little mermaid (23)

   Across a railing, the boy and the people in the living room looked at each other.

   For a while, he was a little stunned and stopped in place.

   The boy who was not in the state blinked his eyes.

   The next moment, he calmed down and walked downstairs warmly.

  Tang Xue's heart: what, what, what? ! Live together! Sister Bai and brother Jiang Shi live together? ? ? ? OMG!

   Pei Yuan's expression also became a little weird.

   As for Yun Chu, who was planning to eat melon the whole time, his body froze suddenly.

  When ginger, watch out for demons?

   Yun Chu's indifferent eyes flashed a doubt, but he quickly calmed down and his face was expressionless.

   Bai Shuyao looked back at the reaction of the others.

   Jiang Shi avoided his eyes, and warmly lowered his sense of existence.

   His eyes didn't seem to wake up, and the mist was foggy.

   The pajamas on his body are painted with cartoon patterns, and the feet are fluffy cotton slippers.

  The boy is tall and has a beautiful collarbone.

   Confused milk all over his body.

  Tang Xue was shocked by the relationship between Bai Shuyao and Jiang Shi, while being fascinated by beauty.

   Yun Chu also looked at Jiang Shi.

   After the boy entered the kitchen, he stopped for a second at the door.

   Then, he turned his head, and his misty dark eyes met Yun Chu's gaze.

   watched it intently for half a minute before turning around and entering the kitchen.

  Bai Shuyao coughed and smiled: "Let me introduce myself formally. Bai Shuyao, Star Entertainment's manager, and Jiang Shi's mother."

   The last message is indeed a powerful dose.

   Everyone was stunned for a few seconds before returning to their senses.

   Bai Shuyao is Jiang Shi's mother?

   Yun Chu raised his eyes and looked over.

  Bai Shuyao has a generous personality, looks very young and very beautiful.

   Looking closely, the eyebrows are indeed somewhat similar to Jiang Shi.

   Pei Yuan regained his senses and said, "Mrs. Bai, I was disrespectful just now."

   The woman's beautiful eyes smiled with a smile: "Small thing. I really haven't announced the fact that Jiang Shi is my son. It's also for Jiang Shi's sake."

   Pei Yuan nodded: "Don't worry, Madam Bai, we will keep this matter a secret for you."

   Bai Shuyao just smiled and didn't care too much about it.

   After a while, Jiang Shi came out of the kitchen.

  The boy was holding a cup of hot milk, and when he passed the living room, he glanced at him lightly.

   The movements are warm and slow, and go upstairs slowly.

   However, he was stopped by Bai Shuyao: "You're young, come down and sit down for a while."

   Jiang Shi's movements stopped, he blinked, and turned his head slowly.

   The young man gave a faint "Oh", very well behaved, and walked downstairs slowly.

   Jiang Shi was pulled by Bai Shuyao and sat down.

   This position is exactly opposite to Yunchu.

  The boy raised his eyes, his pupils were pitch black, and quietly looked at the girl opposite.

   Bai Shuyao said in her ear, "These two little girls are your fans."

   Ginger meal.

   "Oh" sounded.

   Tang Xue was so excited.

   All eyes are full of Jiang Shi's younger brother.

  Brother is too milky, too good!

   With so many strangers, my brother must be shy!

   Ah, I feel sorry for my brother.

   I really want to touch my head.

   The younger brother looks a little restrained, but he is still so good!

   Moreover, he even went downstairs to drink milk, which is so cute!

   Tang Xue's mind was completely swept away by such a barrage.

   When Yun Chu looked at Jiang, the mosaic face in the game before finally had specific facial features.

   Yun Chu's eyelids moved and his eyes drooped.

   It can only be said that the original owner's evaluation of Jiang Shi was accurate.

   is really milky and looks like he can be easily bullied.

   And, only 19 years old.

   On the other hand, Yun Chu is already a 24-year-old aunt.

   No wonder it's a mother's fan and not a girlfriend's fan.

   When Yun Chu looked at Jiang, um, he didn't have the heart to start.

   (end of this chapter)

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