The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 609: The top brother is a little mermaid (37)

   Chapter 609 The top brother is a little mermaid (37)

   Not long after, he died every day, and the blood tank bottomed out.

  The body gradually becomes transparent and finally disappears completely.

  Yun Chu was holding the egg in his arms, somewhat inexplicable.

   She just wanted to have a fight, she didn't want to... uh, robbery.

  Afterwards, Yun Chu opened the leaderboard.

  Sunrise in the Clouds, seventh place.

   Yun Chu glanced at the list, and unexpectedly found that it was a familiar person.

  Pond fish.

   This person seems to know Jiang Shi.

and many more.

   Yun Chu thought of something, and his expression changed.

  Pond fish? Jiang Shi's uncle?

   Yun Chu walked to the post station while thinking, and made a decision to return to Shili Town.

   The familiar town came into view, and Yun Chu had no mind to hang out.

   When looking for Jiang.

ten minutes later.

   Yun Chu found the person he was looking for where he found the carp spirit before.

   Jiang Shi was dressed in a jet-black robe and wore a jade crown.

   Inky long hair shawl, plain white fingers holding a watering can for watering flowers.

   Water the little saplings on the shore little by little.

The    fish pond seems to have been transformed into a hot spring, with a familiar figure soaking in it.

   Yun Chu just walked a few steps when he saw a faint light blue tail in the lake.

  Yunchu: ?

  Yunchu stared at the tail of the hot spring underwater a few more times.

   A little dazed.

   Immediately afterwards, a very light shadow fell in front of his eyes.

   Jiang Shi came over at some point and stood in front of her.

  The mosaic on the boy's face was removed, revealing snow-white skin, jet-black eyes, and blood-colored lips.

   He lowered his eyes slightly, his thin red lips pursed.

   "Why does he have a tail?"

   Yun Chuzai asked very seriously.

  Is it available in the mall?

  Jiang Shi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Yun Chu would ask such a question.

  The boy said in a very nice voice: "Rare clothing."

   "Oh." Yun Chu nodded.

   At this time, Jiang Ran had come out of the hot spring.

   Changed into a mermaid outfit, Jiang Ran walked over with his head poked out, dressed in elegant white clothes.

   "Who is here?"

   Seeing Yun Chu who was behind Jiang Shihu, Jiang Ran recalled the not so wonderful memories of that day.

  It's not a coincidence that the little girl is still a fan of Jiang Hou.

   It's just a matter of yin and yang.

   Yun Chu looked at Jiang Ran: "I'm looking for you."

   The words fall.

   Jiang Shi was startled.

  Jiang Ran also blinked in confusion: "Looking for me?"

Beside   , the black-haired and black-eyed youth lowered his eyes, his pupils covered with an inexplicable emotion.

  Yun Chu took out his shovel: "Fight."

   "Uh..." Jiang Ran suspected that he had heard it wrong, "You, want to PK with me?"

  Yun Chu moved his finger: "Hmm."

   When Jiang Ran looked at Jiang, in the next second, he said with a smile: "This is not what I want to bully your little cutie, she came to the door herself."

   Jiang Shi froze slightly, turned his head sideways, and his earlobes were reddish.

  Yunchu: ? ?

   What is the name of the little cutie?

  Jiang Ran: "Hee hee, come on, little cutie~"

  Yunchu: "..."

  Jiang Ran's ill-fated appearance sometimes really **** hatred.


   "Fuck you, little cutie, are you serious?"

   "Hey, it hurts, it really hurts, it hurts!"

   "Ah, my blood tank is almost gone!"

   As the last drop of Jiang Ran's blood fell out, the young man looked at Yun Chu in disbelief.

   This is PK?

  No, it's obviously unilateral abuse! kill!

   Jiang Ran went offline in tears.

   Yunchu took back the shovel and glanced at the refreshed leaderboard.

   After confirming that he was the first, Yun Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

   The boy blinked, his inexplicably low mood just now swept away.

   As soon as Yun Chu turned around, he met Jiang Xiao's gaze.

  Thinking of something, Yun Chu took out the red egg from his backpack.

  Xiaoxiao Mo likes farming, should he also like raising cubs?

   Yun Chu didn't even think about it, and gave the divine beast egg to Jiang Shi.

   (end of this chapter)

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